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Full text of "New York City during the American Revolution : being a collection of original papers (now first published) from the manuscripts in the possession of the Mercantile Library Association, of New York City"

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Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 



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(now first published) 
from the manuscripts in the possession of 






Appointed by the Board of Direction of the Mercantile Library 



For i86i-6z. 

For 1860-61. 







Entered according to Aft of Congrefs, in the year 1861, by Charles F. Allen, Prefi- 
dent, for the Mercantile Library Affociation of the City of New York, in the Clerk's 
Office of the Diftrift Court of the United States for the Southern Diftrift of New York. 



The accompanying work, which bears for its title "New 
York City during the American Revolution," may be con- 
fidered in fome degree as a free-will offering on the part 
of the Mercantile Library Affociation to thofe of our 
Members, and Citizens who, by their contributions, have 
fecured to the Library the poffeffion of thofe Hiflorical 
Manufcripts and Documents known as the Tamlinfon Col- 
lection. [■■ .' " 

It was confidered fitting, that thofe whofe liberality had 
beerrthus difplayed toward us, fliould themfelves be made 
partakers of the benefits they had conferred, and no more 
appropriate way prefented itfelf to thofe who had the 
matter in charge than publiilling a few of the documents 
themfelves and putting them in a convenient form for pref- 


For this purpofe, fuch of the papers have been feleded 
as pertained almoft exclufively to the city of New York, 
and by means of them, a feries of panoramic views are 
given of the city, from the Stamp Aft Riot in 1765, to 
the Evacuation by the Britifli in 1783. 

During the former part of this time — until September, 
1776 — the city was the fcene of no ordinary excitement. 
Patriots and loyalifts dwelt here together, but the lines 
which diftingUillaed them were faft being drawn. The 
Britifli foldiers and the Sons of Liberty were mutually 
exafperating eauh other, and their feelings could not be 
wholly kept in check. It was not then, indeed, that the 
ftruggle againft foreign ufurpation firft commenced in this 
city. It had been going on for well nigh a century. But 
it was now taking that determined form which was to 
lead to victory and independence. 

During the laft feven years of the above period, the 
city was in the occupancy of the Britifli army. The 
glimpfe that we get of it, at this time, imperfeft though 
it be, has a peculiar intereft. Would that fome truthful 
record of all that tranfpired here during thefe eventful 
years might be found and given to the public. 


There remains now but to thank thofe who have 
contributed in any manner to the intereft of the volume. 
To Mr. Henry B. Dawfbn, the Hiftorian, is elpecial credit 
due for the valuable Introduftory Chapter, which embodies 
a defcription of the moft important localities of New 
York city and ifland at the time the volume com- 
mences ; and to the fame gentleman is the reader in- 
debted for, with few exceptions, the hiftorical notes 
which accompany the feveral papers. 

Interefting biographical iketches have been contributed 
by John L. Curtenius, Efq., of Buffalo, S. S. Purple, 
M. D., of New York, and Henry T. Drowne, Efq., 
alfo of this city. To Mr. Drowne we are further in- 
debted for copies of feveral interefting letters written 
from the city by his grandfather, Dr. Solomon Drowne, 
of Rhode Ifland, contributed with the mod: unaffeded 
modefty and generofity. 

To D. T. Valentine, Efq., the invaluable clerk of our 
Common Council, we are under obligations for the ufe 
of the map engraved for one of the annual ifTues of 
his "Manual." 

The hiftorical ftudent will appreciate the fidelity with 


which the original Documents have been followed by 
the Printer, as regards the fpelling, punduation, and 
even the manifeft errors, which are retained; while the 
general reader will catch the Ipirit of the times all 
the more faithfully from the very want of artificial 
elegance, which thefe unpretending letters and narratives 

Mercantile Library, Clintok Hall, 
June 20, 1861. 

Note. — The " Tomlinfon Colleftion," from which the materials for this 
volume have been drawn, confifts of feveral hundred hiftorical papers relat- 
ing chiefly to the American Revolution and events immediately connefted 
with it. Thefe documents, comprifing public and private correlpondence, 
army rolls, orderly books, and other matter of like nature, with appropriate 
illuftrations, have been brought together, during feveral years of refearch, by 
Mr. Abraham Tomlinfon of this city, with the defign of having them ulti- 
mately placed in fome public inftitution. 

The whole coUedtion was offered to the Mercantile Library Aflbciation on 
fuch terms that it was thought defirable to fecure it for the infpeftion and 
perufal of its members ; and this refult has been accomplilhed through the 
liberality of friends of the Aflbciation. It is propofed, when opportunity 
favors, to have the mofl; interefting portions of the colleftion arranged in fuch 
a manner as that they can be eaflly feen and ftudied. 



New York City in 1 767 : Its Buildings, Churches, Taverns, 
Markets, Dwellings, Suburban Refidences, with the Names 
of many of the prominent Merchants and Firms of that 
Day, ....... 9-40 

A Letter written on the Day following, November 2, 1765, 41-49 

NEW YORK IN 1770. 
The "Sons of Liberty," ..... 50-52 

Seizure of Arms from the Britilh Troops ordered to Bofton 

immediately after the Battle of Lexington, . . 53-^5 

Letters from Peter T. Curtenius, John Varick, Jr., and Solo- 
mon Drowne, M. D., . . . . . 66-81 

Extrafts from Letters written from that City during the Years 

1775 and 1776. ..... 82-107 




A Letter written by General George Clinton, . . 108-116 

Addrefles to Lord and General Howe, and to Sir William 

Tryon — with the Names of nearly One Thoufand Signers, 117-140 

Letters from Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, from New York City, 

in 1783, ....... 141-147 

Account of the Occupation of New York City, by the Brit- 

ilh, from 1776 to 1783, .... 148-176 

Rcafons for not Attacking Walhington while encamped near 

King's Bridge, in July and Auguft, 1781, . . 177-184 


It is, at all times, an interefting employment to turn over the annals of 
any community, or to liften to the fimple narrative of events in " the olden 
time," as it falls from the lips of fome aged inhabitant ; and in proportion 
as that community may have participated in the ftirring events of bygone 
years, will that employment be produdtive of pleafure and inftruflion. 

This general conclufion — at all times true — is peculiarly ib when the 
annals of the city and county of New York are the fubjedls of confideration ; 
and there is no community within the extended boundaries of our country 
to whofe annals the careful ftudent may turn with greater advantage, or on 
whofe patriotic and felf-facrificing aftions its children may found a more 
honeft and commendable pride, than on thofe of that city; 

It is, indeed, true that the citizens of New York have ever been peculiarly 
a mixed people ; that their taftes and their habits have ever tended toward 
the buttling fcenes of trade and commerce, rather than to the more quiet 
retreats of literature and the fine arts ; that to other hands than to thofe of 
her own fons has New York generally intrufted the unwritten hiftory of her 
patriotifm and her enterprife, the preparation of her literature, and the edu- 
cation of her children; and that, looking at the prefent and the future, rather 
than at the paft, flie has ever preffed onward and upward toward that proud 
pofition which ftie will fome day occupy, as the emporium of the world. 

It is equally true, however, that the feveral nationalities and conditions 
of life which are reprefented in the counting-rooms, the worklhops, and the 



dwellings in New York — elements which, in themfelves, are often difcordant 
and antagoniftic — through the operations of an overruling Providence, have 
become the bafis of her immenfe influence and power. By the combination 
of thefe feveral elements, the peculiar features of all have been infenfibly 
neutralized ; while a frefhnefs, and elafticity, and ftrength of character, have 
been imparted to the newly-formed community, which had not been poflefled 
by any of the elements from which it has been produced. In this manner 
the undue circumfpeftion of her Dutch and Englifh and German elements, 
and the preponderating vivacity of her French and Irifh elements, have 
mutually exercifed a beneficial influence ; while the taft and the executive 
abilities of the emigrants from New England and Scotland, who have fought 
homes among her people, have added new ftrength to her enterprife, and 
increafed intelligence to her tradefmen and her mechanics. 

It is alfo true that while the demands of trade have been refpefted more, 
in New York, than the claims of literature and the arts, it is not true that 
the latter have been entirely difregarded by the merchants and the tradefmen 
of that city. The numerous valuable private libraries which grace even the 
more humble dwellings, as well as thofe of the wealthier citizens, and the 
well-fuftained public collections — many of them defigned peculiarly for dif- 
tinft clafles of the people— all furnifli evidence that, in her leifure, at leaft. 
New York feeks the companionfliip of thofe, of every age and nation, who 
have contributed to the wifdom of the prefent generation ; and that Ihe 
feeks at their hands a portion, at leaft, of that knowledge which they are 
ever ready to impart. 

Nor is it lefs true, becaufe thofe who have wrritten our hiftories and fchool- 
books have failed to notice her, that New York has a hi/lory, as glorious in 
every refpedl — and, in many inftances, far more fo — as is that of any other 
community in this or any other country. Rhode Ifland and Maryland, 
juftly proud of their colonial liberality, have claimed honor for the liberty 
of conjdence which was cheriftied under their authority ; yet in New York, 
alfo, under the laws of her fatherland, the fame freedom had prevailed from 
the beginning ; and the " feftaries " of Maflachufetts, baniflied by the courts 


of that colony, and no longer fafe even in Rhode Ifland, and the perfecuted 
and forrow-ftricken Ifraelites of Portugal, driven from '-ity to city and from 
country to country, found permanent refting places, and continued protec- 
tion, and unreftrained freedom only within the bounds of her jurifdidlion. 
As early as Oftober, 1664, the merchants of New York defied the power of 
the Government, and demanded a voice and a vote in the adminiftration of 
the public affairs ; and they never ceafed to lead tht oppofition to the Crown 
until the final feparation of th5 colonies from the mother country. In her 
acquittal of John Peter Zenger, in 1745, fhe eftabliflied and maintained the 
firjt free prefs ; and, through that powerful inftrumentality, contributed 
more to the caufe of the American Revolution, than did any other colony, 
prior to the battle at Concord. In Auguft, 1760, in her protection of the 
crew of the Sam/on, and in July, 1764, in her releafe of the four filhermen, 
(he declared her oppofition to the impreffment of feamen and the right of 
fearch, many years before Rhode Ifland, or any other colony, followed her 
example. In Oftober, 1 764, fhe appointed the firft Committee of Corre- 
fpondence, fix years before Maffachufetts, and nine years before Virginia took 
any fteps to imitate her example, although both thefe States have claimed 
the honor of having originated " this great invention," and hiftorians, even 
in New York, have boldly feconded their pretenfions. While all others of 
the colonies, in 1764, quailed before the Parliament — admitting the fuprem- 
acy of that body, and the d,uty of the colonies "to yield obedience to an aft 
of Parliament, though erroneous, till repealed" — New York, alone, declared 
that fhe would confider a violation of her rights and privileges, even by 
Parliament, an act of tyranny; that file would "hate and abhor" the 
power which might inflict it; and, "as foon as Ihe became able, would 
throw it off, or, perhaps, try to obtain better terms from fome other power. " 
When the Stamp Act was enailed, in 1765, flie led the column of oppofi- 
tion to it ; her merchants organized the Non-importation agreement ; and, 
among the faithful, they were the moft faithful in the execution of its pro- 
viflons. The firft blood which was flied in defence of the rights of America, 
flowed from the veins of her inhabitants, on the Golden Hill, January 1 8, 


1770, two months before "the Maffacre" in King ftreet, Bofton, and five 
years and three months before the affair at Lexington. She, alfo, as well as 
Bofton and Annapolis, had a tea-party ; and flie, as well as' they, feafoned 
the waters of her harbor with the taxed tea which the cupidity of the Eaft 
India Company and the infolence of the Government had attempted to 
thruft into her midft — differing from Bofton only in doing fearleffly, in 
broad daylight, and without difguifes, what the latter had done with timid- 
ity, in the darknefs of night, and in the guife of "Mohawks." And, laftly, 
when hoftilities had been commenced, as will be feen in the following pages, 
fhe did not hefitate to take a place in the very front rank of the oppofition, 
or to prove, by the daring of her fons, her title to that pofition, by over- 
turning the King's authority in that city, and by eftablifhing in its ftead a 
"Committee of One Hundred" of her citizens, long before any fimilar ftep 
was taken by any other community in the country. 

From thefe circumftances — feledted from among a multitude of others — 
may be judged whether or not New York has a hiftory- which is worthy of 
prefervation ; and whether or not the hiftorians and the makers of fchool- 
books who have difregarded her patriotifm, and left it unnoticed, have either 
been true to their country, to themfelves, or to the fidelity of hiftory. At the 
fame time, and from the fame circumftances, alfo, let it be determined what 
degree of intereft it is which clufters around the contents of this volume, 
comprifmg exaft copies of papers which have ijever before been publifhed, 
and which relate entirely to the ftirring events of the American Revolu- 
tion in New York, or to thofe of the War of the Revolution through 
which the independence of the United States was finally eftabliihed. 

In the earlier part of the period referred to, as will be feen by reference 
to the map which accompanies the volume. New York was but a village, in 
extent, when compared with the populous and extended emporium which 
now ftretches its boundaries to the fartheft limits of the ifland on which it 
ftands. The fame " Broad Way" it is true, which then marked the courfe 
of the "back-bone of the ifland," as far north as where Duane ftreet now 
crofTes it, is ftill, as it was at that day, the pride of our citizens, their favorite 


promenade, and the great centre of their "(hopping" interefts. "The 
Bowling Green," alfo, and the graveyards of Trinity and St. Paul's, the 
winding and narrow thoroughfares in the lower part of the city, many of 
them bearing new names, and all of them divefted of the peculiarities which 
they then pofleffedi and " the Commons," now dignified with the name, al- 
though but very few of the acceflbries, of a "Park," remain to remind us of 
bygone days, and of generations which have alfo departed, leaving not even 
a connecting link behind. 

At the period referred to, the lower extremity of the ifland was occupied 
with Fort George and its outworks — the latter embracing three baftions, with 
connefting curtains, extending from Whitehall flip on the fouth-eaft, to the 
line of the prefent Battery place on the north-weft. 

The fort, a rectangular ftone work, ftrengthened with baftions at its angles, 
was elevated on an artificial mound, about fourteen feet in height, which had 
been thrown up "at an enormous expenfe;" and its gateway, which fronted 
" the Bowling Green," was defended by a raveling or covert-port which had 
been thrown out in front of the fort, toward the city. Within the enclofure 
of the fort were the Provincial Governor's refidence, a barrack which would 
accommodate two hundred men, and two powder magazines — the latter of 
which, from their dampnefs, were entirely ufelefs ; and the glacis or counter- 
fcarp on its eaftern and fouthern fronts, as far eaftward as Whitehall ftreet, 
and fouthward as far as Pearl ftreet, was occupied as gardens for the Gov- 
ernor's ufe. 

The armaments of the fort, the raveling, and the line of works on the 
water line, were mounted en barbette; and although upward of one hun- 
dred and twenty pieces of artillery were on the ramparts, a diftinguilhed 
military engineer of that period has informed us that it " feems to have been 
intended for profit and form rather than for defence, it being entirely ex- 
pofed to a fire in reverfe and enfilade;" and that although "it carried a 
refpeftfiill appearance with it (at a diftance)," the defences on the north- 
ern front were, " of themfelves, but bad, this front being command'' by a 
piece of ground equal to it at the end of y" Bowling Green, its original 


parade, and formerly in the jurifdiction of the foist. This height is 530 feet 
from it, and where its principal ftreet commences called the Broadway." 

Befide the barracks which were within the fort, another, fometimes ufed 
for a military hofpital, occupied the fouth-eaftern part of the prefent Bat- 
tery, extending weftward from Whitehall ftreet along the prefent foutherly 
line of State ftreet ; while a third, in which were pofted the troops who 
haraffed the people fo much at the period under confideration, occupied the 
northern part of " the Common," on the fouthern line of the Chambers 
ftreet of our day. 

Before noticing other portions of the city, as they appeared at that early 
day, it may be proper to remark, that the ferry to Staten Ifland occupied the 
fite, at the foot of Whitehall ftreet, which it ftill retains ; and that the eaft- 
ern part of the Battery, then and many years afterward, was occupied with 
a pool of water, into which the tide flowed through Whitehall flip. 

A ftranger in New York, in 1767, wouy have feen little to admire in the 
plan — or, rather, in the entire abfence of any plan — on which the city had 
been built ; and the lower portions of it ftill retain much of that early pecu- 
liarity. The unfeemly juxtapofition of fafliionable private refidences, mer- 
chants' ftores, lawyers' oiBces, and mechanics' workfliops — as we would 
conlider it — alfo muft have formed a curious feature, even in its principal 
ftreets ; but, in this refpeft, if not in the former, the modern city has efFefted 
a radical and permanent change. 

Pafling from the gate of Fort George, and leaving the Provincial Secre- 
tary's office on his right — on the weftern corner of the Bowling Green and 
Whitehall ftreet — the ftroUer around town of that day had " the Broad Way,'' 
with its well-fliaded* fidewalks, before him, and all the bufy fcenes which, 
from the earlieft days, have rendered it famous in the annals of New York. 

Next to the glacis o^ the fort, on the weftern fide of the ftreet, ftood the 
elegant manfion of Captain Kennedy, of the Royal Navy — a building which, 
for architectural pretenfions, was rivalled only by the refidence of Mr. Wal- 
ton, in gueen ftreet, now Franklin fquare. Like the great city of which it 
ftill forms a part, it has furvived the fliock of revolutions, the demands of 


commerce, and the fenfelefs thirft for change ; and, with two ftories added to 
its height, it is now known as " The Washington," No. i Broadway. 

Adjoining the refidence of Captain Kennedy was another, then owned by 
him, and fubfequently purchafed and occupied by the Honorable John Watts, 
a fon of the gentleman of the fame name who had been a member of the 
Provincial Council — brother-in-law of Sir John Johnfon, and brother of Major 
Stephen Watts, whofe gallantry in the fervice of the King, at the battle of 
Orifkany, is fo well known. This houfe, alfo, furvives the many changes 
which have been made in Broadway; and, at the prefent time, is occupied 
for offices.* 

Next above Mr. Watts's refidence was that of Robert R. Livingfton, a 
juftice of the Supreme Court of the colony, the father of Chancellor Liv- 
ingfton, and one of the moft diftinguifhed of the friends of the popular move- 
ments which, a few months earlier, had convulfed the colony. After having 
been altered in fome of its parts, this building, alfo, is now. occupied for 

The fourth houfe in the row, on the weftern fide of the way, was that of 
the Van Courtlandt family— one of the oldeft and moft influential families in 
the colony ; which has given way to a modern-built refidence, now alfo occu- 
pied for offices. 

Next on his left was the City Arms Tavern, kept by George Burns — the 
cradle of American liberty, in which even the patriotifm of Fanueil Hall 
was rocked in the earlieft ftages of its exiftence. In the large rooms on the 
fecond floor of that building, the belles and beaux of 1767 frequently met 
and amufed themfelves in " afl!emblies ;" while occafional concerts and lect- 
ures and exhibitions of different kinds found quarters in the fame eftablifh- 
ment. But other and more important afTemblages than thofe of the votaries 
of pleafure had met within the large room of the City Arms, and made its 

* This property was fold to Mr. Watts in February, 1792, for £2000 fterling; in 
1836, |?i07,ooo was offered for it, and refufed; $93,000 was bid for it in 1836 or 1837 j 
and, about two years ago, it changed hands for $37,500 — a fingular inftancc of the upward 
tendency of trade during the paft few years. 


name famous for all time to come. Two years before {October 31, 1765), 
"upwards of two hundred principal merchants" of thofe who "traded to 
Great Britain " had met in council in that room, and had there declared that 
they would import no more goods from Great Britain while the Stamp Aft 
remained on the ftatute-books. They had aUb, at the fame time, appointed 
a " Committee of Correfpondence," for the purpofe of efFefting a union of 
the feveral colonies — until that time acting without concert in their oppofi- 
tion to the Government — and thus having there committed the firft overt 
act of rebellion ; and having, at the fame time, laid the foundation of the 
union of thirteen feparate and difcordant peoples in that room, the merchants 
of New York had inaugurated the City Arms as the head-quarters of the 
American Revolution. 

The old building, thus rendered famous in the hiftory of America — for 
many years known as " The Atlantic Garden" — has alfo remained, with but 
few alterations, until the paft fummer (i860), when it gave way to the de- 
mands of commerce, having been torn down to make room for a freight-depot 
for the Hudfon River Railroad Company. 

Meanwhile, on the oppofite fide of " the Broad Way," was the well-known 
" Bowling Green," Ikirted by a double row of trees which extended up the 
flope of the ftreet nearly as far as Beaver lane [Morris Jireet). The fragments 
of a broken-down fence which appeared, here and there, around the Green, 
even at that time, bore filent teftimony to the pafler-by, of the audacity of 
the citizens, in their oppofition to the Stamp Aft of 1 765 ; and revealed the 
fource from whence were drawn fome of the materials for the bonfire in which 
alfo were confumed the Lieutenant Governor's effigy, as well as his fleighs, 
carriage, and harnefles, in the celebrated " Stamp- Aft Riot" of November 
1, 1765. 

In the immediate vicinity of "the Bowhng Green," in 1767, were alfo 
eftablifhed other perfons who were prominent in the mercantile, or mechan- 
ical, or focial circles of New York. On the weftern fide of the ftreet were 
George Croflle and Robert Furfyth, "from Ireland," whofe blackfmith ftiop, 
and weekly advertifements — the latter more in keeping with the practice of 


the prefent day — were equally prominent. C. Wiggins, alfo, with his Ihip- 
joiner's fhop, was an occupant of the weftern fide of the Broad Way ; as 
was Mrs. Steele, in her " King's Arms Tavern," which fhe had removed 
from the lower end of Broad ftreet, four years before. On the eaftern fide 
of the ftreet was the York Tavern ; and two doors from Beaver ftreet, alfo 
oppofite the Bowling Green, was the refidence of Sir Edward Pickering, Bart. 

Between Beaver lane and the Lutheran Church, in 1 767, Broadway was 
generally occupied with private dwellings; and the promenader, fo far as we 
have been informed, met nothing of particular moment. " The alley which 
led to the oyfter pafty" {Exchange alley) on his left, and Verlattenberg, or, 
as it was generally called, Flatten-Barrack ftreet {Exchange place), on his 
right, — as they ftill do, broke the monotony of the fcene. 

At fome diftance to the right, from the Broad Way, on the upper fide 
of Garden ftreet {Exchange place), between Broad and Smith {now William) 
ftreets, at the period of which we write, ftood the ancient church-edifice of 
the " Old " Dutch Church. It was an oblong fquare, with three fides of an 
oftagon on the eaft fide. In the front it had a fquare tower, of fuch large 
dimenfions, that the confiftory's meetings were held in it, above the entrance. 
That ancient meeting-houfe remained until 1807, when it was taken down 
to make room for a new edifice, which, in its turn, was deftroyed, in " the 
great fire" of December, 1835. 

On the corner of what is now known as Reftor ftreet (then without a 
name), ftood the old Lutheran Church, with its curious belfry ; and, in its 
rear — toward the North River — was " the Englifh fchoo^" which had been 
eftabliftied and foftered, through a feries of heavy trials, by the Veftry of 
Trinity Church. Oppofite the Lutheran Church, on the eaftern fide of the 
Broad Way, ftood the fchool-houfe of W. Elphinftone, one of the moft 
accomplilhed teachers, of his day, in the city, 

Trinity Church, in 1767, occupied the fame fite — furrounded by the me- 
morials of the departed — as that on which fhe now ftands. Separated from 
the fidewalk by a painted picket-fence, the modeft ftrufture — one hundred 
and forty-eight feet long by feventy-two in breadth — prefented its fcmicircu- 



lar chancel to the ftreet ; while, at its wejlern extremity, its fimple pinnacled 
tower and fteeple rofe one hundred and feventy-five feet into the air. With- 
in, this ancient edifice was ornamented beyond any other place of public 
worftiip in the city. The head of the chancel was adorned with an altar- 
piece ; and oppofite to it, at the other end of the building, was the organ. 
The tops of the pillars which fupported the galleries were decked with the 
gilt bufts of angels, winged. From the ceiling were fufpended two glafs 
branches, and on the walls hung the arms of Governor Fletcher and fome 
others of its principal benefaftors. That building was deftroyed in the great 
fire of 1776; and the fubftantial ftrufture which was erefted in its place, in 
its turn, has given way to the prevailing tafte for change — the magnificent 
edifice which is now the parifh-church of Old Trinity, reprefenting as truly 
the fpirit of the prefent age as the old building firft referred to did that of 
the merchants and the people of New York in 1767. 

Igimediately in front of Trinity Church, in the olden time as it ftill does. 
Wall ftreet extended from the Broad Way to the Eaft River. In the earlier 
days of the colony (1653), "a wall" or ftockade, had been erefted along 
the northern line of this ftreet, for the proteftion of the town — giving a name 
to the thoroughfare at its bafe ; and, although the neceffity for the preferva- 
tion of that wall no longer exifted, when Governor Dongan adminiftered the 
government, in 1688, portions of it ftill remained. On its northern fide, 
near the Broad Way, a little back from the ftreet, in 1767, ftood the ftone, 
fteepled meeting-houfe of the Preftiyterian Church, in the pulpit of which 
the Rev. Meflrs. Tjeat and Rodgers were accuftomed to prefent the truths 
of the gofpel, as defined by the Weftminfter Aflembly ; and farther down — 
on the lower corner of Naflau ftreet, where the Cuftom-houfe now ftands 
— ftood the City Hall, which ferved alfo as the Municipal and Colonial 
Court-houfe, the Debtors' and County Jail, and the Capitol of the Province. 
The former of thefe buildings — the meeting-houfe — after various changes and 
reconftrudlions,* was removed, with great care, in 1844, and reappeared, in 

* Built in 1718; enlarged in 1768; rebuilt in 1810; burned in the fall of 1834; and 
rebuilt immediately afterward. 


its former ftyle, in Wafliington ftreet, Jerfey City, where it ftill ftands, the 
meeting-houfe of the Firft Prefbyterian Church — a row of fplendid ftores 
taking the place of the old meeting-houfe ; which, fubfequently, have alfo 
given way to the demands for " offices," and a row of ftill newer buildings, 
on the fame ground, now furnifh quarters for a hoft of lawyers, bankers, 
brokers, infurance companies, &c. ; the church, meanwhile, occupying a fine 
new edifice on the corner of Fifth avenue and Weft Eleventh ftreet. The 
latter of the two — the old City Hall — after having pafled through many 
changes (the moft important of which was that under the direftion of Major 
L'Enfant, for the reception of the firft Federal Congrefs, under the new Con- 
ftitution), was taken down in 1813, to make way for dwellings and ftores, 
which alfo, in their turn, have given way to the fine building occupied by 
the Revenue Department of the Government, before referred to. 

Proceeding up the Broad Way, from the Trinity Church, the promenader, 
in 1767, firft pafled King (now Pine) ftreet on his right, and Stone (now 
Thames) ftreet on his left — the former extending eaftward from the Broad 
Way to the Eaft River; the latter weftward from the fame central thor- 
oughfare to the North River, which at that point then flowed on the prefent 
line of Greenwich ftreet. 

Immediately above Stone (now Thames) ftreet, on the weft fide of the 
Broad Way, in 1767, ftood "The King's Arms Tavern" — fo celebrated in 
the earlier times. It had been erefted in the days of Lord Cornbury ; and, 
fubfequently, it had been the manfion of Lieutenant Governor De Lancey — 
its gray-ftone walls ; its narrow, arched windows, reaching to the floor ; its 
rear piazza, overlooking the North River, and affording a fine lounging-place 
for the officers of the garrifon and the faftiionables of the city; and its 
cupola, which afforded one of the fineft views of " Old New York," being 
among the moft prominent points of intereft remembered by the fojourner 
in the city, at the period of which we write. 

Little-Queen (now Cedar) ftreet was next paffed on the right, and Little 
{alfo Cedar) ftreet on the left — then extending from the North River on the 
weft, as at this time, to Smith (now William) ftreet on the eaft. 


On the fouth fide of Little-Queen ftreet, between the Broad Way and 
Naflau ftreet, flood the " New-Scots' Church," in which the Rev. Doctor 
John Mafon at that time preached (a modeft edifice, fixty-five by fifty-four 
feet in extent, which had been erefted in 1758); and farther down the 
fame flreet, in an open fpace which extended through to King (now Pine) 
ftreet, flood the ancient Huguenot Church, " Du St. Efprit," a flone edifice, 
fifty by feventy-feven feet in extent, whofe quaint hipped roof, and circular- 
headed windows, and lofty tower, and crowded graveyard, have difappeared 
only within a few years. 

In the middle of the Broad Way, extending from the centre of the block 
between Little (now Cedar) ftreet and Crown (now Liberty) ftreet to that of 
the next block above, was the wooden (hed which had been dignified with the 
name of the Ofwego Market ; while, cluftered around it — as was, alfo, the' 
cafe with the immediate vicinities of other market-houfes in the city — were 
the ftores of many of the merchants of that period. The hardware ftores 
of Gilbert Forbes, the elder, and that of Peter T. Curtenius, on the latter 
of which was difplayed as a fign a large gilt " anvil and hammer," the dry- 
goods ftore of Mr. Conover, the boarding-houfe of Mr. Kip, and the tavern 
kept by Mr. Miller, were among the principal eflabliftiments which gave life 
to the fcene around this market-houfe ; although others were there whofe 
owners, with the edifices which they occupied, have pafled away to be for- 
ever forgotten. 

Crown (now Liberty) ftreet extended from oppofite the centre of the 
Ofwego Market, on either hand, to the North River on the weft and to 
Maiden lane on the eaft — its prefent limits. On the weftern fide of the 
Broad Way, it is probable. Crown ftreet was occupied with refidences — 
Melandlon Smith, one of the moft prominent members of the bar, refiding 
in one of them. On the eaftern fide of the Broad Way Crown ftreet pre- 
fented feveral interefting features. On its northern fide, near the Broad 
Way, was the fmall, unafluming frame building which had been erefted in 
1706, as a meeting-houfe for the Friends' Society, fubfequently a hofpital 
during the Revolutionary War, and afterward the feed-ftore of Grant Thor- 


burn, whofe recolleftions ftill intereft the readers of our newfpapers at 
frequent intervals. Oppofite to this edifice was the feleft fchool-houfe of 
George Murray — probably a member of the "fociety" which met in the 
neighboring meeting-houfe — where many of the well-known men of a later 
period received their education. A few doors below Murray's fchool-hoafe, 
on the fouth-eaft corner of Naffau ftreet, flood the Middle Dutch Church, 
with its neat portico and painted picket-fence, and fubftantial tower and 
belfry, and furrounding graveyard, the fcene of that innovation by Rev. Dr. 
Laidlie, in 1764 — a fermon in the Englilh language — which, at the period of 
which we write, and for many years after, had called out, and continued to 
call out, the bittereft oppofition of the confervative Knickerbockers of our 
city. Adjoining the old church edifice, on the fame fide of Crown ftreet, 
the gloomy fugar-houfe of the Livingftons, erefted fome eighty years before, 
frowned on the pafler-by ; and the horrors of which it was the fcene, from 
1776 to 1781, might have been readily foretold, had the mutterings of the 
rifing ftorm, which were apparent to the careful obferver even in 1 767, been 
noted and confidered. The fugar-houfe, with its evidences of fuffering 
humanity, has pafled away, leaving only a few walking-canes, which have 
been made from its timbers, as the witneffes of its former exiftence ; the old 
church edifice, ftripped of its picket-fence and its wooden portico, its pulpit 
and its pews, has become the centre of the vafl poftal bufinefs of this city, 
and, having been purchafed by the United States, bids fair to give way at an 
early day to a more commodious and elegant flrudlure. Defcending " the 
Potter-baker's hill," in front of the refidence of Hon. William Smith, to 
Smith (now William) ftreet, and thence to Maiden lane, where it ftill ter- 
minates. Crown ftreet, in 1767, was one of the moft important ftreets in the 
city, forming, as it ftill does, one of the few thoroughfares in the lower part 
of the city which extended from river to river. 

Maiden lane and Courtlandt ftreet, both well known to the citizens of the 
prefent day, were next pafled, the former extending to the Eaft River, the 
latter to the North River. At the foot of the former, in the wide fpace 
which ftill remains there, was " the Fly Market," while the flairs on the river 


near by were one of the termini of the Long Ifland ferry ; at the foot of the 
latter was the ferry to Powle's Hook {Jerfey City), which ftill retains the 
fame pofition. On the King's wharf, on the North River, between Court- 
landt and Partition {now Fulton) ftreets.were the arfenal and the royal ftore- 

Dey ftreet on the weft fide of the Broad Way, and John ftreet oppofite to 
Dey ftreet, are ftill well known; and in 1767, and for nearly three quarters 
of a century afterward, they afforded pleafant places of refidence for thofe 
who thronged the "bufmefs ftreets" of that portion of the city. 

On the eaftern fide of Smith (now William) ftreet, between John and 
Fair [now Fulton) ftreet, in 1767, ftood a low, wooden building, in the low 
loft of which a failmaker had found a workftiop. In that humble edifice, 
which has remained until within a few years, on the fame fite, the Firft Bap- 
tift Church in this city found its firft public abiding place ; and, at the period 
of which we write (1767), the Firft Methodift Church were alfo enjoying 
the fame peculiar privilege under the fame roof It is a Angular faft that 
the firft public refting place of two of the principal religious denominations 
in this city was in the fame unpretending fail-loft; while it is not lefs re- 
markable that the old ftrudture was permitted to remain to fo recent a date. 

Eaft from William ftreet, at the period referred to, the John ftreet of to- 
day was known as Golden Hill ftreet ; and there, and in the Fly (now Pearl 
ftreet) between Burling flip and Fly Market (now Maiden lane) the fpirited 
conteft known as " The Battle of Golden Hill," in which was ftied the 
firft blood of the American Revolution, was fought on the eighteenth of 
January, 1770, two months before the "maffacre" in King ftreet, Bofton, 
and five years and four months before the affair at Lexington. 

On the northern fide of John ftreet, near the Broad Way, in 1 767, was 
the only theatre which was then in New York. It ftood about fixty feet 
back from the ftreet, with which it was connefted by a covered way extend- 
ing from the fidewalk to the door of the building. It was of wood, " an 
unfightly object," painted red; and on the feventh of December, 1767, the 
firft feafon in that edifice was opened with Farquahar's comedy of The 


Beau's Stratagem and Garrick's Letke, the celebrated "American Com- 
pany" taking the feveral charad'ters. * 

* The following, n copy of the advertifement of that performance, which appeared in 
Tie New Tork Mercury, of the fame date, will intereft fame of my readers : 

By Pefmiflion of his Excellency the Governor, 

By the American COMPANT 

At the Theatre, in yohn Street, this prefent evening, being the yth Inftant December f will 

be prefented, A Comedy, call'd, the 


Akcher, by Mr. Hallam, Scrub, by Mr. Wall, 

AiMWELL, by Mr. Henry, Boniface, by Mr. Douglass, 

Sullen, by Mr. Tomlinson, Dorinda, by Mifs Hallam, 

Freeman, by Mr. Malone, Lady Bountifull, by Mrs. Harman, 

FoiGARD,- by Mr. Allyn, Cherry, by Mifs Wainwright, 

Gibbet, by Mr. Woolls, Gipsey, by Mrs. Wall, 
Mrs. Sullen, by Mifs Cheer. 

An Occajional Epilogue by Mrs. Dougiafs. 
To which will be added, a Dramatic Satire, call'd, 


^sop, by Mr. Douglass, Charon, by Mr. Tomlinson, 

Drunken Man, by Mr. Hallam, Mrs. Tattoo, by Mrs. Hallam, 

Frenchman, by Mr. Allyn, Mr. Tattoo, by Malone, 

Fine Gentleman, by Mr. Wall, Mrs. Riot, (with a Song in character,) 

Mercury, (with Songs,) by Mr. by Mifs Wainwright. 


To begin exaftly at Six o'clock. 

Vi'vant Rex isf Regina. 

No Perfon, on any Pretence, ivhatever, can be admitted behind the Jcenes. 

TICKETS to be had at the Bible and Crown, in Hanover-Square, and at Mr. Hayes's, 
at the Area of the Theatre. 

Places in the Boxes, may he taken of Mr. Broadbelt, at the Stage Door. Ladies luill 
pleaje to fend their Servants to keep their Places, at 4 0^ Clock, 

BOXES 8s. PIT 5s. GALLERY 3s. 


On the eaftern fide of Naflau ftreet, near John, was the new meeting- 
houfe of the German Reformed Church, of which the Rev. J. M. Kern was 
the paftor. This old building has furvived until within a few years; and 
many of thofe who were in bufinefs near John ftreet twenty years ago, will 
recoiled the reftaurant of Leonard Gofling, with its hundreds of diflies, 
which, at that time, found accommodation under its roof. 

That portion of Gold ftreet of our day which is between John ftreet and 
Maiden lane, was called "Rutgers' Hill" in 1767; and the large brewery 
of Anthony Rutgers, jr., at that time occupied the northern corner of that 
lane and Maiden lane, where the old eftabliftied houfe of Wolfe and Biftiop 
fo long did bufinefs. Eaftward from Golden Hill (now John) ftreet, our 
Gold ftreet, at that time ( 1 767) was known as VanderclifF ftreet — after Dirck 
Vandercliff, whofe orchard, many years before, had occupied that locality; 
and on its northern fide, between Golden Hill (now John) ftreet, and Fair 
(now Fulton) ftreet, ftood the meeting-houfe of the Firft Baptift Church, of 
which the Rev. John Gano was the paftor. It was then a plain, ftone edifice, 
having been enlarged within three years after its firft ereftion, fifty-two by 
forty-two feet in extent ; and it remained there until 1 840, when it was torn 
down, the materials ferving as part of thofe which were taken for the con- 
ftruction of the new meeting-houfe in which the fame church ftill worftiips, 
at the corner of Broome and Elizabeth ftreets. 

Proceeding up the Broad Way from Dey ftreet, the promenader in 1767 
next crofled Partition (now Fulton) ftreet, extending weftward to the North 
River; or Fair (alfo Fulton) ftreet, which extended eaftward only to the pref- 
ent CUff ftreet. 

On the lower corner of Fair and Dutch ftreets ftood the finall frame 
meeting-houfe of the Moravian Church, which had been eredled in 1751 ; 
and on the north-eaftern corner of Fair and William ftreets ftood the more 
impofing ftone edifice of the North Dutch Church, which ftill retains its 
original appearance and is ftill ufed by the fame body, as in 1767, and for 
the fame objedls. 

On the upper corner of Partition (now Fulton) ftreet and the Broad 


Way, in 1767, flood St. Paul's Chapel, which had been dedicated in Odlo- 
ber, 1766; and it ftill ftands there, furrounded by its crowded grave-yard, 
one of the moft interefting of the few landmarks which have been preferved 
in our city. 

Oppofite to St. Paul's Chapel, the road to Bofton — one of the great 
outlets from the city — branched off from the Broad Way ; and the prefent 
Park Row, and Chatham ftreet, and the Bowery, indicate the general courfe 
which it took through the fuburbs of the city. 

Vefey and Barclay ftreets, named after two reftors of Trinity Church ; 
Robinfon (now Park Place), Murray, Warren, Church, and Chapel ftreets, 
on the weftern fide of the Broad Way, with the edifice of the King's (nozu 
Columbia) College at the foot of Robinfon ftreet, are too well known to the 
citizens of New York of the prefent day to need any particular notice in 
this place. In 1767, thefe ftreets were generally occupied for refidences — 
John and Martin Cregier being among the number — although David Grim, 
who has rendered fo much fervice to the ftudent of our local hiftory, dif- 
penfed his ales and his good cheer at the fign of "the Three Tuns" in 
Chapel ftreet. 

On the eaftern fide of the Broad Way, oppofite the ftreets referred to, 
was the Common — an open ground, which is ftill well known as " The 
Park." Even at that early day the people had been accuftomed to affemble 
at that place to exprefs their wiflaes. They had rendezvoufed there on the 
evening of the thirty-firft of Oftober, 1765, and on the following evening 
preparatory to the celebrated " Stamp Aft Riots ;" and at the fame place 
on the following Tuefday, they had reaffembled, armed, with the avowed 
intention to ftorm the Fort in order to obtain pofleffion of the ftamped 
papers which had been depofited within it. They had alfo met in that 
place, on the fifteenth of November, 1765, to exprefs their pleafure when 
Sir Henry Moore had declared that " he had nothing to do with the ftamps ;" 
and in December of the fame year, when the firft ftamped inftrument ap- 
peared in New York, the proceflion which bore it proceeded to that place 
and burned it with the effigies with which it had been accompanied. On the 




sixth of March, 1766, alfo, they had aflembled there to exprefs their indig- 
nation againft the conduct of Lieutenant-Governor Golden in fpiking the 
guns in the king's yard and on the Copfey Battery ; and in May of the fame 
year they had celebrated, at the fame place, with great fpirit, the repeal of 
the obnoxious aft. On its weftern margin, nearly oppofite Murray ftreet, the 
celebrated Liberty-pole was erefted in June, 1766; and around its bafe (or 
thofe of the poles which, from time to time, had been erefted in the place 
of thofe which the foldiers had deftroyed) clutter many of the moft romantic 
afTociations of that interefting era. On the nineteenth of March, 1 767, the 
fourth pole had been erefted on that fpot in honor of " the King, Pitt, 
and Liberty ;" and the colors had floated gaily from its fummit on the birth- 
day of the fovereign. 

Within the area of this Common, our prefent Park, on the very fpot on 
which now ftands the City Hall, flood in 1767 the Poor-houfe, in the rear 
of which was a large garden ; while on the fpace between that and the 
Broad Way, trees were planted. Eaftward from the Poor-houfe ftood the 
Prifon, a reftangular ftone building, furmounted with a cupola — a building 
which, during the fubfequent war of the Revolution, was occupied by Cun- 
ningham, the provoft marfhal, whofe cruelties to the " rebel" prifoners who 
were placed under his charge are fo well known. That building, with mod- 
ern improvements both interior and exterior, ftill retains its place in the 
Park, and is known to all our citizens as " The Hall of Records." North 
from the Poor-houfe, near the lite which the row of buildings known as 
" The New City Hall" more recently occupied, at that time ftood the long 
line of barracks which furniflied quarters for the troops whofe turbulent fpirit 
produced fo much confufion in the city, and whofe determination to cut 
down " the Liberty-pole" proved fo powerful an element in the movements 
of that period. 

On the eaftern iide of the road to Bofton, near the corner of Beekman 
ftreet, at that time ftood the unfinilheA ftrudlure of " the New Prefbyterian 
Meeting," within whofe walls, on the following New Year's Day, the mef- 
fage of the gofpel was firft delivered by the Rev. Dr. Rogers. That build- 


ing, alfo, until within a few months, occupied the fame pofition — being the 
well-known " Brick Church" meeting-houfe in whofe Society the venerable 
Rev. Dr. Spring ftill retains his paftorate — but the building itfelf has given 
way to the demands of trade, and has difappeared. 

A ftiort diftance below Naflau ftreet, in Beekman ftreet, at that time alfo 
ftood the remains of the old theatre — the third erefted in the city of 
New York — which had been deftroyed by the people .during the political 
troubles which had swept over New York a few months before; while a 
ftiort diftance above, on the corner of Frankfort and King George [nozv 
North William) ftreet, ftood the low ftone church edifice of " the Swamp 
Lutheran Church," a building which is well-remembered by many of the 
young men of the city. 

At the foot of Warren ftreet, extending to the prefent Chambers ftreet, 
and overlooking the river, was the Vaux Hall, occupied in 1767 by the cel- 
ebrated Major Thomas James of the Royal Regiment of artillery. It had 
been occupied by him during the fummer and fall of 1 765 ; and, during the 
riots which greeted the Stamp Aft on the firft of November of that year, it 
had been vifited and ranfacked by the excited populace, as will be feen by 
reference to the firft of the feries of papers in the following collection. Im- 
mediately afterward he had returned to Europe, but he came back to Amer- 
ica in the following year, and probably, at the period of which we write, he 
was again an occupant of the Vaux Hall, as in 1768 he is known to have 
refided there. At a fubfequent period the property pafled into the hands of 
Samuel Fraunces — " Black Sam " of local celebrity during the Revolutionary 
era. Under his aufpices the eftabliftiment was opened as a tea-garden, the 
vifitors to which were received and entertained with all the grace which, 
many years afterward, fo peculiarly characterized the chief of the cuifine in 
Prefident Wafhington's eftabliftiment. After the Revolutionary War this 
building was ufed as their firft place of meeting for public worftiip by the 
Roman Catholics in this city — the firft appearance of St. Peter's Church 
now in Barclay ftreet. 

North of the Common, on the eaftern fide of the Broad Way, where 


A. T. Stewart & Co.'s dry-goods ftore now ftands, in the olden time was 
the negro burying-ground ; and on the fide hill which extended eaftward, 
defcending toward the Little Colleft, in the vicinity of Centre and Ruane 
ftreets of 1861, was the place which was ufually felefted for the public execu- 
tion of criminals. The " Little Collect" referred to, was a low, marihy lake, 
bordered on its northern margin by a ftrip of high, dry ground, which fepar- 
ated it from the CoUeft, or Frelh water, a larger and deeper lake which occu- 
pied the fite of the " Tombs" and its vicinity, with an outlet into the North 
River along the prefent line of Canal ftreet. On the dry ftrip of ground 
feparating the two Collefts before referred to, near the junction of Centre and 
Pearl ftreets of 1861, flood "the Powder-houfe," or magazine of the city; 
and a fhort diftance eaft from it, near the fite occupied by the Five Points, 
was a large tan-yard. The negro burying-ground and the gallows, the 
powder-houfe and the tan-yard have all difappeared ; and the two lakes 
have been filled up, and their outlet arched over, to afford room for the 
demands of an extending city. 

The Broad Way extended northward no farther than the prefent Duane 
ftreet, immediately north of which, near the fpot where the Hofpital now 
ftands, was the Ranelagh, a noted place of refort in the olden time. Still 
farther up, near the fpot where Grand ftreet. now interfeds Broadway, ftood 
the country refidence of Mr. Bayard. It occupied a commanding fite which 
overlooked the upper part of the city, with the intervening valley and the 
furrounding country; and the fplendid gardens on its fouthern front, and 
the well-ftiaded drive which led from the manfion to the Bowery lane, which 
it entered a ftiort diftance above Broome ftreet, rendered it one of the moft 
delightful of the many elegant fuburban refidences of that day. 

Extending along the margin of the North River from the fort to Murray 
ftreet, on the line of Greenwich ftreet, to the upper extremity of the ifland in 
1767 was the " Road to Greenwich," as it was then called, furniftiing another 
outlet from the city to the northward. Along this road, alfo, were fcattered 
the elegant grounds and refidences of many of the leading citizens of that 
early day — among which were thofe of Mr. George Harrifon, in the vicinity 


of Harrifon ftreet ; and Mr. Leonard Lifpenard, near Laight ftreet ; that of 
Abraham Mortier, Efq., the paymafter-general of the royal forces — fince 
well known as the old Richmond Hill, in which General Waftiington and 
Aaron Burr have both relided, on the fouth-eaft corner of Varick and Charl- 
ton ftreets ; that of Lady Warren, wife of Admiral Sir Peter Warren — 
which ftill remains, furrounded with the fhade-trees of former times, the well- 
preferved refidence of Abraham. Van Neft, Efq., one of the oldeft mer- 
chants of the city, on Charles, Perry, Bleecker, and Fourth ftreets; that of 
James Jauncey, Efq., a leading importer of that day, near Bethune ftreet of 
our day; that of Colonel William Bayard, another prominent merchant, 
which ftood on the line of Horatio ftreet, between Greenwich and Waftiing- 
ton ftreets; that of Oliver De Lancey, Efq., fubfequently a brigadier-general 
in the royal fervice, which ftood near the line of Thirteenth ftreet, weft from 
Ninth avenue; that of Colonel Thomas Clarke — "Chelfea" — in which his 
fon-in-law, Bifliop Moore, fubfequently relided, and which has remained 
until within a few years, on the fouth fide of Weft Twenty-third ftreet, be- 
tween the Ninth and Tenth avenues ; and that of John Morin Scott, Efq., 
one of the moft learned members of the New York bar, and an early " Son 
of Liberty," which alfo remained until within a few years, having been 
known as "the Hermitage" and "the Temple of Health," on Weft Forty- 
third ftreet, between the Eighth and Ninth avenues. 

On the eaftern fide of the ifland, alfo, the country feats of the principal 
citizens of New York, in 1767, were thickly fcattered. Crofting eaftward 
from Mr. Scott's feat, the wanderer of 1767 would have ftruck the Eaft 
River, near Turtle-Bay, near which, fronting on the Bofton road, an exten- 
fion of the Bowery lane, was the elegant manfion of the Friend Robert 
Murray, whofe venerable lady, in September, 1776, by detaining the Britifh 
officers at lunch, rendered fuch efficient fervice to the retreating Americans. 

A ftiort diftance above Mr. Murray's (near the prefent corner of Firft 
Avenue and Fiftieth ftreet) ftood the country-feat of Mr. Beekman, one of 
the moft diftinguifhed of the New Yorkers of that day. That houfe, after 
ferving as the head-quarters of Generals Howe, Clinton, and Robertfon, 


and furniftiing, in its green-houfe, a prifon for the martyr-fpy, Nathan Hale, 
ftill ftands one of the moft interfefting memorials of old New York now in 
exiftence. Nearer to the city and to the river, was " Rofe Hill," the 
country-seat of Hon. John Watts, whofe city refidence on Dock ftreet 
will be referred to hereafter ; while in the immediate vicinity, and reached 
through the fame lane, on the bank of the river near the foot of Eaft Twen- 
ty-third ftreet, was the feat of J. Ketteltas. 

Near the Bofton road, alfo furrounded with gardens, were the feats of 
James Duane, Efq., near Gramercy Park, and T; Tiebout, near the Fourth 
avenue and Eaft Eighteenth ftreet — the former a diftinguilhed member of 
the bar, and well known in the subsequent hiftory of his country. The 
country-feat of Petrus Stuyvefant, then on the bank of the river (but near 
the corner of Eaft Seventeenth ftreet and the Firft avenue as the city now 
ftands), and communicating with the Bofton road by means of a long, 
ftraight, clofely-lhaded drive ; that of Gerardus Stuyvefant nearer to the 
road (near the prefent Thirteenth ftreet, between the Second and Third 
avenues), and that of Nicholas William Stuyvefant, a fine hip-roofed manfion, 
with a lofty portico, which flood in Eighth ftreet, between the Firft and 
Second avenues, were alfo prominent objedls in the north-eaftern fuburbs of 
the city. Still nearer to the city, on the weft fide of the Bofton road, was 
the feat of Mr. Herrin, and a fhort diftance below it, that of Mr. Dyck- 
man; while the elegant double, brick refidence of Mr. De Lancey, on the eaft- 
ern fide of the Bowery lane near the prefent De Lancey ftreet, with its femi- 
circular gateway, its denfe ftiade trees, and its fine gardens in the rear of the 
houfe, was one of the moft attraftive features in that part of the ifland. 

On the extreme eaftern front of the city, weftward as far as the Firft 
avenue, " the Stuyvefant meadows" prefented their dreary furface ; and 
notwithftanding the march of improvements which has charafterized the 
paft fifty years, there are here and there fmall portions of thefe " meadows" 
ftill preferving nearly their original level, although furrounded by tighly 
valuable improvements on every fide. 

In the fouth-eaftern part of the city near Corker's Hook, in 1767, were 


alfo fcattered feveral fine country-feats, among which were thofe of Mr. 
Jones, called " Mount Pitt," on Grand ftreet near Attorney ftreet ; that of 
Mr. Ackland, on the extremity of the Hook ; that of Mr. Byvanck, one of 
the principal among the merchants at that period, near the prefent Gouver- 
neur flip ; Mr. Degrufhe's with its extenfive rope-walk, near the foot of 
Montgomery ftreet ; and Mr. Henry Rutgers', on the prefent Rutgers Place. 

On the Bowery lane, on his way toward the prefent Chatham fquare, the 
traveller in 1 767 pafled a new and growing part of the city. From Bayard's 
lane above Broome ftreet, to Bayard ftreet weft of the Bowery, although it 
had been laid out into blocks, the neighborhood appears to have been settled 
only on the line of the great thoroughfare ; and Elizabeth, and Winne (now 
Mott), and Ryndert (now Mulberry) ftreets, were comparatively uninhabit- 
ed. On the eaftern fide of the Bowery, however, it appears to have been 
thickly fettled as far down as Divifion ftreet, and eaftward feveral blocks. 
There is no doubt, however, that like nearly every other pioneer movement 
in all other parts of the city, and at all times, thefe portions of the town 
were the places where the working-clafles chiefly refided, although the vicin- 
ity of the public flaughter-houfe which then flood on the corner of Bayard 
and Ryndert (now Mulberry) ftreets, naturally attrafted many of the butch- 
ers of that period to that neighborhood. 

On the eaft fide of Elizabeth ftreet, between Hefter and St. Nicholas 
(now Canal) ftreets, ftood a large windmill, its yard extending through to the 
Bowery; and on the weft fide of the Bowery lane, between St. Nicholas 
and Bayard ftreets, on the fite now occupied by the Old Bowery Theatre, 
ftood an old-fafliioned, two-ftory and attic country tavern — "the Bull's 
Head" — furrounded by pens for the accommodation of the droves of 
cattle, ftieep, calves, etc., which were brought there for a market. The 
butchers, who lived near by, and the public flaughter-houfe and "the 
Bufl's Head " being in the fame neighborhood, many of the diftrefling fcenes 
which are now prefented in the ftreets of New York were then unknown ; 
and the butcher boys — not lefs fond of faft driving, probably, than in our 
day — found other opportunities, in 1767, than thofe which are now afforded 


while carting their fmaJl ftock from the cattle-market to the diftant flaughter- 

Below " the Bull's Head," on the fame fide of the Bowery lane, at a dif- 
tance from the ftreet, but near the corner of the Pell ftreet of our day (not 
then opened), in 1767 ftood a fmall, two-ftory frame building, which was the 
fcene of the tragedy of Charlotte Temple, fo well known to our readers ; 
and a portion of the old building, removed to the corner of Pell ftreet, 
ftill remains, being occupied as a drinking-fhop under the fign of " the Old 
Tree Houfe." 

Befide thefe objefts, nothing of fpecial intereft then exifted to attraft the 
attention of the annalift of that period, until the traveller had pafled down 
the hill which then occupied the lite of the prefent Chatham fquare, and 
had approached "the Common" to which reference has already been made. 

Catherine and Oliver, James, Roofevelt, and Queen (now Pearl) ftreets, 
branched off to the left in 1767, as they ftill do; the firft three extending 
to the Eaft River, Roofevelt as far as Cherry ftreet, and Queen by its prefent 
circuitous courfe joining with Hanover fquare, as it was then called, at Wall 

The fouthern portion of Queen ftreet at the period referred to (1767) 
was alfo known as "the Fly;" and it was, at that time, one of the principal 
bulinefs ftreets in the city. In St. George's (now Franklin) fquare, Edward 
Laight then carried on bufinefs as a currier and dealer in hardware^ oppolite 
to whofe ftore the Hon. William Walton refided, in the ftill well-known 
" Walton Houfe," at that time the moft elegant private refidence in the city. 
Near the fame ftreet (Queen or Pearl), in Peck flip, at that time was the 
dry-goods ftore of James Farquarfon ; while near " the ftiip yards" at the 
foot of James, Oliver, and Catherine ftreets, was the large diftillery of the 
Deft^roffes family. In the fame ftreet (Queen) near Beekman, were the watch- 
makers and jewellers' ftiop of T. & M. Perry, and the large mercantile ef- 
tablilhment of Walter Franklin, one of the leading merchants of his day. 
In Beekman ftreet above Cliff, as is ftill the cafe, St. George's Chapel ftood 
— a folid, but very neat edifice, which had been opened for divine fervice in 


1752; and in Beekman flip near gueen ftreet was the extenfive hardware 
ftore of Hubert Van Wagenan, whofe fign of a " Golden Broad-axe" was 
fo often referred to in the annals of that period. Further down gueen 
ftreet, near the Burling flip, was the hardware ftore of William & Uftick, on 
which were difplayed a large "Lock and Key." 

This Uftick was undoubtedly one of the firm of William & Henry 
Uftick, whofe deliberate violation of the non-importation agreement in 
March, 1775, among other matters, led to the celebrated meeting of "the 
Sons of Liberty," at the Liberty-pole on the Common, on the fixth of 
April, 1775, at which John Lamb and Marinus Willett prefided, and Cap- 
tain Ifaac Sears — " King Sears" — called on the people to arm, and to fupply 
themfelves with twenty-four rounds of ammunition ; and he was one of the 
moft influential merchants in the hardware trade of that day. 

Oppofite Burling flip, alfo in Queen ftreet, was the eftabliftiment of Jacob 
Le Roy, with its varied afl"ortment of hemp, cordage, yarn, dry goods, hard- 
ware, etc. ; while juft below the ftreet, in the flip, was the grocery of Jere- 
miah B rower. 

Proceeding down Queen ftreet toward Maiden lane, the large grocery 
of Peters & Rapelje was palTed; and "the Fly Market," or rather the 
Fly Markets — for it is faid there were two wooden ftieds which bore this 
, colleftive name — foon afterward prefented itfelf to the view of the pafler- 
by. The Fly Market occupied the flip at the foot of Maiden lane, as 
already ftated ; and there, alfo, were the ferry ftairs at which the boats from 
Brooklyn difcharged their pafl!engers and their cargoes. 

Around this Fly Market, as around all the other markets of that day, 
were the refidences or bufinefs eftablifliments of many of the merchants of 
New York. William Malcolm, one of the early veftrymen of Trinity 
Church ; Mr. Rapelje, a leading importer of the varied merchandife ufed 
in the colony ; Alexander Wilfon, a heavy dealer in dry goods ; Philip 
Livingfton, a dealer in hardware, glafs, grindftones, marble chimney-pieces, 
rum, furs, etc. — a leading politician, and a figner of the Declaration of In- 
dependence, in 1776 — near the ferry ftairs; Walter & Thomas Buchanan 



& Co, dealers in dry goods, cables, fhoes, etc. — to whom the New- York tea 
fliip was configned in 1773; McDavitt, the auctioneer; and Nicholas Car- 
mer, at the fign of " the Crofs-Handfaws," were among the number of thofe 
who did bufinefs there; while Bowne & Rickman, Richard Williamfon, 
and Smith Ramadge, large dealers of goods of every conceivable charafter, 
were in Queen ftreet, in the immediate vicinity. 

Proceeding thence down gueen ftreet. King {now Pine) ftreet was next 
pafled — Little Queen {now Cedar) ftreet at that time extending down no 
farther than Smith {now William) ftreet — and near by, the attractive gold- 
fmith's and jeweller's ftore of Charles Oliver BrufF was fure to arreft the 

Wall ftreet alfo was a place of trade in 1767, as well as one of refi- 
dences. At that time, among the eftablifhments of other merchants who 
were there, might have been feen thofe of Breefe & HuiFman, dealers of 
dry goods, crockery, etc. ; John AUicocke, one of the moft earneft of 
the " Sons of Liberty," a dealer in wines, teas, etc., on the corner of Queen 
{now Pearl) ftreet ; Edward Agar, a dealer in drugs, near the City Hall 
{now Cii/lom-hmife) ; John Thurman, jr., a dealer in dry goods, on the 
corner of Smith {now William) ftreet ; Jofeph Cox, a dealer in upholftery 
goods; Samuel Verplanck, a dealer in dry goods; and Mr. Coley, a filver- 
fmith, near the Coffee-houfe {Water Jireet). 

Below Wall ftreet, proceeding down Hanover fquare — Queen ftreet ex- 
tending only to Wall ftreet — the pafler-by in 1767 entered one of the bufieft 
quarters of mercantile New York. Theophilaft Bache, Richard Bancker, 
and Henry Remfen, jr. & Co., heavy dealers in dry goods ; Elizabeth Col- 
vil, a leading milliner and dealer in dry goods; Samuel Broom & Co., ex- 
tenfive dealers in hardware and cutlery, rum, pork, crockery, etc. ; Abram 
• Duryee, dealer in dry goods, paints, oils, etc. ; Hugh Gaine and James Riv- 
ington, the well-known publiftiers and bookfellers; Peter Goelet — a former 
partner of Peter T. Curtenius, a member of the popular " Committee of 
One Hundred," and grandfather of our refpefted fellow-citizen, Peter Goe- 
let,' Esq., of Broadway and Eaft Nineteenth ftreet — one of the moft exten- 


five dealers in hardware, mufic, brufhes, etc., at the fign of " the Golden 
Key;" McLean & Treat, dealers in drugs and medicines; Glen & Gregory, 
dealers in dry goods, nails, wines, etc. ; and Henry Wilmot and James Mc- 
Evers, the latter the well-known ftamp-mafter of 1765, dealers in general 
merchandife, were among thofe whofe ftores were in that vicinity ; while 
"the Old Slip Market" with its concentration of bufinefs increafed the 
buftle of the neighborhood. 

The Old Slip Market, like the other market-houfes of that day, was 
only a low wooden flied ; although, like them, it was furrounded, in 1 767, 
with the bufinefs places of the merchants and retailers of the city. Among 
the former that of Gerardus Duyckinck — " the Univerfal Store " — in which 
nearly every thing found a place, was the moft confpicuous ; although Wil- 
liam Beekman at the fame time, like many a merchant in the country now- 
a-days, offered an extenfive aflbrtment of cables, hemp, broadcloths, etc., etc., 
for cafh or country produce. 

Below the Old Slip, in 1767, Hanover fquare was not known, and our 
Pearl ftreet, from thence to Whitehall ftreet, was called Dock ftreet. It was 
a ftreet in which were private refidences as well as places of bufinefs ; and 
there is no doubt that in confequence of its proximity to the two markets in 
Coenties and Old flips, to the Exchange- at the foot of Broad ftreet, and 
to the Fort, that it wSs one of the bufieft in the city. In this ftreet, near 
Whitehall, among others, refided the Honorable John Watts, a member of 
the Colonial Council, fpeaker of the General Alfembly, and, in 1775, ''^^ 
intended fuccefTor of Lieutenant Governor Colden in the government of the 
colony ; and Henry Van Vleck, alfo among the moft refpeftable men in the 
city. Among the merchants who tranfadled bufinefs in Dock ftreet were 
Joris BrinckerhofF, John Erneft, John Morton, and Clarkfon & Sebring, all 
dealers in general merchandife ; Dirck Brinckerhoff, who fold hardware antl 
metals at the fign of " the Golden Lock ;" Henry Cuyler, who dealed largely 
in fugars ; and Anthony Van Dam, whofe trade was principally confined to 
wines and liquors. 

In Pearl ftreet near Coenties flip, in 1767, was "the Fi(h Market;" and 


around that, as a centre, were alfo cluftered many of the mercantile eftab- 
lifhments of that period. Abeel & Byvanck, at the fign of " the New York 
made Spade and Sithe" — a fignificant lign when the non-importation agree- 
ment of 1765 was remembered — fold hardware in that vicinity; and there, 
alfo, were John Abeel, who dealed in anchors ; and John and Garrett Abeel, 
who were falters doing a large bufinefs. John Hammerfley & Co., promi- 
nent merchants of that period j I&ac Low, the Prefident of the Chamber of 
Commerce and of the populaf' " Committee of One Hundred," although, 
finally, a loyalift refugee; and -Benjamin Booth, dealing in general merchan- 
dife, were alfo among thofe who did bufinefs near the Coenties Market. Mr. 
Vanduerfon, largely engaged as a tallow-chandler and foap-boiler, as well as 
a dealer in watches, mufic, and jewelry, tranfafted his bufinefs in " Bayard 
ftreet, near the Coenties Market;" and there, alfo, were the crockery and 
glafs ftores of George Ball ; the fchool-houfe of Clementina and Jane Fer- 
gufon ; and the refidence of John Livingfton, Efq. 

The river fronts, alfo — efpecially that on the Eaft River — furniflied 
places of bufinefs to many of the merchants and tradesmen of that period. 
On Hunter's quay, between Old flip and Wall ftreet, were Grey, Cunning- 
ham & Co., dealers in dry goods, boots and flioes, metals, paints, glafs, hard- 
ware, filh, groceries, rum, etc. ; on Rotton row — the weft fide of Old flip, 
between Little Dock (now Water) ftreet and Cruger's wharf (Front Jireet) 
— were the law-office of John Coggill Knapp, a notorious pettifogger of that 
period; the goldfmiths' fliops of John Dawfon and Samuel Tingley; and the 
fliip-chandlery of Samuel Loudon — afterward the patriotic printer of " The 
New York Packet," whofe fervices during the War of the Revolution are fo 
well known to every ftudent of American hiftory ; and on Cruger's wharf 
(Front Jireet between Old and Coenties Jlips) were the fliip-chandlery of 
Henry White, and the mercantile eftabliftiments of John & Thomas 
Burhng, and William Seaton & Co. ; while Abraham Mercier kept a ftock 
of hardware at the fign of " the Crofs-keys and Crown," near the Powle's 
Hook ferry, at the foot of Courtlandt ftreet, on the North River. 

At the period referred to (1767) the city of New York was the head- 


quarters of the military eftabliftiment in North America ; and General 
Thomas Giage, the commander-in-chief of the forces, refided in a large 
double houfe-, furrounded with elegant gardens, on the lite now occupied by 
the ftores 67 and 69 Broad ftreet. 

Among the members of the bar of New York in that day, the principal 
were the Hon. William Smith, a member of the Council and juftice of the 
Court of King's Bench, who refided on Potter-baker's hill between the 
Dutch Church and the Fly Market (Liberty Jlreet, between Naffau Jlreet 
and Maiden lane) ; John Morin Scott, whofe refidence in " Greenwich " has 
been already referred to ; Benjamin Kiffam, from whom at that time Lind- 
ley Murray and John Jay were imbibing leffons in law and loyalty to the 
crown ; William Smith, the younger — one of the triumvirate through whofe 
inftrumentality, principally, the revolution in New York had been effefted ; 
William Livingfton, fubfequently governor of New Jerfey — to fecure whofe 
daughter for his wife John Jay appears to have found a refting-place for his 
political principles j and Melanfton Smith, whofe refidence in Crown ftreet 
has been already alluded to. 

As Judge Smith remarked a few years before, at the period of which we 
write " this city was the metropolis and grand mart of the province, and, 
by its commodious fituation, commanded alfo all the trade of the weftern 
part of Connecticut and that of New Jerfey. No feafon prevented her fliips 
from launching into the ocean ; and during the greateft feverity of the win- 
ter an equal," unreftrained adlivity ran through all ranks, orders, and em- 

The following table of the exports from the colonies to Great Britain 
alone, and that which follows it, fhowing the imports from Great Britain 
into the fame colonies, exclufive of thofe from Ireland and the other colonies, 
will fhow the relative importance of the trade of New York, even at that 
early period ; while to the mercantile reader they will be equally interefting, 
in other refpects ; the latter, efpecially, will illuftrate the fidelity of the mer- 
chants of New York to the non-importation agreement of 1765, when com- 
pared with that of the merchants in the other colonies. 



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The city of New York, as it appeared in 1 767, has been prefented to the 
reader with all the care and particularity which the circumftances will allow 
— a defcription which, it is hoped, will enable the reader of the following 
papers the more completely to underftand their meaning. As the purpofe of 
that defcription has been fimply to illuftrate the text, and to facilitate the 
examination of the interefting papers which have found places in this volume, 
by the general reader, there has been no defire to do more than to render the 
peculiar features of New York in 1767 as diftinftly as poffible, leaving to each 
individual reader the ufe of the material which has thus been furnilhed, in 
fuch manner and in fuch connexion as his own tafte may determine, as he pro- 
greffes with his work. If, in this fingle defire, the purpofe of the Editor may 
be followed by fuccefs ; if the readers of the following papers fliall thereby 
be led to take any greater intereft in their contents, or to feel any ftronger 
regard for the general fubject on which they treat, or to look back with any 
greater degree of pride on the hiftory of the city which was the fcene of the 
feveral events referred to, the labor which has been bellowed on this chapter 
will not have been fpent in vain, and one of the moft agreeable rewards 
which can attend the ftudent of American hiftory, will have been the lot of 
the writer. H. B. D. 

MoEKisANiA, N. Y., ^pril 13, 1861. 





[The following letter, written from the city of New York on the day- 
after the celebrated Stamp Aft riot, gives an interefting account of that event 
— not always ftriftly accurate, it is true, but tolerably correft in the main. 

The Stamp Aft was enafted in March, 1765, to take effeft throughout 
the colonies on the firft of November in that year ; and in every part of 
America the moft intenfe excitement prevailed. Among the opponents of 
the meafure there had been none fo energetic or fo fearlefs as the colony of 
New York ; and the merchants of the city of New York appear to have re- 
fifted the meafure with the greateft determination. 

On the evening of the 31ft of Oftober, a meeting of the merchants "trad- 
ing to Great Britain" had been convened at Burns' City Arms Tavern; and 
they had refolved to import no more goods from the mother country while 
the Stamp Aft remained in force. At the fame time they had appointed a 
Copimittee of Correfpondence to organize the oppofition, and to fecure con- 
cert of aftion among the colonies, many years before the appomtvient of any 
fimilar Committee in any other colony — the Committee appointed by the 
General Aflembly of New York, on the 18 th of Oftober, 1764, having alone 
preceded it. 

On the evening of the eventful ill of November, the riot occurred which 
is defcribed in this letter ; and fo energetically was the oppofition maintained 
that the aft was repealed in the following May. 

Other particulars of this momentous event may be found in Lieutenant 


Governor Colden's defpatches to Secretary Conway, on the 5 th of Novem- 
ber, 1765, and to the Lords of Trade, December 6, 1765; Holt's New 
York Gazette or Weekly Pojlboy, No. 119Z, November 7, 1765; Edes & 
Gill's Bojion Gazette, November 11, 1765; The Bojlon Pojlboy and 
Advertijer, November 11, 1765; Dunlap's " Hiftory of New York," L, 
p. 419; Bancroft's "United States," V., pp. 355-6; Graham's "Hiftory 
of America," {London edit.,) IV., pp. 233-4" Ramfay's "American Revolu- 
tion," I., pp. 65, 66; Booth's " Hiftory of New York," pp 418-420 ; Daw- 
fon's " Sons of Liberty in New York," pp. 82-1 11.] 

New York Nov 2'"' 1765 

Dear Sir 

I Have Receiv'd my Cheft and your Letter 
With the Greateft Pleafure immaginable, and am Extreamly 
Gladd to Hear that you are well I had the C?ood Luck 
to get on Board a Sloop from Claverack, but did not Get 
fo Far as N. Winfor' till the fecond night About 2 OClock 
then the wind Halld to the N W and we went thro the 
way Gat' like hell out of A Great Gun — A fea Term — and 
Got to N York about 1 1 the Next day I m now in A 
Good ftate of Health for which I thank my God and I 
Hope You may Receive thefe in the fame 

I m juft now in high fpirits full of Old Madiera and will 
Give you A View of the Sons of America' by whofe Re- 
fentments will or would ftamp the drummer' had he not 

' "New Windfor," two miles below Newburgh. 

^ "Way Gate" — one of the narrow paffes in the Highlands, through which 
the Hudfon river flows. 

' Probably intended for " the Sons of Liberty" — an aflbciation organized 
for the purpofe of refifting the aggreflions of the government in the colonies. 

* A nickname which had been applied to Lieutenant Governor Colden. 


Given A Proclamation to the Mob that he'd have nothing 

to do vs^ith them' 

The firft day of NoV^ our City feem'd to be Very much 
difturbd but did not fay much by Reafbn that they did not 
know wether the ftamps took place the firft or fecond day' 
the firft Evening there raif'd A WonderfuU Large Mob 
but Did no damage by Reafon of the uncertainty' the 2nd 

' One of the placards through which this determination was conveyed to 
the people can be feen in the fine coUedlion of papers belonging to the New 
York Hiftorical Society. It is in thefe words : 

" The Lieutenant Governor declares he will do nothing in Relation to 
the STAMPS, but leave it to Sir Henry Moore to do as he pleafes on his 
arrival. Council Chamber, New York, Nov. 2, 1765. 
" By order of his Honour, 

" GW. BANYAR, D. CI. Con. 
" The Governor acquainted Judge Livingjlon, the Mayor, Mr. Beverly 
Rohinjon, and Mr. John Stevens, this Morning, being Monday the 4th of 
November, that he would not ilTue, nor fuffer to be iffued, any of the 
STAMPS now in Fort George. 

"Robert R. Livingjfon, 
"John Cruger, 
"Beverly Rohinjon, 
"John Stevens. 

" The Freemen, Freeholders, and Inhabitants of this City, bemg fatifEed 
that the STAMPS are not to be iffued, are determined to keep the Peace 
of the City at all Events, except they Ihould have other Caufe .of Com- 

' This ftatement is entirely erroneous, and can only be accounted for in 
the faft that the writer was a ftranger in the city ; the date is alfo contra- 
difted by the date of the letter itfelf [Nov. 2d). All the contemporary 
authorities except this, which I have met with, agree that the great riot 
occurred on the evening of thej^r/Z of November. 

" The demonftration here referred to, occurred on the evening of Ofto- 


Day we heard that the Governor was defign'd to diftribute 
the ftamps' he fent for the foldiers from tortife bay' he 
Planted the Canon Againft the City" he fixt the Cowhorns 
with mulket balls 2 Cannon was Planted Againft the Fort 
Gate for fear the Mob ftiould Break in, Loded with Grape 
lliot, he ordered the Canon of the Batery' to Be fpiked up 
for the Mob (liould Come fo far as Break out A Civil war 
And nock down the fort Major James' had faid never 
fear for I drive N York with 500 Artilery Soldiers' he 
Placed Soldiers at the Gaol' to Prevent the Mobs Letting 
out the Prifoners he Orderd 15 Artilery Soldiers at his 

ber 31, as will be feen by reference to Holt's New York Gazette, No. 1192, 
Nov. 7, 1765. 

' In this, alfo, the fame error of date occurs. If there was any fpecial 
report on this fubjedl at all, it was on the fir/l inftead of the Jecond of 
November, as may be feen by a reference to any of the contemporary au- 

' This force had probably been moved into the fort in compliance with 
a requeft from Lieutenant Governor Colden to General Gage, September 2, 

^ See alfo Holt's New York Gazette, 1192, November 7, 1765. 

'' This refers to the guns on the Copfey Battery, near the foot of White- 
hall ftreet, which had been fpiked by order of the Lieutenant Governor to 
prevent the people from turning them on the fort. This very aft, however, 
increafed the excitement of the times, and at a fubfequent period called 
forth feveral popular demonftrations, particulars of which may be found in 

" The Park audits Vicinity," [Valentine's Corporation Manual for 1855, 
pp. 440-442.) 

^ Major Thomas James of the Royal Artillery. 

' The remarks of Major James, on which this ftatement was bafed, have 
been differently interpreted ; and a fynopfis of the difcuflion can be found 
in "The Sons of Liberty in New York," pp. 83, 84. 

' The prefent " Hall of Records" in the Park. 


houfe' Near the Coledge' where Black fam' Formerly 
dwelled and the reft of the foldiers he kept in the fort 
in readinefs for an Ingagement In the Evening the Citi- 
zens begin to mufter about the ftreats About 7 in the 
Evening I heard A Great Hozaing Near the broadway I 
ran that way with a Number of Others where the Mob 
juft began they had an Ephogy of the Governor' fade 
of Paper which fat on An old Chair which A Seaman Car- 
ried Upon his head the Mob went from the Fields" down 
the Fly° hozaing at Every Corner with Amaffen fight of Can- 
dles the Mob went from thence to Mr. Maccivers who was 
appointed for ftamp Mafter in London' Since he did not 

' This houfe, known as Vaux Hall, flood near the bank of the river, 
furrounded by taftefuUy arranged grounds, on the block formed by Warren, 
Chambers, and Greenwich flreets, and Weft Broadway. 

^ King's (Jince called Columbia) College, at the foot of Park place, a 
building which has given place to the flores of feveral of the members of 
this Affociation within a few years. 

^ Samuel Fraunces, a fwarthy man, well known in the city at that time as 
a public caterer, and fubfequently as the chief of the culinary ftaff of Prefi- 
dent Wafhington. • 

* "Effigy of the Governor." See, alfo. Holt's New York Gazette, 1192, 
November 7, 1765 ; Lieutenant Governor Colden's defpatch, November 5, 
1765; and Edes & Gill's Bojlon Gazette, November, 11, 1765. 

= Now known as " The Park." 

' Pearl flreet below Beekman was then known as " The Fly," from the 
marfhy margin of the river, by the fide of which it extended. Vide De 
Voe's MS. " Market Book," volume I. 

' James McEvers, the gentleman who had received the appointment of 
ftamp-mafter, and who refigned it at the requeft of the people, lived on the 
fpot where the building 50 Wall flreet, now flands. His place of bufinefs 
was in Hanover fquare. 


Except it they Honor'd him with 3 Hozaurs' from thence 
they went to the forf that the Governor might fee his 
Ephogy if he dare flio his face the Mob gave feveral who- 
zaus and thretened the Officers upon the wall Particularly 
Major James' for faying he'd drive N York with 500 Men 
Now tis faid that the Governor was A Drummer in the 
Army at Scotland* the Mob had Affurance Enough to 
break open the Governors Coatch houfe and took his 
Coatch from under the muffle of the Canon (hey Put the 
Ephogy upon the Coatch one fat up for Coatchman with 
the Whip in his hand whilfl: Others drawed it About the 
town, down to the Coffy Houfe' the Merchants was Ex- 

' " Three huzzas." 

' Fort George, at the foot of Broadway. 

^ " Major James" — Thomas James received a captain's commiffion in 
the Royal Artillery, March l, 1755, and a major's, Oftober 23, 1761. In 
the fall of 1765 he had come down from Crown Point; and had halted two 
companies of artillery, then in the city, on their way from England to the 
North, to aifift in enforcing the Stamp Aft in New York, the refult of which 
is feen in this letter. He was promoted to a lieutenant colonelcy, January 1, 
1771 ; to a colonel's command, February 19, 1779; and to the poft of 
colonel commandant of the artillery, July 6, 1780. His firft wife, a Span- 
ifh lady, died in 1776; his fecond was Margaret, daughter of James De 
Peyfter, Efq., of Jamaica, New York, who furvived him. Mrs. Martin, his 
daughter, died in New York in Auguft, 1835. 

' Referring to a report prevalent at that time, which has been denied, 
however, that Lieutenant Governor Colden had been a drummer in the 
army of the Pretender, in Scotland, many years before. 

" The Merchants' Coffee Houfe — a noted place of refort at that time — • 
ftogd wiere the Journal of Commerce office now Hands, at the corner of 
Wall and Water ftreets. 


ceidingly Pleaf'd And the mob Still increafing- from 
thence * * * * * * 

with About 5 or 600 Candles to alight them it was a dark 
night and not A Breath of Wind I ran down to the Fort 
to hear what they faid as the Mob Came down' it made A 
ButifuU Appearance And as foon As Major james faw them 
I haar'd him fay from off the wals — Hear they Come by 
G — d As foon As the Mob fee the fort they Gave three 
Chears and Came down to the Fort they went under the 
Cannon which was planted A Gainft them with Grape Ihot, 
they bid a Soldier upon the wals, to tell the rebel drummer 
or Major James to Give orders to fire" they Placed the 
Gallows Againft the fort Gate and took Clubs and beat A 
Gainft it' And there Gave three Whozaus in defyance they 
then Concluded to Burn thefe Ephogys and the Governors 

' " The mob came down." After the Lieutenant Governor's coach and 
fleighs had been taken from his carriage-houfe, they were dragged through 
the ftreets toward the Common — now the Park — by the party which had 
feized them ; and, while on its way, this party met another then on its way 
to the Fort, united with it, and moved " down" Broadway in the manner 
defcribed in the letter. 

'' In an anonymous notice which was polled at the cofFee-houfe during 
the day, fimilar defiance had been iflued ; and Lieutenant Governor Golden 
had been threatened with fummary punilhment fliould he " fire upon the 

" "they intrepidly marched with the Gallows, Coach, &c., up to 

the very Gate, where they knocked and demanded admittance, and if they 
had not been reftrained by fome humane Perfons who had Influence over 
them, would doubtlefs have taken the Fort." — Holt's New York Gazette, 
1192, November 7, 1765. 


Coatch in the Boldengren' before there Eyes' they told M 
James as foon As the Coatch was burnt they would knock 
down his houfe then they * * * * 

was juft going to Major James to Knock his houfe down 
and if he was A Man he ftiould Go and defend it. the 

Ladys fainted as they Could not Go on board 

Then the Mob Gave three Chairs and went to Major Jamefes 
And drove the Soldiers out the Back way then with one 
Confent they began upon the houfe and in Lefs than lo 
Minutes had the windows and dores the Looking Glaffes 
Mehogany Tables Silk Curtains A Libiry of Books all the 
China and furniture they feather Beds they cut and threw 
about the ftreets and burnt broke and tore the Garden drank 
3 or 4 Pipes of wine deftroyd the Beef throo the butter 
about and at Laft burnt the whole" only one red Silk Cur- 
tain they kept for A Colour' then they diftroyed the The 
3 day they was refolv'd to have the Governor Ded or Alive' 

' The Bowling Green — ftill preferved, at the foot of Broadway. 

" "we make no Doubt, the L 1 G r, and his Friends, had 

the Mortification of viewing the whole Proceeding from the Ramparts of the 
Fort." — Edes & Gill's BoJ'ton Gazette, November ii, 1765. 

' As a partial compenfation for this damage Major James received four 
hundred guineas in England ; and, in December, 1766, the Aflembly of New 
York voted him a gratuity of ^1745 15s. z\A., as a further compenfation. 
Vide Journal of Aflembly. 

■* As " the Colours of the Royal Regiment, were taken out and carried off 
triumphantly" — {P'ide Holt's New York Gazette, 1192, November 7, 1765) 
— there is no doubt the writer here refers to that circumftance. 

^ " The next day letters and MefTages were fent unto me, threatening my 


The fort Got up the fafliiens' in order for Battle And the 
mob began before dark the Governor fent for His Coun- 
cel which held about 2 Hours whilfl: thousands flood by 
ready waiting for the word the Gov"' concluded and 
promif'ed faithfully to have nothing to do with the ftamps' 
and he would fend them back to London with Capt Davis^ 
* * * all Peacable all the mob went home 

every man to his home * * Britons 

E Carther* 

life, if I did not deliver up ftamped papers." — Lieut. Gov. Colden to the. Lords 
of Trade, 6 Dec, 1765. 

' " Fafcines " — long bundles of flicks and brufliwood, which are ufed for 
filling up ditches, erefting breaftworks, etc. In this cafe they were probably 
defigned to form fhelters for the troops who were required to defend the 
parapets of tht fort. 

^ Fide Note 1, page 43. 

' Capt. Davis, of the Edward, on which the Stamps had been brought to 

* Owing to the fignature being blotted, the name of the writer of this 
homely but pifturefque epiftle cannot be made out with entire certainty. 


NEW YORK IN 1770. 


[The letter from which the following has been extrafted, is a bufinefs 
letter which was written from the city of New York to Dr. Petrus Tappan, 
of Efopus (now Kingjlon, Vljier County, N. Y.). It clearly indicates the 
difficulties which " the Sons of Liberty" in New York had to encounter in 
the ftruggle of the American Revolution, and the charafter of the agencies 
which the government appealed to in fupport of its prerogatives. 

The troubles which arofe from the hand-bill call for a public meeting, 
to take into confideration the betrayal of the popular rights by the General 
Aflembly of the province (together with copies of the call itfelf, of the 
fecond hand-bill figned " Legion," and of other documents which this affair 
produced,) have been fully defcribed in Dawfon's " The Park and its Vicin- 
ity" [Valentine's Manual for 1855, pp, 446-449); and Leake's "Life of 
General John Lamb," pp. 49-63.] 

New York, April iz", 1770. 


* -X- -X- * * * 

Capt McDougal' is indeed in Jail, & I hope if he is 

' Subfequently General Alexander McDougal of the army of the Revolu- 
tion. He had been arretted on the information of James Parker, the printer 
of it, on a charge of writing the hand-bill call of the meeting, figned " A Son 
of Liberty ;" and having refufed to give bail, he had been thrown into prifon. 
" Captain McDougal" was a wealthy retired fhipmafter, an active " Son of 
Liberty," and a fmcere patriot. After the war, he was the firft prefident of 
the Bank of New York, and he died in 1795. 

NEW YORK IN 1770. -j 

brought to tryal, he will come off with flying colours'. 
The party againft him is very virulent &, I hope, impotent. 
I myfelf am threaten'd (by papers thrown into my houfe) 
with a Damnation Drubbing and Imprifonment, on fuf- 
picion of being the Author of the Watchman^. So that 
for 4 or 5 Weeks pait I've walk'd the Streets (efpecially of 
an Evening) arm'd with either a Sword or Piftols or both. 
No attempt however has been made upon me, except the 
night the firft letter was thrown in, when (as my Serv' tells 
me) a Man knock'd at my door, dreffed in a flapp'd hat 
over clubb'd hair, a Watch-Coat, a Ruffled Shirt & a pair 
of Sailor's Troufer's. A pretty kind of Difguife indeed ! 
I'm likewife accuf'd by one of the papers thrown into my 
houfe of being the Author of the Paper fign'd Legion''; 

' He does not appear to have been tried, although the grand jury returned 
I true bill againft him at the April term of the court. 

^ A feries of political effays which appeared about that time. 

■" The following is a copy of this paper, taken from the original in the 
library of the New York Hiftorical Society : — 

" To THE Public. 
"The Spirit of the times renders it neceflary for the inhabitants of this city 
to convene, in order efFeftually to avert the deftrudlive confequences of the 
late Base Inglorious conduft of our General Aflembly, who have in oppo- 
fition to the loud and general voice of their conftituents, the diftates of 
found policy, the ties of gratitude, and the glorious ftruggle we have en- 
gaged in for our invaluable birthrights, dared to vote fupplies to the troops 
without the leaft Ihadow of a pretext for their pernicious grant. The moft 
eligible place will be in, the Fields, near Mr. De La Montaigne's and the 
time, — between 10 and 11 o'clock this morning, where we doubt not every 
friend of his country will attend. 



tho' God knows I'm not the Author of the one paper or 
the other. You fee, & I hope you will in your Town 
properly reprefent, the Conduft of the party oppof'd to us. 

In cafe of a new Election I hope you will exert yourfelf 
fo far as your Influence extends & fo far as your Connec- 
tions will admit, to procure the Eleflion of fuch Members 
as you can believe will prove friends to their Country. If 
I'm not miftaken, I've heard that Mr. Clinton has Marry'd 
your Sifter'. If fo, I give you joy ! He's a very good man ; 
but I'm afraid he has been overfeen in voting againft my 
Friend McDougal. i. e. in joining in the Vote, that the pa- 
per fignd A Son of Liberty'' was a Libel ; whoever it might 
be that wrote it. * * * * * 

* * * * * * 


Your humble Servt, 

Benj. Young Prime. 


" To Dr. Petrus Tappen 

at Eufopus." 

' George Clinton, afterward Governor of the State, married Mlfs Corne- 
lia Tappan, fifter of Dr. Petrus Tappan, to whom this letter was addrefled. 

' A copy of the hand-bill addreffed " To the BETRAYED Inhabitants 
of the City and Colony of NEW YORK," and figned " A Son of Liber- 
ty," may be found in Valentine's Manual ior 1855, pp. 482-484. 


[The fubftance of the following narrative has been publifhed, by the fon of 
the diftinguilhed author of it, many years ago, but in confequence of the rarity 
of that publication, and the intereft which attaches to the fubjeft and its author, 
it has been confidered expedient to prefent the ftatement in the form in which 
Colonel Willett left it. Hiftorical ftudents will underftand the great value 
of this verfion of the narrative, when compared with the fummary publifhed 
in 1831 ; and they will prefer it, even while the latter maybe on their 
fhelves ; while thofe who do not poflefs that publication will the more heart- 
ily welcome the narrative in its prefent form. 

Colonel Marinus Willett, the writer of this narrative, was born at Jamaica, 
Long Ifland, July 31, 1740. In 1758 he joined the army under General 
Abercrombie, as a lieutenant in Colonel De Lancey's regiment ; was in the 
difaftrous aftion near Ticonderoga; and accompanied Bradftreet in his expedi- 
tion againft Fort Frontenac. 

He was one of the earlieft friends of freedom in New York; and as a 
member of "The Sons of Liberty ," was an aftive participant in the oppofi- 
tion to the government — an inftance of which is related in this narrative. 

Accepting a captain's command in the Firft New York regiment, com- 
manded by Colonel McDougal, he was with Montgomery in the Northern 
campaign of 1775—6. 

In the fpring of 1777 he was promoted to a lieutenant colonelcy, and 
commanded Fort Conftitution, on the Hudfon. At Fort Stanwix, in the 
Mohawk valley, he performed one of the moft lignal exploits of the war; and 
he remained in command of that poft until the fpring of 1778, when he 
joined the main army under Wafhington, with which he was prefent in the 
aftion at Monmouth, June 28, 1778. 

He was with Sullivan in his campaign againft the Indians; and in 1780, 
1781, and 1782, he was aftively engaged in the valley of the Mohawk, ren- 
dering great fervice to his country. 

In 1 792 Prefident Wafhington appointed him to treat with the Creek In- 
dians ; and in the fame year he was appointed a brigadier general in the army 


defigned to operate againft the North-weftern Indians, which office he de- 

He was fheriff of the county of New York from 1784 to 1787, and from 
1791 to 1795 ; and mayor of the city in 1807. 

In the fecond war with Great Britain he alfo joined with great fpirit ; and 
on the 2 2d of Auguft, 1830, he died, aged 90 years.] 

The account of the Lexington Battle' was received at 
New York the Sunday after it took place' and occafioned 
an Impulfe in the Inhabitants which produced a general 
Infurreftion of the Populace who affemblyed and not being 
able to procure the Key of an arfnelF where a number of 
arms belonging to the Coloniel Goverment were depofited 
forced open the door and took poffeffion of thofe arms con- 
lifting of about 600 Mulkets with Bayonets & Catrige 
boxes to each filled with ball Catridges* Thefe arms were 
diftributed among the moft aftive of the Citizens who formed 
themfelves into a Voluntary Corps and affumed the Gover- 

' This " account," figned by " T. Palmer, One of the Committee of 
Safety" dated " Watertown, Wednefday morning, near ten o'clock, April 
19, ^77S>" can be found entire, in The New York Gazette and Mercury, 
April 24, 1775. 

^ " This city was alarmed yefterday by a report from the eaftward, that 
the King's troops had attacked the Maflachufctts-Bay people." — Letter from 
New York to a gentleman in Philadelphia, April 24, 1775. 

' " The Arfenal" here referred to was a portion of the City Hall in Wall 
ftreet, in which the arms of the city were kept. — Leake's "Life of General 
Lamb," p. 103. 

^ " Towards evening (Sunday, April 23,) they went and fecured about 
half the city arms ; a guard of about one hundred men, I am told, was then 
placed at the City Hall, to fecure the reft of the arms." — Letter from New 
York, April 24, 1775. 


ment of the City. They poffeffed themfelves of the keys 
of the Cuftome-houie and took poffeftion of all the public 
ftores.' There was a general ftagnation of bufinefs. The 
armed Citizens were Conftantly parading about the City 
Without any Definate objeft. Part of the i8th Britifli 
regiment called the Royal Irifli under the Command of the 
Major of the regiment" who were garrifoned in the City 
Confined themfelves to their barraks.' The unfyftemifed 
and Confufed manner in which things were conduced mani- 
fefted the neceffity of forming fome regular plan of Gov- 
erment to effeft which a meeting of the Citizens were re- 
quefted at the Merchants CofFee-houfe when it was Unani- 
moufly agreed that the Goverment fliould be placed in 
the hands of a Committee and folemn refolutions Entered 
into to Support their meafures untill further provifion 
fliould be made by the Continental Congrefs' which were 

' " Lamb and Sears then returned to the cuftom-houfe, demanded the keys 
of the coUedlor, and having received them, they difmiffed the officers and 
clofed the building; fending notices to Philadelphia and elfewhere of what 
they had done, and calling upon all good patriots to follow their example." 
— Leake's " Life of General Lamb," p. 102. 

^ The major commanding the detachment of the Royal Irilh regiment herfi 
referred to, was Lfaac Hamilton. Mr. Loffing {Field Book, IL., p. 588) fays 
Major MoncreiiFe commanded, but a reference to Lieut. Gov. Colden's de- 
fpatch to Earl of Dartmouth, May 3, 1775, will dilprove that ftatement. 

^ The Barracks were in " the Fields" — as the Park was then called — occu- 
pying a place on a line with Chambers ftreet, near the fite lately occupied by 
"the New City Hall." 

■* The Continental Congrefs met at Philadelphia, on Wednefday, May 10, 



Qiortly to meet in Phyladelphia. The feacred honor of the 
Citizens being pledged at the fame time to fupport the 
meafures of Congrefs. This Committee amount to ibo' 
was Ini^anftly Choofen and entering with becoming deHber- 
ation on the duties Delagated to them reftored as much 
order in the city as under circumftances fo new and ex- 
troordinary could be reafonably expeSed'^ — It is proper 

' The following gentlemen conftituted this " Committee of One Hundred," 
as it was called: Ifaac Low, Chairman; John Jay, Pef V. B Living- 
fton, Philip Livingfton, Ifaac Sears, David Johnfon, James Duane, Alexr 
McDougal, John Broom, John Alfop, Thomas Randall, Leonard Lifpenard, 
William Walton, Jofeph Hallett, Gabriel H. Ludlow, Nicholas Hoffman, 
Abraham Walton, Henry Remfen, Pet' Van Schaack, Peter T. Curtenius, 
Jofeph Bull, Abraham Brafher, Abraham P Lett, Abraham Duryee, Francis 
Lewis, Jofeph Totten, Thomas Ivers, Hercules Mulligam, John Anthony, 
Francis Baffett, Victor Bicker, Theophilus Antony, John White, William 
Goforth, WilUam Denning, Ifaac Roofevelt, Jacob. Van. Voorhees, Jeremiah 
Piatt, Comfort Sands, Robert Benfon, Willm W. Gilbert, John Berrien, 
Gabriel. W. Ludlow, Nicholas Roofevelt, Fredc Jay, Edward Fleming, 
Lawrence Embree, Samuel Jones, John Delancey, William W. Ludlow, 
John B Moore, Rudolphus Ritzema, Lindley Murray, John Laflier, Lan- 
cafter Burling, George Janaway, James Beekman, Samuel Verplanck, Richard 
Yates, David Clarkfon, Thomas Smith, James Defbroffes, Eleazer Miller, 
Auguftus Van Horn, Garrat Keteltas, John Read, Benjamin Kiffam, John 
Moran Scott, Peter Goelet, Cornelius Clopper, John Van Cortlandt, John 
Marfton, Jacobus Van Zandt, Gerardus Dyckman, John Morton, Thomas 
Marfton, George FoUiot, Jacobus Leffens, Richard Sharp, Hamilton Young, 
William Seton, Abraham Brinkerhoff, Benjamin Helme, Robert Ray, Wal- 
ter Franklin, David Beekman, Evert Banker, Miches Bogert, William 
Laight, Samuel Broom, John Lamb, Daniel Phoenix, Anthony Van Dam, 
Daniel Dunfcomb, John Imlay, Oliver Templeton, Lewis Pintard, Cornelius 
P Low, Petrus Byvank, Thomas Buchannan. [^London Papers, XLV.] 

' " You will not be furprifed to hear that congreffes and committees are 
now eftabliftied in this Province, and are ading with all the confidence and 


here to obferve that the City of" New York Contained a 
very larg portion of perfonal Influence in favour of the 
meafures of the Britifli Goverment and many of the per- 
fons choafen on the Committee were of that defcription'. 
The very ftrong Current of popolar Influence however 
which pervaded as foon as advife of the affair at. Lex- 
ington arrived kecpt that Influence in fufficient Check 
while its tendency to Lengthen dehberation was not with- 
out ufe and opperated more powerfully in fupport of the 
doings of the Committee — The Britifh troops Garifbned 
in the city were Ordered to Join the army at Bofton. It 
would have been an eafy bufinefs to made them prifoners. 
The timid difpofition of the Committee Caufed them to 
fuppofe this could not be effeded without the lofs of a 
number of lives, and agreed to let them depart with their 
arms and acoutraments without Moleftation. They accord- 
ingly marched from the barracks to embark about Ten 
oClock in the forenoon of a fine pleafant day" There was 
a public houfe near Beekman Slip kecpt by a Mr Jafper 
Drake'. At this houfe the warm friends of the oppofition to 
the Britifli meafures ufed to meet dayly. I was at that place 
with about half dozen more when word was brought that the 

authority of a legal government." — Lieut. Gov. Golden to Earl of Dart- 
mouth, 7 jfune, 1775 (Golden MSS. New York Hiftorical Society's Library). 

' A very large proportion of " the Committee of One Hundred,'' as well as 
the " Committee of Fifty," which fucceeded it, were friends of government. 

''June 6, 1775. — Lt. Gov. Golden to Earl of Dartmouth, June 7. 

^ Vide page 6 1 . 


troops had Commenced their march. And that befide the 
arms and acoutraments they carried they were taking with 
them fundry Carts Loaded with Chefts filled with arms — As 
we were among the number of thofe who confider the per- 
miting the troops to depart at any rate when we had it in 
our power to make them Prifoners proceeded from fear 
or fomething worfe and as the permiffion given by the 
Committee did .not extend to their taking any fpare arms 
with them It was fuddenly determin to hazard the Con- 
fequence of endeavouring to feizee upon thefe fpare arms. 
The perfons prefent by agreement fet out on different routs 
through the City to alarm our friends. My rout led me to 
pafs the Coffee-houfe' where after notifying the meafure 
about to be purfiied I proceeded through Water Street to 
the Exchange which then flood at the Lower End of Broad 
ftreet from whence I difcovered the Troops on their March 
down Broad Street I proceeded up the ftreet and on difcov- 
ering feveral Carts Loaded with Chefts of arms in front of 
the troops under a fmall Guard I ftopt the front Horfe 
which of Courfe caufed a halt in the whole line of march. 
On the appearance of the Commanding officer to Enquire 
into the caufe of the halt I informed him that the permif- 
fion of the Committee did not extend to the troops taking 
with them any other arms than thofe they carried about 
them — ^The appearance of David Mathews who had lately 

' Corner of Wall and Water ftreets, on the fite now occupied by the office 
of the Journal of Commerce. 


been appointed Mayor of the City' (and whole tory prin- 
cipals were well known to be oppofed to Congerfenal meaf- 
ures) diverted the Converfation from the Commanding 
officer of the troops to himfelf — The halt of the troops 
afforded time for the CoUeftion of the Citizens. The Carts 
loaded with arms were turned out of the line of march, 
And the troops under arms addreffed with an Invitation to 
fuch as dilliked the Service in which they were to recover 
their arms And receive the protection of the Citizens who 
confidered them as Bretheren of the fame famaly But if 
their fentiments corobarated with the Violent meafures of 
the Britifli Goverment and they were difpofed to Join in 
the Barbarous work of flieding the blood of their fellow 
citizens we were ready to meet them in the Crimfon field. 
One of the Soldiers recovering his arms was received with 
repeated huzzas and Led away by the Exulting citizens, 
fbme few afterwards followed and were Conduced with the 
taken arms to a place of Safty". The troops marched to 
the river and embarked under the HifTes of the citizens'. 

' Colonel Willett's memory had failed to render good fervice in this in- 
ftance. Whitehead Hicks — at the period referred to, and until February, 
1776 — was the mayor of the city; and David Matthews, in April and May, 
1775, was alderman of the Eaft Ward, in which capacity he may have been 

' To the ball-alley and yard of Abraham Van Dyck, corner of Broadway 
and John ftreet, as will appear from the accompanying ftatement, page 65.' 

' " General Gage wrote to Major Hamilton, by the Afia, that he thought it 
would be a proper meafure to put the Troops under his command on Board 
of that Ship, and defired him to confult with me upon it. As I was very 


[The following lines, alfo taken from the autograph of Colonel Willett, 
appear to have been part of another verfion of "the Broad Jireet affair." 
Although there are many particulars which have appeared in the precediiig 
narrative, there are, alfo, fome which' are not related in that; and it has been 
confidered proper to publilh both, rather than to mutilate either of them. J 

The particulars attending this tranfaction will I truft Juftify 
the account I lliall give of it ; Similar fenfations with thofe 

fenfible this fmall number of Troops {one hundred) could not be of any 
ufe in the Barracks, and were expofed to thofe very difagreeable circum- 
ftances I have already mentioned, I did not doubt of the propriety of the 
meafure propofed by Genl Gage a difEculty however arofe on account 
of the women and Children, who were too numerous to be taken on Board 
with the men, almoft the whole that belong to the Regiment being in the 
Barracks here with this detachment. This occafioned a delay of eight or 
ten days in which time feveral foldiers deferted. We at length thought of 
encharaping the Women and Children on what is called the Governors 
Ifland, till they could be otherwife taken care of, and yefterday was fixed for 
embarking the Troops on Board the Afia. The Provincial Congrefs had 
notice, that fome people propofed to Hop the embarkation upon which they 
publifhed a hand Bill advifeing the People by no means to moleft the Troops, 
or interrupt them in their defign. They likewife appointed a number of 
their members to join the City Magiftrates and affift them in preventing any 
interruption to the Troops. As foon as the Troops marched from the Bar- 
racks, feveral People began to harangue them, exhorting them to defert, and 
afluring them of fufficient Proteftion. Two or three fellows had the hardi- 
nefs to turn off with their arms, from the Ranks, and were immediately car- 
ried away by the People, when the Troops got upon the Dock where they 
were to embark on board of Boats, the Carts following in the rear with their 
Baggage, were ftoppd and in the Face of the Mayor, Aldermen, Congrefs and 
Committee men, turn'd about by a few defperate fellows, carried to a Place 
in- Town, where they opened the Baggage, and took out a number of fpare 
arms and all the ammunition belonging to the Detachment. The Troops 
embarkd without their Baggage. "—i,^ Gov. Colden to the Earl of Dart- 
mouth, June 7, 1775 (Colden MS. New York Hiftorical Society Library). 


by which I was governed at that time I have experienced 
on feveral trying occafions and never failed terminating 
fucceffuUy It is an Enthewfifm with which Soldiers can- 
not be too much Infpired whfti entering into action; In- 
deed more or lefs of this Enthewfifm fliould govern every 
ftep of a Soldier defirous of atchieving fame. The fenti- 
ment common in an army that he is a good Soldier who 
does what he is ordered will feldom procure that fame 
which ought to be the foldiers Glory. To arrive at this 
Goal it is neceflary not only to obey orders but to feek oc- 
cafions of performing Enterprifes by voluntary fervices and 
by projefting plans for anoying the Enemy — The meafure 
direfted by the Committee (who were vefted with the Gov- 
erment of the city) to fuffer the Britifli troops to depart 
unmolefted with their arms and acoutraments tho no doubt 
a proper one was not univerfally approved of, and as foon 
as it was announced that the troops were on their march 
and were taking with them feveral Carts loaded with fpare 
arms a fudden determination of a few perfons who were 
then affemblyd at a Mr Jefper Darkes who kecpt a public 
houfe in Water Street near Beekman flip were the mofl: 
zealous partizans in the caufe of Liberty ufed to have 
dayly and nightly meetings. It was about 12 oClock M: 
when the account of this movement of the troops was 
brought to Mr Drakes at which place I happened to be 
at the time, and with the others then at that houfe fet out 
to alarm the citizens in order to Colleft force to prevent 


the troops from carrying thofe fpare arms with them. The 
way I took and the dif'patch I made brought me to the 
front of the troops as they were marching, before any of 
the other perfons who fet out on the fame bufinefs ; On 
my arrival in their front which was at the Corner of Beaver 
ftreet in Broad, ftreet I ftoped the horfe that was drawing 
the front Cart-load of arms. This of courfe occafioned a 
halt in the Troops. And brought the Major of the regi- 
ment' who was the comanding officer in front to enquire 
into the caufe of the halt. I had the horfe by the head 
and on the appearance of the Major informed him that the 
halt was made to prevent the fpare arms from being carried 
off, as the aft of the Committe did not authorife the troops 
taking any other arms than fuch as they carried on their 
backs, while I was making this explanation to the Major 
David Mathews Efquire who was at that time Mayor of 
the city" came up And accofted me in the following words 
I am furprifed Mr Willett that you will hazard the peace 
and endanger the lives of our citizens when you know that 
the Committee have direfted that the troops fliall be per- 
mitted to depart unmolefted, as Mr Mathews was a Tory 
and zealous fupporter of the meafures of the Britifli Gov- 
erment His prefence or opinion could have no Influence 

' Major Hamilton was appointed lieutenant in this regiment, Odlober l, 
1755; captain, IVIarch 4, 1760; and major, December 16, 1764. He 
came to America with it in the latter year, and left the army in July, 1775. 
— Army Lijls. 

^ Fit/e note i, page 59. 


with me, and I very unhefitatingly ^ffured him that his fur- 
prife was not to furprife me that the Committee had not 
authorifed the carrying off any fpare arms. That confider- 
ing the Bloody bufinefs which had taken place among our 
Bretheren in Maffechufettes whom we were bound by the ties 
of honor as well as Intereft to fupport, I deemed it my duty 
to prevent thole arms from being ufed againft them and 
conceived that it would be much more reputable for us 
to employ them in the defence of our Injured Country. 
While this queftion was agitating with the Major and the 
Mayor, Mr Governeer Morris' made his appearance. And 
to my great aftonifliment Joined the Mayor in opinion. 
Mr Morris's fituation was very different from that of the 
Mayors, He was a Whig of very refpeftable Conneftions 
and tho young of Brilliant talents — To be oppofed by Mr. 
Morris ftagard me — And I doubt whether all my Zeal 
and Enthufaifm would fupported me had it not been for 
the arrival at that Critical moment of John Morine Scott' 

' Gouverneur Morris was born at Morrifania, N. Y., January 31, 1752, 
and graduated at King's College, in New York, in 1768. He ftudied law 
with William Smith; in May, 1775, was chofen a member of the Provin- 
cial Congrefs; and in Oftober, 1777, a member of the Continental Con- 
grefs. He reprefented Pennfylvania in the Convention which framed the 
Federal Conftitution ; in 1 792, was appointed a minifter plenipotentiary to 
France, where he remained until Oftober, 1794; and in 1800, was chofen 
a fenator from New York in the federal councils. He was one of the ear- 
lieft and moll ardent of the friends of the canal fyftem of New York ; and 
November 6, 1 8 1 6, he died full of years and of honors. 

^ John Morin Scott, one of the earlieft, moft able, and moft determined 
of "the Sons of Liberty" in New York, was born in that city in 1730, and 


who was an Influencial member of the Committee and 
whofe reputation for talents was as great as any in the 
city ; He came up Juft as I was repeating to Mr. Morris 
the reafons of my conduS And Exclaimed in a Loud voice 
you are right Willett the committee have not given them 
permiffion to carry off any fpare arms. By this time the 
throng of people around us had greatly Increafed and were 
prefmg in on every fide. Mr. Scott's opinion was fcarcly 
proclaimed when I turned the front Cart to the right and 
direfted the Cartman to drive up Beaver Street, the other 
Carts which were Loaded with arms were made to follow 
and on the fuggeftion of Mr Scott that it would be proper 
to addrefs the troops I Jumped on a Cart, and after ob- 
ferving to them that if it was their defire to Join the Bloody 
bufinefs which was tranfafting near Bofton, we were ready 
to meet them in the Sanguin field, But that if any of them 
felt a repugnance to the unatural work of Iheding the blood 
of their Countrymen and would recover their arms and 

march forward they fliould be protefted One of the fol- 


graduated at Yale College in 1746. He adopted the profeffion of the law, 
and foon became one of the leading members of the provincial bar, where 
many of the ableft minds of America were then practifing. He was one of 
the earlieft opponents of the government, and in 1775 he was a member of 
the Provincial Congrefs; on the 9th of June, 1776, he was appointed brigadier 
general of the provincial troops, with whom he was engaged in the battle of 
Long Ifland ; and in March, 1777, he left the fervice to become fecretary 
of ftate of New York. In 1782 and 1783 he ferved in the Continental 
Congrefs; and on the 14th of September, 1784, he died in the city of New 
York.— Loffing's " Field Book," II., p. 805. 


diers recovering his arms and marching forward was re- 
ceived by three hearty Huzzas and together with the Carts 
five in number loaded with Chefts of arms Conduced with 
the continual Huzzas of the Citizens through Beaver Street 
& up the Broad Way as far as the Corner of John ftreet 
where their was a Ball alley and Large Yard beloning to 
Mr Abraham Van Dyck who was a good Whig a pleaf- 
ant faracious agreeable man — and who afterwards when the 
Britifli troops took poffeftion of New York was made a prif- 
oner and fufFered a long & Cruel Captavity — In this yard the 
arms were depofited. Thefe arms and thofe taken poffel- 
fion of on the arrival of the account of the Battle of Lex- 
ington were employed by the firft troops raifed in New 
York under the orders of Congrefs.' The troops receiving 
no other Impediment agreeable to the aft of the Committee 
Marched to the Wharf and embarked. Altho I have no 
difpofition to Cenfer the aft of the Committee Yet I was 
then and am ftill of opinion that it would have been as eafy 
to have made prifoners of the whole of the troops as it was 
to take from them thefe fpare arms. But the Idea of a 
Compromife with the Britifli Goverment pervaded our coun- 
cils, and checked the adoption of fpirited meafures. 

' The firft regiment of " the New York line" was that of which Alex- 
ander McDougal was colonel ; Rudolphus Ritzema, lieutenant colonel ; and 
Frederick Weiffenfels, major. 




[This letter was written by Peter T. Curtenius, the commiflary general 
of the New York line, to Colonel Richard Varick, and relates to the fo- 
called " HicKEY Plot." That confpiracy, which had been organized by 
Governor Tryon from his retreat on " The Duchefs of Gordon," aimed at 
a delivery of the city and the army to the royal forces ; and its difcovery 
was produftive of the moft intenfe excitement. The moft exaggerated ac- 
counts were fpread throughout the country, fuch as this letter muft have 
produced wherever it was read ; and the Provincial Congrefs of New York, 
by a committee which it had previoufly appointed " for the hearing and try- 
ing difaffefted perfons and thofe of equivocal charafters," inveftigated the 
fubjeft in its minutia;. 

As is cuftomary in fuch cafes, efpecially when the parties employed have 
been taken, as was the cafe in this plot, from the beer-houfes and " low 
places" of the country, the leaders efcaped the juft penalty of their crimes 
by becoming witnefles againft their comrades ; and of all the confpirators, 
one only, an Irilhman named Thomas Hickey, a private in the ranks of 
General Wafliington's body guard, was capitally punilhed. 

Interefting accounts of the plot may be found in Gordon's " American 
Revolution" (ed. London, 1788,) IL, pp. 276, 277; Marfhall's "Waftiing- 
ton," IL, p. 392 ; Irving's " Walhington," IL, pp. 242-246 ; " Proceedings 
of the Committee for the Hearing," etc., June 22-26, 1776; "Minutes of 
the General Court Martial which tried Thomas Hickey," etc.] 

N York Tune 22<1 1776 — 


Inclofed is Cap' Staat's Rec' for a tent &c which pleafe 
to Endorfe on the back that you have received it. Your 
father is well who was at my houfe yefterday. Your good 


mother & the reft of the family are alfo in good health, 
having feen them a few days ago at Hackinfack. 

Laft night was difcovered a moft Infernal plott againft 
the lives of Geni Wafliington & Putnem &c — Some of 
the Villains concerned are in fafe cuftody among them 
are Mr Matthews our Mayor' Gilbert Forbes a Gunfmith,' 

' David Matthews was appointed Mayor upon the refignation of Whitehead 
Hicks, in February, 1776, and was among thofe who were implicated in the 
intricacies of the Hickey plot. There is nothing in the evidence, however, 
which juftifies the fufpicion that he was really concerned in it, beyond a£ling 
as a meflenger in delivering money to Forbes from Tryon. He was removed 
into Connefticut, and held in clofe cuftody there for fome time ; but he was 
fubfequently releafed, and held the office of Regiftrar in Admiralty, in 1782, 
under the Britifh authorities. 

'■' Gilbert Forbes was a gunfmith doing bulinefs oppolite to Hull's Tav- 
ern, No. 18 Brcadway. It has been faid by fome that he was an Iriftiman ; 
but his father, who died in 1 769, had been a relident of New York for many 
years, and had done a large bufmefs as a hardware merchant. 

Gilbert appears to have been an early participant in the plot, if not one 
of the originators of the fcheme ; and through his hands the money, which 
had been provided by the enemy, paffed into thofe of the recruits. The 
latter appear alfo to have taken the oath of allegiance before him ; and to 
fome extent, at leaft, he appears to have directed the propofed operations of 
the confpirators. 

When the plot had been difcovered, he was arrefted and thrown into 
irons, fteadily refuling to divulge the fecrets which he poffeffed ; but a fhort 
time afterward, when Mr. Livingfton vilited him under the pretence of fym- 
pathizing with him in view of his approaching execution, he begged permif- 
fion to go before the Congrefs and to divulge all he knew about the matter. 
His propofition appears to have been accepted ; and his teftimony will be 
found in the report of the trial of Hickey by a general court martial, on the 
26th of June, as well as before a committee of the Provincial Congrefs of 
New York on the 29th of the fame month ; and he appears to have efcaped 
punifliment probably through this means. 

He is defcribed as "a fhort thick man, with a white coat." 


a fifer & Drum'- of Gen' Wafliingtons Guard' &c the par- 
ticulars are not yet Tranfpiered, the culprits are to be ex- 
amin<i before congrefs this day' thus much is tranfpiered 
(from officers who were employed to apprehend them), 
that a great fum was offered to afTaflinate Gen'= Wafliing- 
ton & Putnam", that a plan was found in their pofTeffion of 
all the fortifications,' That whilft the Regulars made the at- 
tack fome perfons were to blow up the powder houfe' & 
others were to deftroy Kings brige to prevent reenforce- 
ments coming in from New England" In flaort the plott 

' The drummer was " William Green," who appears to have been very 
aftive, adminiftering the oath of allegiance to the lefs fortunate Hickey, and 
receiving a brokerage of " one dollar per man from Forbes for every man 
he fhall inlift." As he was the leading witnefs againft Hickey, when the 
latter was tried before the court martial, there is no doubt that he efcaped 
the punifliment which was fo juftly his due. 

The fifer was James Johnfon, but he does not appear to have taken any 
aftive part in the confpiracy. 

^ The prifoners were examined by a committee of the Provincial Con- 
grefs of New York : Philip Livingfton, John Jay, Gouverneur Morris, Jofeph 
Hallett, Thomas Tredwell, Lewis Graham, and Leonard Ganfevoort, con- 
ftituting the committee. 

^ There does not appear in evidence any fuch purpofe on the part of the 
confpirators, although rumors of the day were numerous and decided. 

' There is no evidence of fuch " a plan" having been found on any per- 
fon ; nor is there much rcafon to believe that fuch a plan exifted, or was 
neceffary, where all concerned were refidents of the city, or had been within a 
Ihort time, and knew all the localities which would have appeared on fuch a plan. 

' " The powder houfe" in queftion flood on the fouth-weftern bank of 
" The Frejh-water," near the prefent junftion of Centre and Pearl ftreets. 
There is no allufion to any propofed deflruftion of the magazine in any part 
of the evidence which was taken at that time. 

' The drummer, William Green, in his teftimony taken before the court 


was a moft damnable one & I hope that the Villains may 
receive a punifliment equal to perpetual Itching without 
the benifit of icratching 

I am S"" your moft 

Obed SerVt 

Peter T. Curtenius." 

martial which tried Hickey, teftified that " all that Forbes propofed to me 
was, that when the king's forces arrived, weJJiould cut away King^s Bridge, 
and then go on board a fhip of war, which would be in the Eaft River to 
receive us." Gilbert Forbes, the gunfmith, when examined before the Pro- 
vincial Congrefs, after narrating the plans of the confpirators in their defigns 
upon different parts of the ifland, teftified, " that fliould they gain pofleffion 
of the places above-mentioned, their next objeft would be the grounds ad- 
jacent to King's Bridge, where they intend to ereft ftrong works, Jo as to cut 
off the communication between the city and country." 

' Peter Theobaldus Curtenius was born in the city of New York in 
1734, and was the fon of the Rev. Anthonius Curtenius, a clergyman of the 
Dutch Church, who came from Holland fome years previous, and at the time 
of his death, in October, 1756, was fettled over a congregation in Kings 
county. The genealogical tree of the family comme;ices with Peter Curte- 
nius, born 1 390, at Zingoon, in the diftrict named Curten, three miles from 
Eberfield, and is continued down to 1734. 

Peter T. Curtenius, before and at the time of the Revolution, was a mer- 
chant in the city of New York. In Auguft, 1755, he married Mifs Catha- 
rine Goelet, the daughter of Phillipus Goelet of faid city. No higher 
meed of praife can be beftowed on him than to fay that he was a true 
friend of his country, and an ardent patriot in the days of the Revolution. 
In 1774, he was an adlive member of the committee of correfpondence with 
the Jifter colonies, appointed by the citizens of New York,' and in May, 1775, 
he was chofen on the general committee of the city and county. During the 
war he held the office of Commiffary General, with the rank of colonel under 
the Provincial Congrefs, as appears by numerous letters as fuch with the com- 

(1) See American Colonial Archives, 4th feries, vol. i, pages 293 to 330, as to the 
committee and proceedings. 



New York June 25 th 1776 Tuefday 

Dear Brother 

Since my laft, Matters here, have taken a 

new Turn ; for one fourth of the Citizens have been obhdg'd 

mittee and Congrefs, found in the "American Colonial Archives'" and "The 
Colonial Documents" publifhed by the ftate of New York, from which it appears 
that to fupply the wants of the army, he was compelled to make large advances 
from his own means and on his own credit. At one time, when the refources 
and credit of Congrefs had entirely failed, and a fupply of clothing and ftioes 
for a deftitute army was abfolutely required. Colonel Curtenius converted 
his own houfe and ftore on the corner of Liberty ftreet and Broadway, into 
money, and expended the amount of fixteen hundred pounds towards pur- 
chafing thefe neceffary fupplies for its relief; which, at the clofe of the war, 
was refunded to him by the general government, in Continental money of no 
value. It is related of him that he was unwilling to wear any article of for- 
eign manufacture, and that his wedding-fuit was of domeftic fluff. In 1792, 
the legiflature created the office of ftate auditor, and Colonel Curtenius was 
appointed to the office, and continued to hold it until 1797, when the office 
of comptroller was created in its place. 

He died in the city of New York, of the yellow fever, in 1 798, and was 
buried in the vault at the entrance of the Middle Dutch Church, on Cedar 
ftreet, where his remains refted until 1857, when, with the remains of his 
fon. General Peter Curtenius (who died in 1817), they were removed to 
Beechwood Cemetery in New Rochelle, and depofited with the remains of 
his daughter, Mrs. Jane Roofevelt, in the vault of her family. 

He left him furviving, his wife, who lived until 1 806, and his children — 
General Peter Curtenius, who was appointed United States marfhal by Jef- 
ferfon, in i8o6, and continued to about the clofe of the war of 1812; Jane 
Roofevelt, the wife of Elbert Roofevelt, late of Pelham ; Catharine Dunlap, 
the wife of the Rev. John Dunlap, late of Cambridge, Wafhington county, 

(1) See "Archives," 4tli feries, vol. i, pages 1124 and 1337, 


to turn out, either as Volanteers, or by Draught, in Conf'e- 
quence of the Expreis from the Continental Congrefs.' 
The firft Batalion is to have its Number compleated out 
of thofe that have been draughted & be commanded by- 
Col: Laflaer'. — Eighteen of the Fufileer Company, turn'd 
out Volanteers and the remainder were draughted'. — I hap- 
New York ; and Mary and Elizabeth, unmarried ; all of whom are alfo de- 
ceafed. There are none of the name now known in the United States, except 
his grandchildren, viz. : John L. Curtenius, of the city of Buffalo ; Henry R. 
Curtenius and Frederick W. Curtenius, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, and their 
children, and thofe of Alfred G. Curtenius, late of Peoria, Illinois, deceafed. 

On the 9th day of July, 1776, the equeftrian ftatue of King George the 
III., placed on a pedeftal in the Bowling Green in New York city, was, by 
the Sons of Freedom, proftrated to the duft, and out of its materials 42,088 
cartridges were fupplied with balls, and thus returned to the loyal fubjects of 
his majefty. The pedeftal remained until after 1820. In this tranfaftion 
Colonel Curtenius is ftated to have been one of the leading fpirits. 

' " AH the male inhabitants between fixteen and fixty years of age, were 
fubjeft" to thefe drafts. — Cafe of William Butler, AJf. Com. Gen. ( Tovi- 
linfon MSS.) 

° This regiment was compofed of the "independent Foot Companies" then 
exifting in this city. They were the Grenadier Company, the Fuziliers, 
the German Fuziliers, the Union Company, the Sportfraan Company, the 
Corficans, the Bold Forrefters, the Light Infantry, the Ofwago Rangers, two 
companies of Artillery, and a company of Rangers. The uniforms of the 
companies were different — no two companies appear to have worn the fame 
uniform ; and the officers embraced the moft refpectable citizens, many of 
them members of the " Sons of Liberty." Among the line officers were 
Abraham Braftier, Rudolphus Ritzema, Samuel Broome, William Malcolm, 
Nicholas Roofevelt, Frederic Jay, Frederic De Peyflier, Marinus Willett, 
Jeremiah Wool, and Nicholas Bogart. 

' " The Fiifileer Company " here fpoken of was Captain Ritzema's com- 
pany, of which Henry G. Livingfton, Andrew Lott, and James Van Zandt, 
were lieutenants. Its uniform was blue, with red facings. The cap was 


pen'd to be included amongft the Draughts; for the En- 
gagement I am under to the Doftor', & the Care of the 
Houfe will hardly admit Me, to be a Soldier, 'tho it has 
fallen to my Lott, much lefs to turn out as Volanteer. I 
am almoft determin'd to get a Man in my Place, till fuch 
Times, as I may with Honor & Juftice to Myfelf be ab- 
folv'd from that Engagement; and then I will with all 
imaginable Pleafure repair to my Company again, and un- 

of bear fein. On the cap and pouch were brafs plates, bearing the 
word, "Fuziliers," and encircling the laft, " Saliis populi fuprema lex 

' " The Doctor." This refers to Dr. Middleton, with whom Mr. Varick 
and others were purfuing their medical ftudies. On the 26th of April, Dr. 
Middleton, from prudential motives — he being a Tory, as will be feen from 
this letter — fuddenly failed for Bermuda, " in company with Ld. Drummond, 
John McAdam, and Harry NicoUs," leaving his houfe, library, inftruments, 
and bills receivable in the hands of Mr. Varick and his fellow-ftudent, 
Charles Mitchell, while his family removed to Flufhing, Long Ifland. Speak- 
ing of the privileges thus afforded him, Mr. Varick, in a previous letter, fays, 
"now that we had Peace, I'd engage that I would make fuch ufe of my Time, 
as would be of infinite Service to Me. But Oh the Times, the Times, have 
fuch an Effect on Me, that all ray Reading and Studying prove of little Ad- 

Peter Middleton, M. D., was a native of Scotland, and a graduate of 
the Uniyerfity of Edinburgh. He came to New York in 1752, and very 
foon after occupied a high rank in his profeffion. In 1767, he was appointed 
Profeffor of the Theory of Phyfic in King's College. He was the phyfician 
of Governor Tryon, and by permifEon of the Provincial Congrefs of New 
York, he was on the 13th of February, 1776, permitted to vifit his excel- 
lency on board the fhip "Duchefs of Gordon." On the 21ft of February, 
he was allowed to continue his profeffional vifits " untill the further order of 
this Congrefs." He publilhed feveral important papers on medical fubjefts, 
and died in the city of New York, in January, 1781, of fchirrus of the 


dergo with becoming Affignation, & Willingnefs, in COn- 
jundion with my fellow Soldiers ; whatever Duty and Hard- 
fhip may be affign'd for them. But now the Confideration 
of the Pledge I made of my Honor & Fidelity to the 
Doftor, is of fo great Moment to me, that it renders Part of 
my Life uncomfortable, leaft I fhould be in any one Point 
deficient in the Difcharge of my Duty. 

Laft Friday I had the Pleafure of receiving a Letter from 
the Dod"". dated Bermuda May 13th. He makes mention 
that he intended to return in a few Weeks, but I am in- 
clin'd to think that He'll avoid coming to this City, if he 
hears how the Tories have been treated here, till Matters 
are in Some Meafure come to a Determination. From 
what he writes & from the Things he has left behind 
Him I have great reafon to conclude that he really intend- 
ed to return at the Time limited, notwithftanding the Inti- 
mations of thofe who pretended to know to the contrary, 
for I was fatiffy'd that it was inconfiftent with that Frank- 
nefs which the Doftor is diftinguifli'd by, that he fliould be 
guilty of fuch Deceit towards Us. When to exped Him 
I am at a Lofs, but I am determin'd to fend his medical 
Books and Surgical Inftruments to Hackinlack, that if I 
fliould, in fliort get clear of the Army, and the Dod"". not re- 
turn, I may have them at my Command, & the Perufal of 

Gov'' Trion' has given evident Proofs how he intends to 

' William Tryon was commiffioned captain in the Firft Foot Guards, Oft. 


fight againft Us (altho' he pledged every Thing that is 
honorable to the contrary) by engaging Gill: Forbes with 
large Sums of Money, to procure Rifle Guns & Mufquets 
for Him' ; & likewife engaging Forbes in a Plot to aflaf- 
finate and maflacre his fellow Citizens' ; But how happily 
it was difcover'd. This ia the Rafcal in whom all Confi- 
dence was put, & in whom the utmoft Fidelity was re- 
pofed; that he woul4 procure Peace & be the Means of 
reinftating this Province in a ftate of perfeft Happinefs, if it 
could by any Means be accomplifh'd. How has he abufed 
that Confidence ? which has perverted all the Love & Re- 
fpeft he once enjoy'd amongft the Inhabitants of this Prov- 
ince, in the moft infuperable Hatred. Laft Saturday after- 
noon, by order of Congrefs, a Detachment of 14 Men 

12, 1751. In Oftober, 1764, he was appointed lieutenant governor of North 
Carolina, and fuCceeded Governor Dobbs as governor in July, 1765. In 
July, 1771, he vi'as tranfferred to the government of New York, where his 
career was produftive of no honor to himfelf or benefit to the colony. On 
the 25th May, 1772, he was appointed colonel in the army; on the 8th 
June, 1775, third major in the Guards; on the 29th Auguft, 1777, major 
general of the army; and on the 14th May, 1778, colonel of the 70th regi- 
ment of the line. Having religned the nominal office of governor of New 
York, on the 21 ft March, 1780, and returned to England, he was appointed 
lieutenant general of the army, November 20, 1782, and colonel of the 29th 
regiment, on the 16th Auguft, 1783. He died in London, January Z7th, 

' Governor Tryon had employed Forbes to make a number of rifles and 
mufkets ; and the payment for them was made through David Matthews, 
mayor of the city, as appeared from the teftimony which was offered on the 
trial of Thomas Hickey. 

^ Vide Note 3, page 68. 


(amongft whom I was included) under Capt W™- Livingfton 
was fent over to Long-Ifland, in Purfuit of one who was ac- 
cufed of being concern'd in this curfed Plot. We rid all Sat- 
urday Night, & Sunday Morning half after three we arrived 
at the Place we were order'd for; But could not find the 
Man ; in our return we met one on the road who anfwer'd 
in every Refpeft the Difcripfion given of Him, which made 
Us conclude that he muft be the Perfon we were in Oueft 
of. We return'd fafe on Sunday Evening being much 
fatigued, having had no Sleep while out. Inquiry being 
made, the Man was found innocent and acquited. This is 
the firft Expedition any part of the Batalion has been on 
fince they have become Provincial Soldiers; and I think the 
Fufileers deferve the Honor of initiating Such Expeditions. 
Capt. Wm. Livingfton was yefterday chofen by a Majority 
of Votes of the officers of the firft Batalion as Major, in 
Preference to Capt. Jno. Roofevelt', who has been a nominal 
one fince the Batalion has been in Pay. Wm. Wilcocks 
fucceeds Wm Livingfton as Capt. & Ralph Thurman who 
was a few Days fince a Private, fteps in as Firft Lieut. 
What large ftrides fome of the Privates in the Fufileer 
Coompy have already taken to Popularity. 

from Yours moft afFeftionately 

John Varick Jun" 
Capt. R''- Varick' Albany 

Captain John Roofevelt was captain of the Ofwago Rangers. 
^ Captain Richard Varick was born in 1752, and was educated for the bar. 
When the colonial troubles broke out, he tendered his fervices to General 




New York June 24th 1776. 
Dear Sifter 

-X- * * * * * 

A moft infernal Plot has lately been difcovered here, 
which, had it been put in Execution, wou'd have made 

Schuyler, and was appointed military fecretary of that officer. He remained 
in that department after the removal of General Schuyler from that command, 
until after the furrender of General Burgoyne, in 1777; when he was ap- 
pointed infpeftor general of the troops in the Highlands. After the defec- 
tion of General Arnold, Colonel Varick entered the military family of Gen- 
eral Waftiington, where he remained until the clofe of the war. 

On the reftoration of peace, he became recorder of New York ; in 1 789, 
he was appointed attorney general of the ftate; and, in the fame year, mayor 
of New York, which latter oiEce he held during twelve years. 

He was prefident of the Society of the Cincinnati during upwards of 
thirty years ; and, on the deceafe of Mr. Boudinot, he was elefted prefident 
of the American Bible Society. 

He died at Jerfey City, July 30, 1831. 

'Solomon Drowne, M. D., was born in Providence, Rhode Ifland, March 
nth, 1753. His father, Solomon Drowne, fenior, was a merchant of Prov- 
idence, and for more than half a century one of its prominent citizens. At 
the age of twenty, the fon graduated at Brown Univerfity, and foon after 
commenced the ftudy of medicine at the Univerfity of Pennfvlvania. 

Dr. Drowne ferved for feveral years as furgeon in the Revolutionary Army. 
From his letters written at that period, it appears that he arrived in New 
York, June 3d, 1776; called the next day upon Dr. John Morgan, direftor 
general of the hofpitals; and on the day following (the 5th) entered the fer- 
vice of the United States, as furgeon's mate in the general hofpital. He was 
in this city at the time of its evacuation by the American troops, and re- 
mained at the hofpital among the laft, packing up the medicines, until the 
Britifh were fo near, that the boat in which he embarked up the North River 


America tremble; and been as fatal a ftroke to us {this 
country^ as Gun-Powder Treafon wou'd to England, had 
it fucceeded. The Hellifti Confpirators were a Number of 
Tories (the Mayor of y*^ City among them) and three of 
Gen' Wafliington's Life-Guards. The Plan was to kill 
Generals Wafliington and Putnam, and as many other 
commanding officers as poflible. — I fliou'd have mentioned 

was only about two gun-ftiots ahead of them. He was ftationed at Weft- 
chefter. North Caftle, and other places in the ftate of New York, and at Nor- 
walk, in Connefticut. His letters to his family in Providence, while in the 
public fervice, breathe the pureft patriotic ardor ; and though they occafion- 
ally allude to privations and the fad fcenes of hofpital life, they at the fame 
time evince that his duty to his country was invariably uppermoft in his heart. 
In fafti whilft engaged in his profeflional ftudies before coming to New York, 
he took an aftive intereft in the military affairs of his native city. Providence, 
preparing, as it was, for- the revolutionary ftruggle ; and affifted, himfelf, in 
throwing up the fortifications in that vicinity. In 1777, he was in the Rhode 
Ifland State Hofpital for feven months ; ftill later, he was furgeon for a fimi- 
lar period to Colonel Crary's regiment; and in Auguft, 1778, was in Sulli- 
van's expedition againft Rhode Ifland, where he alfo performed aftive fervice. 
After this, he was ftationed for a time at Briftol, Rhode Ifland; and on the 
3d of Auguft, 1780, he was appointed furgeon to Lieutenant Colonel Atwell's 

At the conclufion of the war. Dr. Drowne entered upon the pradlice of 
his profeffion in Providence. In 1784, he vifited the hofpitals and medical 
fchools of London and Paris, for the purpofe of profecuting ftill further his 
medical ftudies. Shortly after his return he journeyed to Ohio, and refided 
for nearly a year at Marietta, where, on the 13th of January, 1789, he de- 
livered a funeral addrefs on General Varnum ; and on April 7th of the fame 
year, an oration in commemoration of the fettlement of that place by the 
Ohio Company. Subfequently he refumed his praftice at Providence ; but 
in confequence of ill-health, removed again to the Weft in 1792, and fettled 
for a time at Morgantown, Va. ; and after the border incurfions of the In- 
dians were over, he proceeded to Union, Penn. Here he delivered a funeral 


at firft, — to fet the City on fire In nine feveral Places. — To 
fpike up the Cannon : Then to give a Signal to the Afia 
and Ships expefted; — and blow up the magazine. They 
had a large Body of Men, which were to attack ours amidft 
their Confufion. The whole was difcovered (as I am in- 
formed) by a ferg' of y= Guards, whom they wanted to 
take into the Plot, and who, having got what he cou'd 
from them, difcovered all to the General. The Drummer 
of y= Guards was to have ftabb'd y= General. The pretty 

addrefs on General Wafhington, " in conformity to the Proclamation of the 
Prefident of the United States," February zz, 1800. In 1801, he retraced 
his fteps to Rhode Ifland, and fettled in the town of Poller, where he pafled 
the remainder of his days engaged in profeffional and agricultural purfuits, 
and in the cultivation of his tafte for botany and elegant letters. In 1811, 
he was appointed profeffor of Materia Medica and Botany in Brown Univer- 
fity, and gave courfes of leftures in that inftitution for many years. The 
Rhode Ifland Medical Society (of which Dr. Drowne was fubfequently vice- 
prefident), in 1819, chofe him a delegate to the convention which formed 
the National Pharmacopoeia. At the requeft of the citizens of Providence, 
on February 23d, 1824, he delivered an " oration in aid of the caufe of the 
Greeks," whofe unequal ftruggle with the Turks was at that time calling 
forth the fympathy and affiftance of this country. During the fame year, 
he publilhed a " Compendium of Agriculture, or the Farmer's Guide in the 
moft effential parts of Hulbandry and Gardening;" and on feveral occalions 
he delivered the annual addrefles before the State Agricultural Society, in the 
organization and proceedings of which he bore an adlive part. 

Dr. Drowne was diftinguiflied not only in his profeffion but as a lefturer 
and writer on botany, of which fcience he was an enamored votary from 
early youth ; and his occafional orations, addrelTes, and literary and fcientific 
papers, a large number of which have been publifhed, won for him a high 
reputation as a finiflied and erudite fcholar. He died February 5th, 1834. 

The prefent efficient Secretary of the National Fire Infurance Company 
of the city of New York (Henry T. Drowne) is his grandfon. 


Fellows are In fafe Cuftody, and I hope I fliall be able to 
give you a better account of them in my next. This Morn- 
ing a large Guard went to take two hundred Tories who 
are under Arms not very far from this City. * * 


Solomon Drowne. 


General Hospital, N. York July 13th 1776. 

Dear Billy, 


It is now almoft Midnight, and but a little while fince I 

returned to my Chamber from carrying Medicine to one of 

'William Drowne, born in Providence, Rhode Ifland, April 17th, 1755, 
was the brother of Dr. Solomon Drowne. From early youth, he took an 
aftive intereft in the military affairs of Rhode Ifland and Maflachufetts ; and 
was engaged in the fervice of his country during the Revolutionary War, in 
a variety of offices. On June zd, 1775, he became an officer in the Mendon 
regiment (Colonel Read's), which was flationed at Roxbury, Maffachufetts, 
and continued with the regiment until the clofe of the year. In January, 
1776, his name heads the lift of lieutenants of the Rhode Ifland Brigade. A 
year later he was adjutant of Colonel Bowen's regiment at Pawtuxet, Rhode 
Ifland; and in 1778, ferved as quartermafter general, with the rank of captain. 

Mr. Drowne poffeffed an adventurous fpirit, which led him at a later pe- 
riod to embark, on feveral occafions, in the private floops-of-war that were 
fitted out from New England ports; and which often bravely contended with 
the enemy's armed veffels, thereby rendering efficient fervice to the United 
States. In his cruifes in the privateer fhip " General Wafhington," of 
Providence, and the " Belifarius" of Bofton, he kept private journals, in 


y^ Wards I have y= Care of, and applying a Poultice to a 
Man's foot, over which a Gun Carriage run Yefterday, in 
the Battle with y= Ships ; for a further account of which 
fee Sally's Letter : — So you may judge how much time I 
have to write. * 

I heartily congratulate you, my dear Brother, on being 
an Inhabitant of y Free an Independant States of Amer- 
ica. I herewith fend you a Gazette which contains y Dec- 
laration ; and alfo an Extraft of a Letter from Philadel- 
phia, which, if you have not had yet, fhou'd be glad you 
wou'd fliow Tommy Ruffell. 

The Declaration was read, agreeable to general Orders, 
at y= Head of y Brigade, &c. this week ; and loud Huz- 
zas expreff'd the approbation of y= Freeborn Bands. 

The Night following, the famous gilded equeftrian ftatue 
of y'= Britifh King, in this City, was levelled with y« Duft : 
his head taken off, and next morning, in a Wheel-Barrow 
carried to his Excellency's Quarters, I was told. There is 
a large Quantity of Lead about it, which is to be run into 
Bullets to deftroy his Myrmidons. I fiippofe you have 

which were noted down many occurrences of hiftorical intereft. While on 
board the Belifarius, during the fummer of 1781, he was taken prifoner, car- 
ried to New York, and confined for three months in the foul and reeking 
hold of the Old Jerfey prifon fhip. Here his health fuffered extremely, until 
in November of that year he was permitted to be abfent awhile at Newport, 
on parole. But the feeds of difeafe had become too deeply rooted in his 
previoully robuft conftitution by this fevere imprifonment, ever to be erad- 
icated. He rallied from a painful illnefs only to linger along, with enfeebled 
health, until Auguft, 1786, when he died. He was buried at Providence. 


heard of j" Execution of one of the General's Guards, con- 
cerned in y= helliila Plot, difcovered here fome time paft. 
There was a vaft Concourfe of People to fee y= poor Fellow 

* -X- * Jj. * -X- 

14th I heard this Evening, that Lord How had fent a Flag 
with a Letter direded to George Wajliington Efq, and that it 
was returned unopened becaufe he gave him not his proper 
title ; — tho' y^ Capt" that brought it faid its Contents were of 
the utmoft Importance, and that L"* How was very forry 
he had not arrived a few Days fooner (Perhaps before In- 
dependence was declared, for 'tis faid he is invefted with 
unlimited Power.) This may learn him a little Manners. 
Well ; two Ships & 3 tenders up N. River ; — Communica- 
tion with Canada by water cut off: — Something important 
will turn up foon 


I am very tired, and it is paft Midnight. 
Write often to your Friend & Brother 

Solomon Drowne 

1 1 


[No form of record retains fo much of frefhnefs and lafting intereft as that 
contained in private correfpondence. Coming from the very times and the 
very fpot which we are confidering, it embodies the fpirit of the hour with 
a fidelity which the more pains-taking and correft hiftorian labors in vain to 
feize. The letters from which the following extrafts are taken, were written 
in New York city at that anxious period which, following clofe upon the 
events of Lexington and Bunker Hill, preceded the battle of Long Illand 
and the confequent evacuation, in September, 1776, of New York city by 
the American forces, who were no more to enter it until its final Evacua- 
tion by the Britilh in November, 1783.] 


New York July 29th 1775.' 

Dear Brother 

You will fee by the Warrants who are 
nominated officers for your County', it is very likely we 
lliall raife an additional number of Troops befides the 3000 
now Raized We Expeft all diligence will be ufed in Re- 
cruiting, that the Regiments may be formed immediately 
Laft Sunday about Two oclock the Generals Wafliing- 
ton Lee & Schuyler arrived here' they Croffed the North 

' By referring to General Waftiington's letter to " the members of the 
Continental Congrefs, Philadelphia," dated "New York, 2c, June, 1775," 
it will be feen that this date is incorrect. 

^ Dr. Tappan belonging to Poughkeepfie, in Dutchefs county, this remark 
muft refer to that county. 

' The fubjedl of the reception of General Wafhington at New York, 
while on his way to Bofton, was one of unufual intereft. 


River at Hoback' & Landed at Coll Lifpenards' there were 
8 or 10 Companies under Arms all in Uniforms who 
Marched out to Lifpenards, the proceffion began from 
there thus, the Companies firft, Congrefs next two of Con- 
tinental Congrefs next General Officers next & a Company 
of Horfe from Philadelphia Who Came with the General 
brought up the Rear' there were an innumerable Company 
of people Men Women & Children prefent 

in the evening Governor Tryon' landed as in the news 
paper' I walked with my Friend George Clinton' all the 
way to Lifpenards — Who is now gone home 

General Schuyler had written from Newark, requeftlng the Provincial Con- 
grefs to fend a delegation to meet the General ; and Meflrs. Smith, Hobert, 
Gouverneur Morris, and Rich'd Montgomery, were appointed for that purpofe. 

The arrival of Governor Tryon at the fame time was a fource of embar- 
raffment ; and a curious and not very creditable fpeftacle was prefented, the 
particulars of which afford a fair piflure of the " trimming" propenfities of 
many of the parties then in power in this colony. 

' Hoboken. 

" Colonel Lifpenard's relidence, near which General Wafhington appears 
to have landed, was in the vicinity of Laight ftreet, near Greenwich ftreet. 

' The company of horfe here referred to, was " a Troop of Gentlemen 
of the Philadelphia Light Horfe, commanded by Capt. Markoe." It con- 
tinued the efcort to King's bridge, when it returned to the city, arriving 
here on Tuefday and remaining until Thurfday, when it returned home. 

* Governor William Tryon, who had arrived in the fliip Juliana, Cap- 
tain Montgomery, from London, landed at eight o'clock in the evening of 
the fame day (Sunday, jfune 25), and was efcorted by great numbers of 
people to the refidence of the Hon. Hugh Wallace. 

* Gaine, in his "New York Gazette and Mercury," does not allude to 
either of the arrivals referred to ; Rivington, in his " Gazetteer" of the 28th 
June, gives an account of Tryon's reception. 

° Subfequently Governor George Clinton. 


I am Very Well hope all Friends fb, the Torys Catey' 
Writes are as Violent as ever, ! poor Infignificant Souls, 
Who think themfelves of great importance The Times 
will fbon fliew. I fancy that they muft quit their Wicked 
Tenets, at leaft in pretence and fliew fair, Let their Hearts 
be as Black as Hell. Go on, be fpirited, & I doubt not, 
Succefs will Crown our Honeft endeavours for the fupport 
of our Juft Rights and Privaledges 


Greenwich' Nov 15, 1775. 

W Vf vr W w w 

Every office lliut up almoft but Sam. Jones's who will 
work for 6/ a day & Live accordingly — All Bufinefs ftag- 
nated the City half deferted for fear of a Bombardment 
— a new Congrefs elefted — Thofe for New York you 
will fee by the papers are changed for the better — All 
{launch Whigs now — How it is with the Convention I 
know not We have [not reed] Returns — Yefterday the 
new Congrefs was to meet but I believe they did not 

' " Catey," wife of Gilbert Livingfton, and fifter of the Dr. Tappan to 
whom this letter was written. 

'^ Subfequently General John Morin Scott, for a biographical fketch of 
whom, fee note 2, page 63. 

^ He refided in the feat fmce known as " The Hermitage" and " The 
Temple of Health," which remained, until a recent date, in Weft Forty- 
third ftreet, between the Eighth and Ninth avenues. 


make a Houfe' — my Do&ors fay I muft not attend it nor 
any other Bufinefs in fome Weeks; but I hope they will 
be miftaken — Nothing from t'other fide of the Water but 
a fearful looking for of Wrath — Our continental petition 
mod: probably contemned the Bulk of the nation (it is 
faid ag' Us) and a bloody Campaign next Summer — But 
let us be prepared for the worft — Who can prize life with- 
out Liberty ? It is a Bauble only fit to be thrown away. 


New York February 13, 1776 

Coufen William 

***** * 

i fliall Now indever to Give you fome acount how 
matters are hear Now on the 2 Inftant arived Cornel 
Water Berry whit about looo men' the 3 Inftant arived 
500 minet men from New England a Number of pepol 
Began to move this Day out of town' But on the 4 In- 
ftant in the morning arived General Clinton* in the Mer- 

' The new Provincial Congrefs was to have met on the 14th November 
(^'Journal of the Provincial Congrefs of New York," p. 197), but a quo- 
rum was not prefent until December 6, 1775. 

^ "A regiment of Connefticut men, commanded by Colonel Waterbury." 
— Governor Tryon to the Earl of Dartmouth, ith February, i']'j6. 

^ Vide Butler's Statement [Tomlinfon MSS^j, and Gov. Tryon's difpatch 
to the Earl of Dartmouth, Feb. 8, 1776. 

* Sir Henry Clinton, who was then on his way to the South, to join Ad- 
miral Parker in his movement on South Carolina. 


cury Man of Waar from Boften & tranfport Brig the fame 
Day arived Generel Lee' Whit 300 men it is imbof- 
feble to Defcrib the Convufen' that this City was in on 
acount of the Regelers Being Com' fome faid ther was 15 
fail Below & would Be up the Nex Day the 5 Inften 
Nothing materel Hapned pepel moving as fas as poffeble 
they could the 6 Inften the River full of ife the manawar 
had her Cable cut by it but Let Go a Nother Ancker' the 
7 Inftant Lord Sterling' arived whit 1000 men from the 

' General Wafhington, having obtained intelligence of the fitting out of a 
fleet at Bofton, and of the embarkation of troops from there * * gave 
orders to General Lee to repair, with fuch volunteers as were willing to join 
him and could be expeditioufly raifed, to the city of New York, with a de- 
fign to prevent the Englilh from taking pofleffion of New York and the North 
River, as they would thereby command the country and the communication 
with Canada. — Memoirs of Charles Lee, EJq. (London, 1792), pp. 12, 13. 

^ " Convujen" — confufion. 

^ " This City is in Terror and confufion : One half of its inhabitants have 
withdrawn with their efFefts, hundreds witho\it means to fupport their fami- 
lies." — Governor Tryon to Earl of Dartmouth, ith February, 1776. 

'' "The Afia and Phoenix have been obliged to draw very near the Wharfs, 
having been much diftrefled by the floating cakes of ice." — Governor Tryon 
to Earl of Dartmouth, February 8, 1776. 

' William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, was born in the city of New York, 
in 1726; fucceeded his father as furveyor general of New Jerfey; and en- 
tered into trade. He accompanied General Shirley as his aide and fecretary; 
with whom he alfo vifited Europe in 1756-7. He was appointed a brigadier 
general in the Continental Army, on the firft of March, 1776 — having pre- 
vioufly commanded the Firft regiment of the New Jerfey line. 

He was captured at the battle of Long Ifland; was fubfequently in 
command in New Jerfey, where he rendered effedlive fervice; was en- 
gaged at the Short Hills, Middlebrook, Brandywine, Germantown, and 
Monmouth ; and during the entire war was aftively engaged, doing good 


jerfeys' the 8 Inftant added New Life to the moving for 
about 3 oclock arived a iliip Whit 200 Soulders from Bol- 
ton it is impoffeble to Defcrib the Confternation the 
Weoman Where in as a Report pravail that 19 fliip where 
Below however ther was no moor the 9 & 10 Inftant 
Nothing materel hapned pepol moeving as if it was the 
Laft Day as Gennerel Lee was to Begin to intrenili the 12 
Inftant the 1 1 Inftant was a Remarkable Day Gards Being 
plas all along the Eaft River io as to prevent any perfons 
Going of the Begun to taik the Guns of they Batrey 
wich was Conduced whit fo much fecretfey that the lliip 
Did Not hear of it till 4 clock in the after Noon When 
they Imedetly hauld of in the River where they are Now 
whitout firing one Gun the Same Day failed the Mercury 
Manawar whit Generel Clinton on Board & the 2 tranfport 
for the wefward as it is faid we are Now under No 
fear from the fliip Now as we have men & guns fuffifent 
for them Now 12 Inftant pepol now Begin to ftop mov- 
ing our famely are all in York yet But iliall fend them to 
Brunfwick if we fe any Danger 

N. B. We are Now a City of Waar 

fervice for his country. He died at Albany, January 15, 1783, aged fifty- 
feven years. 

Judge Duer of this city, recently deceafed, was his grandfon. 

' " The day before yefterday Lord Sterhng, at the head of four companies 
of Jerfey troops arrived here, and more are expefted." — Governor Try on to 
Earl of Dartmouth, ith Feb., 1776. 



New York March 28th 1776. 

Dear Brother 


I give you & every friend to Liberty Joy on the 
Regulars being drove from the Town of Bofton', it was a 
Neft they ought to have been from fome time ago, but all 
for the better perhaps, they would have ketcht us unpre- 
par'd then, but now we are and will be fo well fortifyed, as 
to give them a Scrag they will not Relifli very well — Their 
are various conjedures with regard to Regulars leaving that 
Town, the Tories here I can fee are much fhagrin'd at it, 
and pretend to make the beft excufes poffibley for them, 
for my part I cannot help thinking but neciffity drove 
them from it, this is as glaring a proof as can be I think, 
that is that General Howe gave orders to Attack our lines, 
but Two Thoufand of his Men refuf'd (which guefs muft 
be the Men which were Order'd Under Lord Piercy, to at- 
tack Dorchefter Neck") faying they had not forgot the 
Butchering of Bunker Hill, they fled fo precipately, that 

' General Howe and the main army had evacuated the town of Bofton on 
the 17th of March, 1776. The reader will find a very complete account, 
both of the fiege and the evacuation of Bofton, in Mr. Frothingham's " Siege 
of Bofton," publifhed in Bofton in 1851. 

^ This paragraph probably refers to the movement of twenty-five hundred 
men, under ,the gallant Earl Percy, on the fifth of March, 1776. They were 
aflembled at Caftle William, in boats, and were ordered to move againft the 
American lines, under cover of the night. Thefe preparations had been 

CORRESPONDENCE IN 1775-76. . gg 

the Officers had left their linnen & Watches in their Cham- 
bers, they will not come to This Town believe me till they 
are largely Reinforced — So much for thofe Hell Hounds 


New York April ift, 1776 — 
Monday Morning 

Dear Brother 

* * * * 

In my lafl: I notified to you the Inten- 
tions of the 1^ Batalion,' I may now inform you of what 
they have fince accomplifli'd. They have founded a Breaft- 
Work round the HofpitaF & almoft compleated it — com- 

feen from the American camp ; and the colonifts — already fenfible of their 
advantages — were eager for an opportunity to meet their enemy. Among 
the people in the neighborhood of the camp, alfo, the greateft excitement was 
produced, and thoufands flocked down to witnefs the expefted battle. 

Unfortunately for the gratification of the curious, a terrible Jlorm arofe, 
which continued two days, by which time General Walhington had fo far 
perfeiSled his defences that the projefted attack was abandoned by General 
Howe. Vide Frothingham, pp. 299, 300. 

' Vide note 2, page 71. 

'' The New York Hofpital originated in an organization of three phyficians 
— Doftors Middleton, John Jones, and Samuel Bard — in 1770; through 
whofe exertions a charter was obtained from the royal governor on the thir- 
teenth July, 1776. The foundation of the building was laid on the twenty- 
feventh of July, 1773; but on the twenty-eighth of February, 1775, the 
ftill unfinilhed building was nearly deftroyed by fire. 

The General Aflembly granted £4000 toward rebuilding the edifice ; but 
the war which followed prevented its completion until the third of January, 
1791, when the firft patients were admitted. 


pofed folely of Sod & Dirt — The Thicknefs of it about lo 
Feet, & about 7 Feet high, with a Ditch of 12 Feet wide, 
& 7 deep, furrounding the whole. — This will afford a fafe 
Retreat, from the Fire of fmall Arms. — I have had the 
Honor of working at it 3 or 4 Days, fince I enter'd the 
Fiffileer CompJ' under the Command of Cap' Livingfton." — 
The Fortification originates its Name from the Founders of 
it, to wit, the i'^^ Bat". — There is another Strufture erefted 
on what formerly was called Byard's Mount, but now is 
moftly term'd Bunckers HilP & which when finiflied will 
be a moft compleat Fort, and will command the whole 
City. — I fine, every Ship is, & every Avennue leading from 
the Water will be ftrongly fortified, to prevent our worfl 
of enemies from landing; & pofTefling themfelves of the 
City, if they ftiould ever attempt it. — But the Number of 
Continental Troops that are to be ftation'd here, will I hope 
prove fufficient to deter them from fuch an Attempt. There 
are great Numbers daily arriving here, from all Quarters ; 
and it is univerfally thought, we will in a fliort Space of 
Time, have an Army of 15,000 Men coUefted here for the 
Prefervation of this City. — The People here do not feem 
now fo apprehenfive of the Soldiers landing, fince the Ac- 
count of the happy Fate of our Enemies evacuating the 
City Bofton, on which I congratulate you & every other 
Friend of Liberty. — The News of this happy Event feem'd 

' Vide Note 1, page 72. 

- Near the prefent corner of Broadway and Grand ftreet. Vld^ page 28. 


to infpire the Breafts of every Friend to America with new 
Hopes of Conquefts & with greater Ardor to refcue this 
once flourifliing Country from the Shakles & Oppreflions 
of a Britifh Parliament. — The Ships of War are the only 
Tools we now apprehend any great Danger from, fince it 
is out of our Power to cope with thofe thundering Hell 
Hounds. There is fome private Report that the minifterial 
Mercinaries are now fortifying Bedlows Ifland, affifted by 
many Countrymen. — if this can be relied on I doubt but 
we will have a fmall Schirmifli there fbon. 


New York May 14th 1776. 

Dear Brother 

* * * * 

The Tories are reduced to the Neceffity 
of delivering up their Arms, & take an Oath, that they'll 
refift every Attempt made by the Britifla Miniftry to violate 
the rights & Liberties of America, or at leaft not affift them 
in any of their fecreat Machinations.' There are feverall 

' The Continental Congrefs, on the fourteenth of March, 1776, had "re- 
commended" to the feveral colonies, to caufe the " difaffefted" within fuch 
colonies to be difarmed; and to apply fuch arms to the arming of the troops 
which fuch colonies might call into the fervice. 

On the twenty-fixth of March, the Committee of Safety referred this re- 
folution of "recommendation" above referred to, to a committee of two 
members — Meffrs. Tredwell and Moore — who, on the next day, report- 
ed a plan of operations for carrying the fame into effeft ; with the addi- 


who refufe to take the Oath; leaft they fliould perjure 
themfelves. — From this it is infer'd that they have figned 
& fwore to feme Decleration; And the Congrefs has ta- 
ken the Method of fecuring all fuch Perfons in Prifon, for 
yefterday John Roome Att^ & Auguftus Van Home was 
carried to Jail on that Ace' & doubtlefs there will be many 
more ere long. — There is fome Profpeft now of difcovering 
all thofe vile Rafcals, that have already paff'd too long un- 
noticed, & have enjoy'd greater Benifits than their bleed- 
ing Countrymen. — There will foon be a flop to this Tory 
Faction. * * * * * 

The Granadiers' have gain'd themfelves great Honor, by 
their ereding the circular Battery nominated after them; 
For they rec** the Thanks of Gen^ Sterling" in a moft pub- 
lick Manner. — It is of real Satiffaftion to Me to think that 
a few of our Citizens have behaved in fuch a Manner, as 
has redounded to their Honor, And hope it may prove a 

tional provifion that the parties who were to be thus difarmed should alfo be 
compelled to fign a paper called an " aflbciation," promifing " to defend by 
arms, the United American Colonies againft the hoftile attempts of the Britilh 
fleets and armies, until the prefent unhappy controverfy between the two 
countries ftiall be fettled" — a promife which, when made, was generally made 
under ftrefs of circumftances, and was obeyed only, as might have been ex- 
pelled, while the peculiar circumftances which produced the promife con- 
tinued to operate. 

' This company wore a uniform of blue, with red facings, and was com- 
manded by Colonel John Lafher, as captain, William Hyer, as flrft lieutenant, 
Abraham Braflier, as fecond lieutenant, and Abraham Van Dyck, as third 

' Vide Note 5, page 86. 


Means to clear up the Imputation & Contempt this City 
was held in by fome of the Neighbouring Colonies. 


New York 4th June 1 776 

Dear Brother 


Time will hardly admit to add any news. Coll. Put- 
nam' tells me that there ware Seven armed Veffels at the 
hook yefterday, Small & Large, our Congrefs have laid a 
plan to block up the Harbour, But are waiting to lay there 
plan before Gen^ Wafliington, who is Expefted back from 
Philadelphia this Evening^ Two fmall french Veffels ar- 

' Colonel Rufus Putnam, a coufin of the general of that name, but a much 
more ufeful man. 

He was an excellent engineer, and poffefled the entire confidence of the 
commander-in-chief, of which he was eminently worthy, and which he never 

After the war was over, he removed to the North-weft, and was one of 
the pioneer fettlers of Ohio — making his home at Marietta. He was a judge 
of the United States Court, a brigadier general of the army, during the ad- 
miniftration of Prelident Waftiington, and furveyor general of the United 
States. He was a member of the Conftitutional Convention of Ohio, in 
1802; the firft grand matter of the Mafonic fraternity in Ohio; and in 1812, 
one of the founders of the firft Bible Society weft of the AUeghanies. He 
died in May, 1824, aged eighty-feven years. 

'^ " Congrefs having been pleafed to requeft my attendance at Philadelphia, 
to advife with them on the fituation of our affairs, and of fuch meafures as 
may be proper for works of Defence." — General Wafliington to General 
Schuyler, 22 May, 1776. 


ived here yefterday & they lay five more are on there way 
near by. Loaded with, Brandy Indigo, Sugers, Molaffes &c 
— We Expeft a fleet & army Here foon, our Batteries are 
fo farr Ready that I am In hopes they will meet with a 
much warmer Reception than they think for, what other 
news We have you will find 'in the prints 

* * » * * * 

P. S. I have got you the only pr Piftels to be found I 
hope they may fute you the price is 80/ p"" I fend them by 
the bearer 


New York June 4th 1776. 

Hond Sir, 

Amidft a good deal of hurry and Noife I fet 

down to write you a few Lines (tho' late at Night) by M"^ J. 

Brown, who fets away Tomorrow. 

We arrived here yefterday, * * * a little after ten. 

* * * * X * 

We waited on DoS'^ Morgan' to Day, and were kindly re- 
ceived. He marked out a Courfe of Duty for us at the 
Hofpital which will keep us very bufy. The College is 
occupied for the General Hofpital. It is a very elegant 
Building, and its Situation pleafant, and falubrious. We 

" Ordered, That General Wafhington attend in Congrefs to-morrow." — 
Journals of Congrefs, May 23, 1776. 

' Doflior John Morgan, who was Direftor General and Phyfician-in-chief 
to the General Hofpital of the American army. 


were fliown the Apartment allotted us in it to Day, which 
we like very well ; and expeft to move from the place we 
put up at, tomorrow. — I have a Lift of Medicines, pur- 
chafed here for y= Continental Hofpital, to copy for DoC 
Morgan, which obliges me to conclude. 


New York June 10th 1776 Monday. 

Dear Brother 


The Tories here feem'd to exult in their Opinion, that 
General Wafliington was gone to Philadelphia in Order to 
refign his Commiffion, if the Congrefs declar'd for an In- 
dependence. It was even currently reported, that he was 
gone with that View. — How was the Torie's Exultations 
& Wiflies fruftrated on his Return. — they can make no 
Reply to what they alledged at his Departure". 

To what low Means do our Enemies already ftoop, & 
what unjuftifiable, & mean Methods do they purfue to ob- 
tain the Inteligence they daily receive of our Motions ; for 
yefterday was taken up in this City, and carried to Goal, a 
Negro Fellow who belong'd to Col Jenning, & a free Ne- 
gro, who had been employed in a Peauger, to carry Pro- 
vifions on Board of the Governors Ship", from here, & fuch 

' Vide Note 2, page 93. 

^ Governor Tryon was, at that period, on board the Ihip Duchefs of Gor- 
don, at anchor in the harbor. 


Inteligence as they, & their Accomplices in this City could 
colleft, for the Information of that vile Rascal, on Board 
the Dutches of Gordon. There is a Letter now in Town 
in the Name of Pitt,' attefted as a true Copy from the Orig- 
inal by W. T. which protefts againft the Proceedings of the 
Colonies, & imports that as long as we contended for Lib- 
erty, he was our Friend, but fince we had levy'd open War 
againft his Majefty, every Sinew, & every Nerve fliou'd be 
exerted to fupprefs Rebellion, & reduce his Subjefts to a 
Senfe of their Duty. It is believ'd, it has been contriv'd & 
fabricated on Board of the Dutches of Gordon (fince it 
firft came from there, to be diftributed about by the To- 
ries;) under the Name of Pitt, in Order to difcourage the 
People. It is to be hoped however, that it will not be at- 
tended with fuch evil Confequences, as might be apprehend- 
ed from it if really true. But the Veracity of it is fufpefted 
on Grounds of Probability — Thefe are moft unhappy Times, 
when we are reduced to fuch Straits; as that Perfons, who 
were once confidered as Patriots to their Country, will de- 
fcend fo far beneath the Charafter, & Dignity of Gentle- 
men, as to purfue the Vilefl: of Meafures, & confider 
nothing to mean to aft if they can only perpetrate their 
wicked, & deteftible Defires. 

' Lord Chatham had been an early and devoted friend to the American 
Colonies ; and fuch a letter as that which is here defcribed would have been 
very beneficial to the royal caufe. 

Dear Brother 



New York 13th June 1776 


We Had f'ome Grand Toory Rides in this City this week, 
& in particular Yefterday, Several of them, ware handeld 
verry Roughly Being Caried trugh the Streets on Rails, 
there Cloaths Tore from there becks and there Bodies 
pritty well Mingled with the duft.' Amongft them ware 

C Capt. Hardenbrook," Mr. Rapelje," Mr. Queen the 

Poticary & Leflly the barber. There is hardly a toory face 
to be feen this morning — Our Congrefs publiflied a Re- 
fblve on the Ocafion, Expreffing there difaprobation, tho it 
might have procedid from a Proper Zeal for the liberties 
of Amarican freedom & defire that it may Ceafe, & that a 
mode for punilliing fuch Offenders will foon be adopted 
for this Colony* 

■» * * -x- * -x- 

' " — have been cruelly rode on rails, a pradlice moft painful, dangerous, 
and, till now, peculiar to the humane republicans of New England." — Letter 
from Staten I/land, Augii/i 17, cited in Moore's " Diary of the American 

^ Theophilus Hardenbrook. 

' Rem Rapelje. 

* " Generals Putnam and Mifflin having complained to this Congrefs of 
the riotous and diforderly conduft of numbers of the inhabitants of this city, 
which had led, this day, to afts of violence towards fome difafFefted perfons : 
it was thereupon 

" Refolved, That this Congrefs by no means approve of the riots that have 
happened this day ; they flatter themfelves, however, that they have pro- 
ceeded from a real regard to liberty and a deteftation of thofe perfons who, 




General Hospital, N. York June 17th [1776] 

Hond Sir, 

At length I am fomewhat {'ettled to what I 
have been fince my arrival here. The Quarter-Mafter of 
y= Hofpital and his Wife reached here a few Days paft, 
from Bofton ; fince which we live in a very elegant Man- 
ner, compared with what we did. As there happened to 
be fome Vacancies in the Hofpital, I have as good a Berth 
as I cou'd have wiflied for. (The fame as M"" Binney's.)' 
We draw Twenty Dollars a Month, and Two Rations P"" 
Day. I have enjoyed a good ftate of Health fince I have 
been here. We have been clofely employed a good part 
of Y time, affifling in putting up Medicines for thirty 
Chefts. By the Paper I fend inclofed, you will fee we 
expeft an Attack this way foon. 'Tis thought they will 
attempt landing on Long-Ifland, by fome ; — by others, that 
they will, with a fair breeze, run by the forts, up North 
River and land. We have things in pretty good Readi- 

by their language and conduft, have difcovered themfelves to be inimical to 
the caufe of America. To urge the warm friends of liberty to decency and 
good order, this Congrefs aflures the pubhc that eifeilual meafures fhall be 
taken to fecure the enemies of American liberty in this colony ; and do re- 
quire the good people of this city and colony to defift from all riots, and 
leave the offenders againft fo good a caufe to be dealt with by the conftitu- 
tional reprefentatives of the colony." — journal of Provincial Congrefs, 
June 12, 1776. 

' This Mr. Binney is the gentleman to whom Dr. Drowne often refers when 
fpeaking of "us" and "we." 


nefs at the Hofpital for the horrid EfFefts of a general Ac- 
tion. I hope it may not come to this ; but that the fchemes 
of our Enemies may be fruftrated. 

A part of y^ Artillery Reg' and a Number of Volunteers 
have gone upon an Expedition down y^ River to y« Nar- 
rows, I believe; to take y= watering place from y« Afia's 
Men, or drive y= Regulars from their fort at y^ Light-Houfe, 
•and deftroy it. 

There has lately been a good deal of attention paid the 
Tories in this City. Some of the worft have been carried 
thro' the ftreets (at Noonday) on Rails, &c. * * 


New York 9th July 1776. 

Dear Brother 

* * * -x- * * 

Your Shoes I could not git for you on account 
of the Alarm on the arival of the fleet,' lince which almoft 
all bufinefs in town is knocked up the Fleet now lays 
verry Ouiet at the watering Place', waiting for a Reanforce- 
ment from England' When they fay they fliall little Regard 

' The fleet from Halifax, having on board the Britifh army under Sir Wil- 
liam Howe, arrived at Sandy Hook on the twenty-ninth of June j and the 
troops were debarked on the fecond and third of July. 

° Near the prefent Quarantine. 

' Then on its way from England ; arriving at New York on the twelfth of 
Auguft, 1776. 


our Eateries We as little Regard them, Our men are 
in high Sperrits and Ready to meet them at any Hour the 
town fwarms with people, I doubt not But our army Con- 
fifts of at leaft twenty thoufand men, & the Country about 
us verry Willing to lend us there afiftence, I am verry Sorry 
to hear fo much of the bed fuccefs of the Army in your 
quarter,' I am afraid it will Be Attended with bed Confi- 
quences * * * * * * 


General Hospital N. York July 13th [1776] 

Dear Sifter Sally, 

* » -X- « * * 

I fuppofe you will have heard before this reaches you, 
that y^ Fleet has arrived here, and lies in fair view of y= 
City. Yefter-Afternoon two Ships & three Tenders came 
to fail, and flood towards y= City. They had not got fairly 
within Ihot, before our Forts & Batteries began to fire at 
them;^ — and, what was mortifying, they kept fteadily along 
feemingly regardlefs of our conftant fire, till they got almoft 
abreaft of our Works ; then gave us a few palling Brod- 
fides, and, with a fine Breeze, failed ftatelyly up North 
River, I believe unhurt by us. 

But, lliocking to tell, we had fix fine fellows killed & 4 

' The Northern army had retired from Canada, and taken poll at Crown 
■ Point. It was very fickly ; and great numbers were fuffering from the 


or five wounded at our Grand Battery, thro' mere Carelefs- 
nefs, or Ignorance. For, neglefting to fwab y^ Cannon at 
all, or doing it improperly, the catridges took fire, and ye 
fatal Accidents enfued. 

The Wounded were brought to y^ Hofpital, and this 
day one of them had his Arm (all y^ Bones of which were 
broken) taken off". He was moved firft to the new or City 
Hofpital, which has been intended & fitted for y= wounded ; 
where I now attend him to be ready if y= flump lliou'd 
bleed affrefh. One Ball came into y= Hofpital Yard, ftruck 
y* ground at a little Diftance from us, and bounded thro' 
y^ board fence I believe it was a 12 pound fliott. I think 
our fituation as much expofed, as any in the City. 
* * * * * * 

I am glad our Affembly have allowed of Inoculation, 
and hope you & Bro' Bill will not defer receiving that 
Dijeafe, (y^ s. Pox') which taken by chance has proved ye 
Bane of tens of Thoufands ; when it comes fo near you, 
cloathed in Gentlenefs, — all its Terriblenefs caft afide. 

My Sifter, I congratulate you, and y= reft of y" Family, 
that ye live in a Free and Independent Country, — The 
United States of America. 

' There exifted confiderable difFerence of opinion among even well informed 
phyficians as to the advantages refulting from inoculation. 



New York 17th July 1776 

D"^ Brother 

* * * * * * 

We Expect An Attack from the menwarr 
Every moment, the troops I imagin wonte Come to make 
any attempt until they are reinforced, Lord How is arrived 
but brought none,' two Menwarr have gone up the North 
River laft friday as high as tappen' they met with Confid- 
erable damage,' & yefterday they have gone up to Haver- 
ftraw,* I fency they meen to go up as high as poughkeepfy 
to diftroy our two Veffels a building' (if they do I am in 
hopes our foorts In the Highlands" will fave them the 
truble of Coming Back, Our Army is in high Sperrits and 
are all Wifliing for an Attack from the Enimy, We Rec^ 
No damage from the Enimies fiering laft fryday' Only one 
Cow killed which made good market Beef But fix of our 

' Lord Howe, in the Eagle, arrived at New York on the evening of the 
twelfth of July ; and the reinforcements did not arrive until the twelfth of 

^ The Rofe and the Phoenix, with three tenders, moved up the river on 
the afternoon of the twelfth of July. — General Wa/hiiigton's Letter to the 
Prefident of Congrefs, July 12, 1776. 

" The amount of damage really done was probably fmaller than this letter 
would appear to indicate. They fufFered no apparent injury. — Sparks' 
Wafhington, III., p. 475, note. 

^"Sparks' Wafhington," III., p. 475, note. 

* Two frigates were then on the ftocks at Poughkeepfie. 

* Forts Montgomery and Clinton. 
' Vide pages 100, 101. 


train got killed & four or five Wounded from being over 
Zealous, not taken proper time to fwadd the guns, We 
hear Near fourty got killed on board the fliips' — two flags 
have Bean fent by Lord how to George Wafliington &"= &c 
&*= Which ware both fent back. Or Reather Refufed for 
not being properly derafted," I am happy Your Northern 
Army has made fo fafe a Retreat" I am in Great hopes we 
fliall be a match for them Here 


New York 30th July 1776 
Dear Brother 


You would be furprifed to fe what Num- 
ber of Empty houfes here are in this place, Verry few of the 
inhabitents Remain in town that are not ingaged in the Ser- 
vice' ****** 

Great preparations are making here With Shiver de 
freefes and Veffels to flop up the Channel,' & fundry fire 

' There is little reafon to fuppofe that the lofs was near as great as is here 
reprefented. Three were wounded on the Rofe; and the lofs of the Phccnix 
Is unknown. 

^ Fide General Wafliington's Letters to Prefident of Congrefs, July 14 and 
17, 1776. 

* Vide Note 1, page 100. 

^ Vide Butler's Statement. ( Tomlinfon MSS. ) 

* " I am preparing fome obftruftions for the channel nearly oppofite the 
works at the upper end of the ifland." — General Wa/hington to Prefident of 


fliips, preparing two Brigs are Ready,' fomtiiing great will 
Be attempted foon, five or feven Rogallies are already come 
down from the Eaftward two are built here that will carry 
one 32 Pounder Each, One of them quite and the other 
Nearly finiflied,° the fleet Remains Verry Quiet, But the 
men of the two menwar Up the River have a fmall brufli 
Once in a While with our Guards long the River' 


New York Auguft 9th [1776.] 
Hon"* Parents, 

->:- * * -;■:- * * • 

Yefter-Morning before two o'Clock we were alarmed : — 
however, it turn'd out no more, than that a Number of 
the Enemy's Boats came up towards y= City. Surely we 
have no defpicable Enemy to deal with; — brought up to 

Congrefs, 25 July, 1776. See alfo his letter to the fame gentleman, Auguft 
5, 1776, and "General Heath's Memoirs," Auguft 1. 

A tolerably complete account of thefe obftruftions has been written by 
Mr. Ruttenber; and publiftied by J. Munfell, in his " Hiftorical Series." 

' A Mr. Anderfon had propofed a plan for the deftrudlion of the enemy's 
fleet by means of firelhips ; and he had been employed, under the direftion 
of General Walhington, in conftrufting them. 

^ Vide General Walhington's letter to Prelident of Congrefs, July 29, 
1776; and "General Heath's Memoirs," July 25 and 28, and Auguft 1. 

' "Aug. 3. About noon there was a brifk cannonade up the Hudfon, be- 
tween the American row-galleys and the Britifh ftiips : the former had two 
men killed; two mortally, and 12 flightly wounded. The Britifh lofs was 
not known." — Heath's Memoirs. 


War ; — their ofRcers well {killed in y^ Military Art ; — their 
Bands well difciplined ;^they are formidable : But they 
have the Heffians, &c. for their Allies, for whofe Aid the 
Britifll Coffers (fome of them at leaft) muft be emptied. 

IVe, for our Ally, have the Great GOD, — who, requires no 
fubfidy, — nought, fave a grateful Mind and a right Fear of 
Him ; and to conduft with true Integrity. 

Our Wages were raifed fome time ago (in confequence 
of a Petition to Congrefs) to thirty Dollars P' Month, or a 
Dollar p"" Day. The Pay wou'd be no Inducement to ftay 
a moment in this fliocking Place, at the Expenfe of Health, 
that beftof Bleffings. The Air of the whole City feems 
infefted. In almoft every ftreet there is a horrid fmell. — 
But, Duty to my Country, and another Confideration, re- 
quire, that I ftiou'd not quit my Poft at this Jundure. 

* -X- * * * * 


Hackensack izth Sep"^ 1776 

Dear Brother 

This is the verry firft opertunity I had to 
fend you aline fince my return, we got back yefterday a 
week, and my Curiofity has fince led me to town three 
times, tho To Little fatiffadion, the town Apears to me to 
be in a Bad ftate of defance it feems the greateft depand- 
ence Is made on the mulkitry But am informed that our 
army is' in a much better Pofture of defence at Hornshook' 

' Horen's Hook — now called " Harris's Point" — nearly oppofite Hurlgate. 


and Kingsbridge, at the later the grand ftand is to be made 
Many Waggons & Horfes about here have been Impres for 
Carrying the ftores, Provifions &c out of New York I 
donte doubt but you have a much better account of the 
Battles and Vacuation of long Ifland' then I am able to 
give you the Enimy have Erefled a bomb and two At- 
tilery battiries over again ours at Horns Hook', which has 
ocafioned an almoft Conftant Cannonading for a weak, with 
Little lofs of blodd on our fide, v/hich was one men killed 
& another Wounded yefterday, I doubt not but a fevere 
blow will Be ftruck foon — Its Currently Reported fince 
Gen' Sullivan's Return from Congrefs' that three of the 

' The Battle of Long Ifland was fought on the twenty-eighth of Auguft, 
1776; and on the night of the twenty-ninth the army evacuated the ifland. 

The battle has been fully defcribed in the letters of Colonel Harrifon to 
the Prefident of Congrefs, 27 Auguft ; of Lord Sterling to General Waftiing- 
ton, Auguft 29; of Colonel Haflett to Thomas Rodney, Oftober 4, 1776; 
of General Sullivan to the Prefident of Congrefs, Oftober 25, 1777; of 
General Howe to Lord George Germain, 3d September ; in " Thompfon's 
Long Ifland," I., pp. 196, 214, 222; in Mr. Ward's paper on that fubjeft 
before the New York Hiftorical Society; in Dawfon's " Battles of the United 
States," I., pp. 143-159, etc. 

The " Evacuation" of Long Ifland, as it is here called, has been defcribed 
fully in General Wafhington's letters to the Prefident of Congrefs, Auguft 31, 
1776, and that to his brother, John Auguftine, 22 September, 1776; Mar- 
fliall's"Wafliington"(4to£ii>.), II.,p. 439; Gordon's "Revolution" {Lon- 
don, 1788), II., pp. 312-316; and Stedman, I., pp. 197-8. 

* Vide Note 1, page 105. 

^ General Sullivan, who had been taken prifoner at Long Ifland, had been 
difpatched to Philadelphia, by order of Admiral Lord Howe, to invite, in 
his behalf, a conference for the purpofe of attempting to adjuft the differences 
between the United States and Great Britain. 


Members are to have a Confirence with Lord & Gen' How, 
they ware this day to meet at amboy on the Ocafion' Our 
army is ftill in high fpirits and Willing to meet their foes 
at any hour. 

' The meeting between Lord Howe and the three members here referred 
to — MeiTrs. Franklin, John Adams, and Rutledge — took place at the " Billop 
Houfe," on Staten Ifland, on the eleventh of September, full reports of which 
may be found in the Journals of the Continental Congrefs;' September 1 7, 
1776; in Lord Howe's letter to Lord George Germain, September 20, 1776; 
•the "Works of Doftor Franklin" {Bojlon, 1840), V., pp. 97-108, VIIL, p. 
187; General Walhington's letters to Prefident of Congrefs, 31 Auguft, and 
8 September, 1776; "Autobiography of John Adams" [Works, III., pp. 
75—79), John Adams to James Warren, September 8, and the fame to Samuel 
Adams, fame date and September 17, 1776. 


[The following letter, written a few days after the aiFair, relates principally 
to the aftion on the Harlem plains, September i6th, 1776. That engage- 
ment, whether confidered in its origin, or the manner in which it was con- 
duced, or in its effeft on both armies, was one of the moft important of the 
minor aftions of the War of the Revolution. 

Other accounts of the adion may be found in letters of General Wafhing- 
ton to the Prefident of Congrefs, September 18, 1776, and to John Auguft- 
ine Wafhington, September 22, 1776; General Greene's letter to Governor 
Cooke, September 17, 1776; Colonel Reed's letter to his wife, (Life of 
Jos. Reed, I., pp. 237-239;) Loffing's Field Book, II., pp. 612, 613; and 
Dawfon's Battles of the United States, I., pp. 160-166. 

George Clinton, the writer, was born in Orange county, New York, July 
26, 1739. His early life was one of adventure, and he fubfequently ftudied 
law with William Smith. 

In 1775, he was a member of the General Affembly of the Colony, and 
difplayed great firmnefs in his oppofition to the government. On the 15 th 
of May, 1775, he took his feat in the Continental Congrefs, and voted for 
Independence in July, 1776, although he was called into the field before the 
engrofled copy of the Declaration had been prepared for fignature, and his 
name does not appear on it. In March, 1777, he was commiffioned a brig- 
adier-general in the Continental army, having occupied a fimilar poft in the 
New York fervice many months before that time. In April, 1 •]■]'], he was 
chofen both Governor and Lieutenant-Governor of New York, and accepted 
the former ; to which office he was re-ele6led five terms — in all eighteen 

When the enemy moved up the Hudfon, in Oftober, 1777, he prorogued 
the Affembly, and, with his brother James, threw himfelf into Fort Mont- 
gomery, which he defended with the moft defperate bravery, abandoning the 
works only when the enemy had completely captured them. 

He prefided in the Convention of New York, which confidered and rati- 
fied the Conftitution of the United States ; in 1801, he was re-elefted gov- 


ernor ; and, in 1804, Vice-Prefident of the United States, which ofBce he 
held until his deceafe. 

He died April zo, 1812, aged feventy-two years.] 


King's Bridge 21s' Sep'' 1776. 

D-^ Dodor 

I was favoured with yours by Capt. Jack- 
fon wrote at my Houfe Eight Days ago for which I am 
much oblidged to you as it realy reUeved me of great anx- 
iety refpecting Ceaty's Health' which I however yet fear is 
in a declining ftate. Your brother too I hear lays very 111 
at my Houfe with a Fevour which gives me great Concern. 
I have been fo hurried & Fatigued out of the ordinary way 
of my Duty by the Removal of our Army from New York" 
& great Part of the public ftores to this Place that it has 
almoft worn me out tho' as to Health I am as well as ufual ; 
but how my Conftitution has been able to ftand lying out 
feveral Nights in the Open Air & expofed to Rain is almoft 
a Miracle to me — Whom at Home the leaft Wet indeed 
fome Times the Change of Weather almoft laid me up. 

The Evacuation of the City I fuppofe has much alarmed 
the Country. It was judged untenable in Council of Geni 
Officers confidering the Enemy poffeffed of Long-Ifland &c 

' " Ceaty" — Mrs. Catharine Livingfton, wife of Gilbert Livingfton and 
filler of Mrs. Tappan. 

" The evacuation of New York by the Americans, September 15, 1.776. 


and was therefore advifed to be evacuated.' The Artillery 
(at leaft all worth moving) & allmoft all the public ftores 
were removed out of it' fo that when the Enemy landed & 
attacked our Lines near the City' we had but few Men 
there (thofe indeed did not behave well') our Lofs however 
by our Retreat from there either in Men or Stores is very 

' " I called one (a Council) on the i zth, when a large majority not only 
determined a removal of the army prudent, but abfolutely neceffary, declar- 
ing that they were entirely convinced from a full and minute enquiry into 
our fituation that it was extremely perilous." — General Wafhington to Pres- 
ident of Congrefs, v^ September, 1776. 

' General Clinton evidently was in error in this remark. Jos. Trumbull, 
commiflary-general, writing to the Convention of New York, (" King's 
Bridge, September 16, 1776,") fays, "In the retreat, I have been obliged to 
leave behind large quantities of flour, which reduces our jmagazine too low. 
It is abfolutely neceffary to have a large quantity foon." General Wafhing- 
ton, alfo, [Letter to Congrefs, September 16, 1776) fays, " Moft of our 
heavy cannon, a confiderable part of our baggage, and a part of our ftores 
and provifions, which we were about removing, were unavoidably left in the 

* Between Turtle Bay and the city, September 15, 1776. 

■* " To my great furprize and mortification, I found the troops that had 
been pofted in the lines retreating with the utmoft precipitation, and thofe 
ordered to fupport them (Parfons's and Fellows's brigades) flying in every di- 
redtion, and in the greateft confufion, notwithftanding the exertions of their 
generals to form them. I ufed every means in my power to rally and get 
them into fome order ; but my attempts were fruitlefs and ineffeftual ; and 
on the appearance of a fmall party of the enemy, not more than fixty or fev- 
enty, their diforder increafed, and they ran away in the greateft confufion 
without firing a fingle fliot." — General WaPiington to Prefident of Congrefs, 
16 September, 1776. The brigades of Parfons and Fellows referred to, em- 
braced eight regiments of Conneflicut troops, and both the American ofiicers 
and thofe of the enemy agree in their descriptions of the bad conducl of the 
above troops. 


inconfiderable." I would not be underftood that it was my 
Oppinion to evacuate the City" neither do I mean now to 
condemn the Meafure it is done intended for the beft I am 

The fame Day the Enemy poffeflbd themfelves of the 
City, to wit, laft Sunday they landed the Main Body of 
their Army & encamped on "York Ifland acrofs about the 
Eight Mile Stone & between that & the four Mile Stone.' 
Our Army at leaft one Divifion of it lay at Col° Morris's' & 
fo fbuthward to near the Hollow Way which runs acrofs 
from Harlem Flat to the North River at Matje Davit's Fly' 

' Vide Note 4, page 1 10. 

'' The generals prefent in the Council who. oppofed the propofed evacuation 
of the city, were Spencer, Clinton, and Heath. General Mercer, alfo, was 
oppofed to the evacuation, although he was not prefent in the Council which 
had advifed it. 

^ The eighth mile-ftone on the old Bofton road, meafured from the old 
City Hall in Wall ftreet, muft not be confounded with the eighth mile-ftone 
on the prefent roads running north from the city. The former was, proba- 
bly, near the prefent fuburban village of Yorkville. 

"'Col. Morris's." — Richard Morris had ferved in the French war, where 
he had been one of the aides of General Braddock. He married Mary Phil- 
lipfe, daughter of the lord of the manor of Phillipfe, in Weftchefter county, 
and fettled in New York at the clofe of the war ; and fubfequently he became 
a member of the Council of the Province. On the reftoration of peace, he 
went to England, where he died in 1794, aged lixty-feven years; his widow, 
well known as one of General Wafhington's moll intimate early friends, fur- 
vived him until 1825, when fhe died, aged ninety-fix. 

The country-feat of Mr. Morris here referred to, and, at the date of this 
letter, the head-quarters of General Walhington, is ftill ftanding, about ten 
miles from the city ; and is well known as the refidence of Madame Jumel, 
the widow of Aaron Burr. 

' Maretje Davit's Vly — a low fwampy fpot, a little weft from the Eighth 


About half way between which two Places our Lines run 
acrof's the River w'hich indeed at that Time were only began 
but are now in a very defenfible ft ate. On Monday Morn- 
ing the Enemy attacked our Advanced Party Commanded 
Col" Knowlton' (a brave Officer who was killed in the 
Aftion) near the Point of Matje Davit's Fly the Fire was 
very brilk on both fides our People however foon drove 
them back into a Clear Field about 200 Paces South Eaft 
of that where they lodged themfelves behind a Fence cov- 
ered with Buflies our People purfued them but being ob- 

avenue, near One hundred and twenty-fourth ftreet. This locality, in ear- 
lier periods, was fomewhat celebrated as one of the landmarks between the 
two. ancient corporations of New York and Harlem. 

' Colonel Thomas Knowlton was born at Ipfwich, Maflachufetts, about the 
year 1 740 ; and having been left an orphan at an early age, he entered the 
army, under Captain Ifrael Putnam, in 1755, and ferved on the northern 
frontiers during fix campaigns, with great credit. He was alfo engaged in 
the expedition againft Cuba, in 17625 and was prefent at the capture of 
Havana. On the opening of hoftilities in 1775, he was elefted to the com- 
mand of the Afliford company ; and he was ariiong the firft to reach Mafla- 
chufetts, in that exciting ftruggle. 

He was the commander of the Connedlicut troops in the battle of Bunker's 
Hill, June 17, 1775, winning imperilhable renown; foon after which he was 
promoted to the rank of Major, and, at the clofe of the year he retired to Con- 
nefticut. In 1776, he returned to the fervice with the rank of lieutenant- 
colonel, commanding a corps of rangers ; and he fecured the entire con- 
fidence of General Walhington and of the army. 

When the Connedlicut troops, at Kip's Bay, had brought fo much difgrace 
on their ftate, he thirfted for an opportunity to wipe off the ftain ; and the 
refult of his afpirations was the fpirited affair which has been defcribed in this 
letter. He fell, nobly, on the Harlem Plains, as herein related ; and he was 
buried in the trenches at Fort Walhington, where his remains ftill reft, 
without a ftick or a ftone to mark the fpot. 


lidged to Hand expofed in the open Field or take a Fence 
at a Confiderable Diftance they preferred the Latter it was 
indeed advifeable for we foon brought a Couple of Field 
Pieces to bear upon them which fairly put them to Flight 
with two Difcharges only the Second Time our People 
purfued them clofely to the Top of a Hill about 400 paces 
diftant where they received a very Confiderable Reinforce- 
ment & made their Second Stand Our People alfo had re- 
ceived a Confiderable Reinforcement, and at this Place a 
very brifk Aflion commenced which continued for near two 
Hours in which Time we drove the Enemy into a Neigh- 
bouring orchard from that acrofs a Hollow & up another 
Hill not far Diftant from their own Encampment, here we 
found the Ground rather Difadvantageous & a Retreat in- 
fecure we therefore thot proper not to purfue them any 
farther & retired to our firft Ground leaving the Enemy on 
the laft Ground we drove them to' — ^That Night I com- 
manded . the Right Wing of our advanced Party or Picket 
on the Ground the Aftion firft began of which Col° Pawling' 

' Detailed accounts of this aftion — known as the Battle of Harlem Plains — 
in General Wafhington's letter to Congrefs, September 18, 1776; his letter 
to his brother, John Auguftine, September 22, 1776; his letter to Governor 
Cooke, September 17, 1776; General Greene's letter to Governor Cooke, 
of the fame date ; Colonel Jofeph Reed's letter to his wife, Life, I., pp. 237- 
239; Dawfon's Battles of the United States, I., pp. 160-162; Loffing's Field 
Book, II., pp. 817-819; Dunlap's New York, II., pp. 77, 78. 

" Colonel Levi Pawling, of Marbletown, commanded a regiment of Ulfter 
county militia {Jour, of Prov. Convention, July 17, ijjdi). He had been 
a'member of the Provincial Congrefs; in May, 1777, was appointed Firft 



& Col° NicoU's' Regiment were part and next Day I 
fent a Party to bury our Dead. They found but 17. The 
Enemy removed theirs in the Night we found above 60 
Places where dead Men had lay from Pudles of Blood & 
other appearances & at other Places fragments of Bandages 
& Lint.' From the beft Account our Lofs killed & wounded 
is not much lefs than feventy feventeen of which only dead' 
[this Account of our Lofs exceeds what I mentioned in a 
Letter I wrote Home indeed at that Time I only had an 
account of the Dead — the Wounded were removed — 12 
oclock M. Sunday two Deferters from on Board the Bruno 
Man of War' lying at Moriffaina fay the Enemy had 300 
killed on Monday laft. Note hy Gen. Clinton.'] the Reft 
moftly likely do well & theirs is fomewhere about 300 — 
upwards it is generally believed — Tho I was in the latter 

Judge of Ulfter county; and was, alfo, a fenator in 1777 and 1782. He 
died in 1782.— (Co//, of Ulfter Hijl Soc, I., p. 162.) 

' Colonel Ifaac NicoU, of Goflien, Orange county, had commanded the 
regiment of " Minute-men in Orange County," {_Jour. of Com. of Safety, 
Jan. 5, 1776) but at the period referred to in this letter, he commanded a 
regiment of Orange county militia i^Jour. of Prov. Convention, July 17, 

^ The lofs of the enemy has never been fatiffatlorily afcertained, as the re- 
ports have been concealed, or fo much divided as to miflead the ftudent. 
There is no doubt that the lofs was conliderably over three hundred — -the 
heavieft lofs falling on the Light Infantry. 

^ The lofs of the Americans, "in killed and wounded, was about fixty ; 
but the greateft lofs we fuftained was in the death of Lieutenant-Colonel 
Knowlton, a brave and gallant officer." — General Wafhington to John Au- 
gifine Wqfliington, 22 September, 1776. 

'' "Bruno." — La Brune. 


Part indeed almoft the whole of the Aftion I did not think 
fo many Men were engaged It is without Doubt however 
they had out on the Occafion between 4 & 5000 of their 
choifefl: Troops' & expefted to have drove us off the Ifland. 
They are greatly mortified at their Difapointment & have 
ever fince been exceedingly modeft & quiet not having 
even pratroling Parties beyond- their Lines — I lay within a 
Mile of them the Night after the battle & never heard 
Men work harder I believe they thought we intended to 
purfue our Advantage & Attack them next Morning. 

If I only had a Pair of Piftols I coud I think have fliot 
a Rafcal or two I am fure I woud at leaft have fliot a 
puppy of an Officer I found flinking off in the heat of the 
Aftion' it is a pitty yours fliould lay idle — Had I my 
fword I coud change it much to my Liking in which Cafe 
I woud Return yours — Do my dear Doflor call & fee your 
lifter as often as you poffibly can & let me hear from you 
as often as opportunity offers — My Love to my Brother & 

believe me 



Geo Clinton 

Sunday 22'i Sep'. Night before laft about one oClock 

' The number of the enemy, alfo, is unknown. There is reafon to fuppofe, 
however, that it was not lefs than a thoufand, exckifive of the covering party. 

''An inftance of this "flinking off," in this aftion, may be found recorded 
in the minutes of the General Court Martial, in the cafe of Ebenezer Leffing- 
well of Colonel Durkee's regiment, September 19, 1776. 


there was a terrible Fire towards the City it occafioned re- 
markable Light at this Place. It continued till yefterday 
afternoon by accounts from Paulus Hook' which is yet in 
our Poffeffion it was in the City, broke out in fundry Places 
at the fame Time & is great Part confumed.' There is a 
flying Report of a French & Spanilli Fleet to the South- 
ward & it is faid 7 of the largeft (hipping left N York yel- 
terday how true I cant fay. I have not time to write 
Home You muft go fee them. 
[Addrefled to 

Doftor Peter Tappen' 

Fort Montgomery^ 

' "Paulus Hook" — now Jerfey City. 

■ The " terrible fire" here referred to, broke out " at or near Whitehall, foon 
extended to the Exchange, took its courfe up the weft fide of Broad-ftreet, as 
far as Verlattenberg Hill, confuming all the blocks from the Whitehall up. 
The flames extended acrofs the Broadway from the houfe of Mr. David 
Johnfton to Beaver Lane, or Fincher's Alley, on the weft, and carried all be- 
fore it, a few buildings excepted, to the houfe at the corner of Barcley-ftreet, 
wherein the late Mr. Adam Vandenbcrg lived, fweeping all the crofs ftreets 
in the way. The buildings left ftanding, on the weft fide of the Broadway, are 
fuppofed to be Captain Thomas Randall's, Capt. Kennedy's, Dr. Mallat's, 
Mr. John Cortlandt's fugar houfe and dwelling houfe. Dr. Jones's, Hull's 
tavern, St. Paul's, Mr. Axtell's, and Mr. Rutherford's. The caufe of the 
fire is not known. We imagine about a 6th part of the whole city is de- 
ftroyed, and many families have loft their All." — Gaine's N. Y. Gazette G? 
Mercury, September 28, 1776. 

' Doftor Peter Tappan was a brother-in-law of General Clinton, the latter 
having married Mifs Cornelia Tappan, of Kingfton. 


[The following Addrefs to Admiral and General Howe, on the occafion of 
their fucceflful occupation of the city of New York in 1 776, is an interell- 
ing fpecimen of that clafs of papers which is ftill fo popular among the fub- 
jeiT:s of European rulers, and efpecially fo fmce it conveys to us the fenti- 
ments of the loyal inhabitants of " Old New York," their numbers, and 
their names. 

An examination of thefe names has ftiown us the charafter of thofe who 
adhered to the fortunes of the crown, in a ftronger light than any fimilar 
paper now extant ; and while the names of the few wealthy landed gentry 
and thofe of the clergy head the lift, it will be feen that the petty officers 
in the cuftom-houfe and poft-office, the Faculty of the college, and even the 
unlicenfed keepers of pot-houfes in the vicinity of the markets, were alfo 
imprefled into the queftionable fervice of adding their names — under the 
dread, it may be, of lofing their fituations.or incurring profecutions as a pen- 
alty of their refufal. 

The names of fome few well-known citizens will be found in the lift ; the 
greater portion, however, are thofe whofe bearers, even at this . early date, 
have pafled away and been entirely forgotten.] 

To the Right Honorable, Richard, Lord Vifcount Howe 
— of the Kingdom of Ireland — 

And to His Excellency the Honorable William Howe 
Efq' General of his Majefty's Forces in America ; the 
King's Commiflioners for reftoring Peace to his Majeftys 
Colonies in North America 

Your Excellencies, by your declaration, bearing date 
July 14th, 1776, having fignified, that "the King is defir- 
" ous to deliver his American Subjefls from the Calamities 


" of War and other Oppreffions which they now undergo ; 
" and to reftore the Colonies to his proteftion and peace " — 
and by a fubfequent Declaration, dated Sep"^. l()^^ 1776, 
having alfo been pleafed to exprefs your defire " to Confer 
" with his Majefty's well affeQed I'ubjefts, upon the means 
" of reftoring the public Tranquihty and eftabhftiing a per- 
" manent union with every Colony, as a part of the Britifh 
Empire. — We Therefore, whofe names are hereunto Sub- 
fcribed. Inhabitants of the City and County of New York, 
in the province of New York, reflefling with the tendereft 
emotions of Gratitude on this Inftance of his Majefty's 
paternal Goodnefs; and encouraged by the AfFeftionate 
manner in which his Majeftys gracious purpofe hath been 
conveyed to us by your Excellencies, who have thereby 
evinced that Humanity, is infeperable from that true Mag- 
nanimity and thofe enlarged fentiments which form the 
moft Shining Charafters — beg leave to reprefent to your 
Excellencies — 

That we bear true allegiance to our Rightful Sovereign 
George the Third as well as warm affection to his facred 
perfon Crown and Dignity. — That we Efteem the conftitu- 
tional Supremacy of Great Britain, over thefe Colonies, and 
other depending parts of his Majeftys dominions, as Eflen- 
tial to the Union, Security, and Welfare, of the whole 
Empire, and lincerely lament the Interruption of that Har- 
mony, which formerly fubfifted between the Parent State 
and thefe her Colonies — That many of the Loyal Citizens 


have been driven away by the Calamities of War and the 
Spirit of Perfecution which lately prevailed; or fent to New 
England, and other diftant Parts We therefore hoping 
that the fufFerings which our abfent fellow citizens undergo 
for their Attachment to the Royal Caufe may plead in their 
behalf; humbly pray that Your Excellencies would be 
pleafed on thefe our dutiful reprefentations to Reftore this 
City & County to his Majefty's Proteftion and Peace 

New York Odtr 1 6th — 1776 


Haob Aaron, John Abeel, Abm. J. Abramfe, Philip 
Ackert,'' Jeramiah Ackley, John Ackley, Abraham Adams, 
Edward Agar, Ernefl: Aimes, Jeronimus Akemfen, Stephen 
Allen, Thomas Allen, George AUiew, Robert AUifon, Jeron- 
emus Alflyne, John Alftyne, James Amar, John Amer- 

' In the following alphabetical arrangement of the names, their original 
order has been departed from for the fake of affording more ready reference, 
and to avoid the neceffity of too tedious an index. Where the fame name 
was found more than once, it has been indicated by a figure following it, 
ftiowing the number of times that it appeared in the lift. Whether thefe 
in all cafes denoted different individuals it is now difficult to determine, but 
the probability is that they did not in every inftance. 

Fuller information concerning fome of thefe figners will be found in a 
valuable work entitled, " The American Loyalifts ; or. Biographical Sketches 
of Adherents to the Britifh Crown," by Lorenzo Sabine, Efq. 8vo, Bofton, 

^ Philip Acker, a retailer of liquors in George ftreet, oppofite the Bar- 
rack gate. 


man, John Amiel, Jun., John Amory, Daniel Amos, John 
Anderiefe, Stephen Anderrefe, John Antill,' Lewis Antill, 
Cha^ W"! Apthorpe,' John Archer, PhiHp Arcularius, Fran- 
cis Arden,' Michael Arnott, Peter Arrell, Gilbert Alli, V. 
Pierce Allifield, Robert Atkins, Thomas Atkinfbn, Richard 
Auchmuty, Robert N. Auchmuty, Samuel Auchmuty,* Dan- 
iel Aymar (2), William Aymer, William Axtell.' ' 

Theophylact Bache, Wm Backhoufe, John Badger, Jo- 
seph Bagley, Elias Ba;iley, William Bailey, Samuel Baldwin, 
Wm Balfour, Ifaac Ball, Titus Ball, Evert Banker, Jun., 
Peter Bannot, Paulu's Banta, Edward Barden, George 
Barke, Thomas Barnes,j Henrich Barr, John Barwick, Sam' 
Bates, William Bauman, Lawe Bayard, Robert Bayard, 
Samuel Bayard," Wm Bayard,' William Bayley, Thomas 

' John Antill, Efq., poftmafter of the city and agent for the packet-boats. 

' Charles Ward Apthorpe was a member of the council, refiding at Bloom- 
ingdale. " 

' Francis Arden was a butcher doing bulinefs in Fly market — the owner 
of Molyneaux the boxer, who was known as " Fete Arden " while he was 
in flavery in New York. 

* Rev. Samuel Auchmuty, D. D., reftor of Trinity Church, New York. 
He graduated at Harvard Univerfity in 1742; and on the 3d of March, 
1777, he died in this city. 

^ Colonel William Axtell was a member of the council, refiding at Flat- 
bufli, L. I. 

" Samuel Bayard, one of the firm of William Bayard & Co., importers. 
He was alfo affiftant fecretary of the province. 

' Colonel William Bayard, head of the old mercantile houfe of William 
Bayard & Co. In the earlier ftages of the Revolutionary ftruggle he afted 
with the people, and was a member of the " Committee of Fifty." He alfo 
entertained the Maflachufetts delegates at his houfe on the North River, in 1 775. 


Bean, Jacob Beitturnner, James Bell, Jofeph Bell, Samuel 
Bell, Jun., William Bell, Grove Bend, John Bengfton, 
John Bennet, Chriftopher Benfon,' Jacob Berger, Henry 
Bernt, Peter Berton, Fred'^ Bicker, John Binches, Mofes 
Bingham, John Bifliop, Richard Black, John Blackare, 
Patrick Blancheville, Ifaac Blanck, Jeremiah Blanck, 
Waldron Blean," Daniel Blockner, Chriftian Bloom, Arch- 
ibald Blundell, Chriftopher Blundell, James Board, Henry 
Boel,' Jacob Boelen, Nicholas J. Bogart, Peter Bogart,* 
Chriftian BoUmain, Anthony Bolton, Jacob Bolher, Fred. 
Botticher, John Bowles, Samuel Bowne, Samuel Boyer, 
Thomas Braine, David Bramar, Charles John Bran- 
non, Ifaac Braflier, Ifaac Bratt, Simon Breafted, Elias Bre- 
voort, Henry Brevoort,' George Brewerton, Jacob Brewer- 
ton, James Brewfter, Alexander Bridges, John Bridgwater," 
David Brill, John Brooks, Ab™ Brower, Sebtent Brower, 
Charles Brown,' William Brown, James Browne, John 

' Chriftopher Benfon, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors, oppofite the the- 
atre, fouth fide of John ftreet, near Broadway. 

' Waldron Blean was captain in the third battalion of New Jerfey volun- 
teers in 1782. 

' Henry Boel, "Clerk to the Poft OfEce." 

* Peter Bogert, refiding in Dock {now Water) ftreet. 

' Henry Brevoort, a market gardener in the vicinity of the prefent Fifth 
avenue and Waftiington fquare. The father of the late Henry Brevoort 
who refided in that vicinity. 

^ John Bridgewater, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors " near the new Dutch 
Church" [corner of Fulton and William Jireets). 

' Charles Brown, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors, on the corner of Broad 
ftreet and Verlattenberg hill [Exchange place, west from Broad freet). 


Browne, Thomas Brownejohn," Jofeph Browning, Robert 
Brunfon, James Bryad, Thomas Buchanan," Andries Buhler, 
Wilham Will™ Bull, Olive Burgefs, John Burns, Thomas 
Buroton, John Burrowe, Wm Burton, Charles Bufli, James 
Bufh, John Buxton, Godfrey Bydebuck, Garrard Byrn. 

John Calder, William Caldwell, Samuel Camfield, Daniel 
Campbell,' D. Campbell, Duncan Campbell,' George Camp- 
bell, John Campbell (2), Jofiah Cannon, Dennis Carleton, 
Adam Carr, Anthony Carr, Robert Carr, Gideon Carftang, 
Thomas Carter, Thomas Cater, Richard Cayhterry, Tadmas 
Chadwick, Jn° Chapman, Robert Cheefeman,' Jofeph 
Chew, Johannis Chorberker, Alexander Clark,' Archibald 
Clark, Daniel Clark, John Clark,' Clement Cooke Clarke, 
John Clarke, Scott L. Clark, Samuel Clayton, Thomas 
Cleathen, William Clofworthy, William Cochran, Philip 

' Thomas Brownejohn, a druggift and apothecary, doing bufinefs at the 
corner of Wall ftreet and Hanover fquare {now Pearl Jlreet), next door to 
the book ftore of Hugh Gaine. 

' Thomas Buchanan, one of the celebrated firm of Walter and Thomas 
Buchanan, importers and {hipping merchants. This houfe was rendered 
unufually confpicuous from the faft that to it was conligned the tea-fliip 
which was returned to London, with its cargo, by the people of New York, 
in April, 1774. 

^ Daniel Campbell, a retailer of liquors at Corlies Hook. 

' Duncan Campbell, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors in Beekman ftreet, 
near St. George's Chapel. 

" Robert Cheefeman, a retailer of liquors in Broadway, near Pearl ftreet. 

* Alexander Clark, a retailer of liquors in New Chappel ftreet {now Well 

' John Clark (or Clarke ?). If the former, during thirty years the clerk 
of Trinity Church, who, in June, 1783, removed to St. John, New Brunf- 


Cockrem, Wm. Cockroft,' Jofeph CofF, James Coggefliall,' 
Aaron Cohn, Charles Colbourn, John Cole, Jofeph Col- 
lines, Thomas Collifter, Mathias Compton, Nicholas Con- 
nery, John Cooder, George Cook, William Cook, John 
Clarke Cooke, Michael Coon, Henry Coons, William Cor- 
bey, James Corin, George Corfelius, William Corfelius, 
Andrew Couglan, Conrad Coun, Francis Cowley, John Cox, 
Ludwig Cox, Bartholemeu Coxetter, Dennis Coyl, Patrick 
Coyle, Peter Covenhoven, Robert Crannell, John Crawford, 
John Crawley, Belthar Creamer, Lud. Creamer, Martin 
Creiger,' George Croger, John Ludtz Croufcoup, Pietor 
Crowder, Jn° Harris Cruger,* William Cullen, George 
Cummings, Matthew Cufhing. 

Benjamin DafBgney, John Damlong, John Darg, Jn° 
Baltis Dalh, Sen.,' John B. Daili, Jun., John Davan," John 

wick, and in Auguft, 1 846, ftill lived there. If the latter, a retailer of liquors 
in Robinfon ftreet. 

' William Cockcroft, an old merchant who had long been a dealer in 
" European and India" goods, near the Fly Market. 

^ James Coggelhall, "Land Waiter," attached to the cuftom-houfe in the port. 

' Martin Cregier, a retailer of liquors "in Naflau ftreet. 

*John Harris Cruger, fon-in-law of General Oliver De Lancey. He was 
treafurer of the city j a member of the council ; a lieutenant-colonel in the 
fervice, commanding at Fort Ninety-fix when it was attacked in 1781 ; and, 
at the peace, retired to England. 

' John Baltis Dafti, fenior, kept a hardware and tin ftore oppofite the Of- 
wego, or Broadway Market. 

° John Davan, leather dreflcr and breeches maker, at the fign of the "Crown 
and Breeches," next door to Meflrs, Robert and John Murray, Queen (now 
Pearl) ftreet, near the Fly Market, where he tranfafted a very extenfive 
wholefale and retail trade. 


Davan, Jun., James Davis, Wm. Day," William Deall, 
James Dean, Elk. Deane, James Deas," Jno. De Clue, John 
De Foreft, Jofeph Degroot, Sen., Ifaac De Lamate, John 
Delancey,' Jno De Lancey, Jun., Oliver Delancy,' Jona- 
than Delano, Francis Humbert De la Roche, James De- 
masney, Michael Denny, Elias Delbroffes, James Delbroffes,' 
James Defbroffes, Jun., Henry DetlofF, John Detrich, Will" 
Devereaux, David Devoore," Guert Sp' De Wint, John 
Dikeman,' Barnnae Dill, Silvanus DilHngham, Anthony 
Dodane, Amos Dodge, Thomas Dodge, Adam Dolmidge, 
Robert Donkirz, Archibald Donnaldfon, Thomas Dor- 
man, Peter Dorry, Walter Dougall, John Dougan, Ed- 
ward Doughty,' Matthew Douglafs,' John Dowers, James 

' William Day, a retailer of liquors in Warren ftreet. At the clofe of the 
war he removed to St. John, New Brunfwick, and was one of the original 
grantees of that city. 

'' James Deas, a perukeraaker and hairdrefler, refiding in the lower part of 
Broad ftreet. 

^ John De Lancey, fon of Peter De Lancey, of Weftchefter county, and 
his fucceflbr in the General Aflembly as reprefentative of the borough of 
Weftchefter, which office he retained until 1775, when he was elefted a mem- 
ber of the Provincial Congrefs. 

' Oliver De Lancey was a brigadier-general in the Britifh fervice, and died 
in Beverly, Yorkfhire, England, in 1785, aged fixty-eight years. 

' James Defbroffes, doing bufmefs " at the Ship-yards," in the vicinity of 
Catharine ftreet, Eaft River. 

' David Devoore had been a miller doing bufmefs near the Kiffing Bridge, 
which fpanned "Devoore's mill-ftream." He is faid to have built "Cato's" 

' John Dickeman, alderman of the Out Ward of the city. 

* Edward Doughty, an unlicenfed liquor dealer on Whitehall Dock. 

" Matthew Douglafs, one of the firm of Douglafs and Van Tuyl, unlicenfed 


Downes, John Drummond, Edward Drury, Cornelius Dru- 
yer, John Dudley, Chriftopher Dugan, Robely Dukely, 
Nicholas Duley, Jacob Dulmadge, John Duly, John Du- 
mont, Jofeph Durbunow, Jacob Durje, Derick Duryee. 

William Eames, Edward Eaftman, Daniel Ebbets, Chrif- 
tian Eggert, Samuel Ellis (2), William Ellifon, Francis 
Elfworth, Benj" Englifli, James Ettridge. 

George Each, Alex'' Fairlie, Samuel Falkenhau, Edmund 
Fanning,' John Faulkner, David Fenton, Robert Fenton, 
Dennis Fergufon, Duncan Fergufon, James Fergufon, Jno 
Adam Finch (2), Walter Fitz Gerald, John Fleming (3), 
James Fletcher, Michael Flim, James Flynn, George Fol- 
liot,° Alex'' Forbes, Robert Fordham, Daniel Forfchee, Hen- 
ry Forfter, John Forfyth, Alexander Fortune, William For- 

dealers in liquors at retail on the corner oppolite the Fly Market [Joot of 
Maiden Lane). 

' Colonel Edmund Fanning, fecretary and fon-in-law of Governor 'William 
Tryon. He was originally from North Carolina, where he was exceedingly 
unpopular; and it is probable that Tryon's adminiftration of that govern- 
ment was ferioufly impaired from that caufe. In 1 777, he raifed a corps of loy- 
alifts, which was called the " Affbciated Refugees," and fometimes "The King's 
American Regiment," of which he had the command; and it was fomewhat 
celebrated in the Southern campaigns of 1780-1, for its fpirited conduft in 
the field. At the clofe of the war he retired to Nova Scotia, where he became 
lieutenant-governor; and, in 1786, he was tranfferred, in the fame capacity, 
to Prince Edward's Ifland, where he remained until 1805. The time of his 
death is not recorded. 

" George Folliot was a merchant tranfafting an extenfive bufinefs in this 
city. He was elefted a member of the Provincial Congrefs, in 1775, but 
declined; and he alfo declined to ferve as a member of the "Committee of 
One Hundred," to which he had been elefted. 


tune, George Fowler, John Fowler," Samuel Franklin, Wal- 
ter Franklin, Lovis Frauzers, Alexander Frafer, Walter 
Frazer, Ab" Fruge, Daniel Fueter, David Fuhrle, Michael 

Chriftian Gabble, Alex' Galbreath, John Gallaudett, Da- 
vid Ganner, Francis Gantz, Peter Garrabrance, Jun., Fred- 
erick Bonn Garten, Matthew Gaikin, Archibald Gatfield," 
Benjamin Gatfield, Nicholaus Gaub, Andrew Gautier,' Da- 
vid Geler, Francois Gerard, William GifEng, Leonard Gil- 
dert, Thomas Gillefpie, Richard Glebets, John Glover, 
William Goddington, Ab" Gomez, Mofes Gomez, Jun., 
Peter Goodman, Lodwig Gounzer, Abraham Gouvernuer, 
James Govers, Peter GrafF, Edward Grant, John Grant (2), 
Thomas Graves, Andrew Gray, John Gray, Wm. Gray, 
David Gregg,* lean George Grefland, John Grieribn, Rob- 
ert Griffith, John Griffiths," John Grigg,° Thomas Grigg, 
D. Grim,' Jacob Grim, Peter Grim, Charles Grimfley, Ja- 
cob Grindlemyer, Thomas Grifdall, Hendrick Gulick. 

' John Fowler, refiding at "Little Bloomingdale." 

° Archibald Gatfield, an unlicenfed dealer of liquors in Slaughter-houfe 

' Andrew Gautier, alderman of the Dock Ward. 

^ David Gregg, probably one of the celebrated firm of Gregg, Cunningham 
& Co., merchants tranfadling a very heavy bufinefs with foreign countries. 

'John Griffiths, "Matter of the Port." 

" John Grigg, a retailer of liquors in Sloat alley. At a fubfequent period 
he appears to have become a tallow-chandler, tanner, etc., in which bufinefs 
he became infolvent in 1783. 

' David Grim, the antiquarian tavern keeper, fo well known and gratefully 
remembered in New York by every ftudent of local hiftory. He formerly 


Frederick Haas, George Haaffis, Mathias Haerlman, John 
Halden, Edward Hall, Henry Hall, Peter Hall,' James 
Hallet, Samuel Hallet, Daniel Halfted, John Hamilton' (2), 
Jofeph Handforth, Ab" Hangworth, William Hanna, 
Goft. Hans, Mecil Hanfen, Martin Hanfliee, Johannes 
Harbell, John Hardenburgh,' David Hardley, Laurance 
Hardman, John Harris, Richard Harris (2), Thomas Har- 
rifon, Charles Hart, George Hartman, Laurance Hartwick, 
Charles Haus, Thomas Hautzman, William Hauxhurft,* 
Jofeph Haviland, William Hay, Barrak Hays, David 
Hays, Thomas Haywood, Jacob Heartz, Geo. Heath, 
Fred. Wm, Hecht,' Ifaac Hedges, Valten Hefner, Andrew 
Heifter, John Henderfon, Uriah Hendricks, WiUiam Her- 
vey, John Jacob Hetzell, James Hewett, Garrit Heyer, 
Daniel Hick, Whitehead Hicks," Thomas Hiett, Jofeph 
Hildrith, John Hillman, Michael Hillfteam, John Hillyer, 
Jofeph Hitchcock, Johannis HoiFman, Michael Hoffman, 

kept "the Three Tuns," in Chapel ftreet; but, in 1776, he was a retailer 
in William ftreet. 

' Peter Hall, a retailer of liquors in Peck flip. 

° John Hamilton, agent, probably a refugee from South Carohna, who 
had accepted military appointment under the crown. Vide Butler's ftate- 
ment, Tomlinfon MSS. 

' John Hardenbrook, afKftant alderman of the Out Ward of the city. 

* William Hawxhurft, a merchant dealing in pig-iron, anchors, pot-afli, ket» 
ties, negro-wenches and children, horfes, etc. 

'Fred. Wm. Hecht, a German, refiding in Queen {now Pearl) ftreet, 
who had been commiffioned by Governor Tryon as a captain in the loyalift 
fervice, as early as Oftober, 1776. 

' Whitehead Hicks, mayor of the city of New York, from 1766 to 1776. 


James Holden,' Peter Holmes, James Hope, Rinier Hop- 
per, Yallef's Hopper, Thomas Hopwood, Robert Home, 
James Horner," Thomas Horffield, Daniel Horfmanden,' 
Jacob Hortz, Alexander Hofack,* Bernard MicW Houfe- 
al," Robert Howard, James Hoy, George Hubnors, Ben- 
jamin Hugget," Richard Hughes, Thomas Hughes, Robert 
Hull,' Jofeph Hunt, John Fred Huntill, Diederick Hyer. 

James Imbrie, Charles Inglis,' Levy Ifrael. 

Daniel Jacobs, John Johnfon, Robert Johnfton,° David 
Jones, John Jones'" (2), Samuel Jones, William Jones. 

Chriitian KaufF, John Keen, Andrew Keer, John Kenne- 

' John Holden, a retailer of liquors near the Upper Barracks, in the upper 
part of the Park. 

^ James Horner, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors in French-church (nozu 
Pine) ftreet, near Broadway. 

' Daniel Horfmanden was the chief juftice of the colony. His wife was 
Mary, daughter of Colonel Abraham De Peyfter, and widow of Rev. Mr. 
V£{ey, reftor of Trinity Church, New York; and he died' at Flatbufh, Long 
Ifland, September z3d, 1778, aged eighty-eight years. 

* Alexander Hofack, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors in Dey ftreet. 
'Rev. Bernard Michael Houfeall, V. D. M., fenior paftor of the Lutheran 

German Church. 

^ Benjamin Huggett, a grocer and dealer in liquors, and affiftant alderman 
of the North Ward, living and doing bufmefs on the corner of Naffau and 
Fair (nozt) Fulton) ftreet. 

'Robert Hull, at " Hull's Tavern," No. 18 Broadway. 

* Rev. Charles Inglis, affiftant reftor of Trinity Church, New York. He 
facceeded Rev. Dr. Auchmuty, as reftor; but, in 1783, he was obliged to 
refign and take refuge in Nova Scotia, and fubfequently, he was appointed 
Lord Bilhop of that colony. In i8og, he was a member of the Council of 
the Province; and he died in 1816, aged eighty-two. 

' Robert Johnfon, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors, in Ferry ftreet. 
•"John Jones, M. D., profeflbr of furgery in King's (Columbia) College. 


dy, Jn° J. Kempe,' Johannis Kefer, Aaron Keyfer, Ste- 
phen Kibble, James Killmafter, Linus King, John King- 
fton, Jofeph Kirby, Benj" Kiflam," PhiUp Kiffick,' George 
Klein, John Klein,* Jacob Klinck, John C. Knapp,' Ja- 
cob Kneht, Ab"" Knickerbacker, John Knoblock, Robert 

Joft Lachman, Nicholas Lackman, William La Croix, 
Stephen Ladlam, John Lagear, Thomas Lahriwick, Thomas 
Lamb, Albert Lamkin, Henry Law, John Lawrance, Ste- 
phen Leach, James Leadbelter, John Leake, John Legar, 
Jofeph Lee, John Lell, Garret Lent, James Leonard, Robert 
Leonard, Alexander Leflie," James Lefly, Michael Lefller, 
David Levifon, Chriftopher Leviffen, John Lewis (2), Pat- 
rick Leyburn, Daniel Lightfoot, Barnard Lin, Charles Lin- 
daman, Stroud Cotton Lincoln, Johannis Lindner, Philip 

' John Tabor Kempe was the attorney-general of the province. 

^ Benjamin Kiflam, a leading lawyer in the city of New York, under whom 
Lindley Murray, the grammarian, and John Jay, the chief juftice of the 
United States, read law. 

' Philip Kiffick, vintner and diftiller, at the upper end of Great Queen 
ftreet (now Pearl Jireet), where his ftock of " Home-fpun Brandy and Gin, 
very little inferior to French Brandy and Holland Gin," together with an ex- 
tenfive aflbrtment of wines, liquors, porter, and cider, were offered for fale. 

* John Klyne, a baker, who at that time lodged with Mr. Daniel Mef- 
nard, Duke {now Stone) ftreet. 

'John Cogghill Knapp, a notorious pettifogger — a convift who had fled 
from England for his own benefit — who was doing bufinefs on the corner 
of Broad ftreet and Verlattenberg Hill. 

' Alexander Leflie, A. M., head mafter of the grammar-fchool of King's 
(Columbia) College. There was, alfo, an Alexander Leflie, who was an unli- 
cenfed retailer of liquors, near the Barracks (Park) in Chatham ftreet. 



Linzie, Leonard Lifpenard, William Litch, George Little, 
John Lockhart, John Lockman, John Logan, Chriftopher 
Long, James Long, John Long, Charles Lorrilliard, Lam- 
bert Losije, William Longhead, James Love, William 
Lowndes,- Thomas Lowrey,' William Lowrie, John Andries 
Lucaim, Henry Ludlam, Daniel Ludlow, Geo. D. Ludlow," 
Thomas Grey Luebe, Thomas Lupton, Philip Lydig, 
Thomas Lynch." 

W-" M<=Bride,* James M^Candefs, Thomas MCarty, Ed- 
ward M<:Collom, Patrick M'^Connegall, John M'=Cormick, 
Archibald M-^Donald,' John M'^Donnald, Benjamin M'^Dow- 
al, Hugh M'^Dowll, Charles M<=Evers, John MTall, Dou- 
gall M'^Farlane, John M'^Gillaray, Hugh M'^Intire, Patrick 
M'^Kay, John M'^Kenzie, John M'^Kinlay, Peter M'Lean, 
Neil M'^Leod, John M<^Manomy, William M'^Nabb, Daniel 
M^Onnully, Donald M<^Pherfon, Dougald M'^Pherfbn, John 

' Thomas Lowry, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors, oppofite Ofwego mar- 
ket, in Broadway. 

^ George Duncan Ludlow was one of the juftices of the Supreme Court of 
the Province. He refided at Hempftead, Long Ifland, and fuffered greatly 
from the incurfions of the Americans. In 1780, he was appointed maiter of 
the rolls, and fuperintendent of the police on Long Ifland ; and having taken 
refuge in New Brunfwick, in 1783, he was a member of the firft council in 
that province. As the fenior member of that body, he adminiftered" the gov- 
ernment, ad interim; and he was the firft chief juftice of the Supreme Court 
of that colony. He died at Frederifton, February 12, 1808. 

' Thomas Lynch, a dealer in liquors and negroes, in Duke [now Stone) ftreet. 

■* William McBride_, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors, in Cooper's ftreet, 
near Lupton's Wharf 

' Archibald McDonald, a licenfed retailer of liquors, in Church ftreet. 


M<^Pherfbn/ Thomas M'^Williams, John Machet, Peter 
Machet, John MafFet, Thomas Mahan, Abraham Malunar, 
Peter Mange, Mofes Marden,' Jones Marie, Joakim Marr, 
John Marllaair (2), Nathaniel Marfton, Henry Marx, John 
Malkelyn, Thomas Mafon,' Matthew Maugere, James 
Maxwell, Thomas Medanel, John Michalfal, John Middle- 
mafs, Peter Middleton," James Mildrum," David Henry 
Millar, Charles Miller, Hugh Miller, Jacob Miller, John 
Miller, Jolliua Miller, Michael Miller, Philip Miller, Rob- 
ert Miller, Thomas Miller, Sami Millfon, John Minufs, 
James Mitchell, Viner Mitchell, Jacob Moell, William, 
Mook, Joieph Moon, Ab"' Moor, Blufty Moor, John Moor, 
Benj" Moore,' Boltis Moore, Henry Moore, James Moore, 
Jeremiah Moore, John Moore' (2), James Moran," Philip 
Morgan, George Morrel, Martin Morris, Charles Morfe, 

' John McPherfon, a retailer of liquors doing bulinefs in Broadway. 

^ Mofes Mardin, an unlicenfed" retailer of liquors, in Broadway, oppofite 
the Bowling Green. 

' John Marlhall, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors, in Old Dutch Church 
ftreet {Exchange PL). 

* Thomas Mafon, a retailer of liquors, in Broadway, corner of Beaver 

° Dr. Peter Middleton, profeflbr of the theory of medicine and of materia 
medica in King's (Columbia) College. (Vide page 72.) 

'James Maldrem, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors, "oppofite the Slip 

' Rev. Benjamin Moore, affiftant reftor of Trinity Church, New York, 
fucceeded Dr. Inglis, as redlor, and fubfequently became bilhop of the dio- 
cefe. He died February 27, 1816. 

* John Moore, deputy colleftor of cuftoms at this port. 

' James Moran was firft clerk in the cuftom-houfe in this city. 


Ifaac Mott, William Mucklevain, Jeremiah MuUar, 
Charles Muller, Frederick Muller, George Muller, John 
God. Muller, Samuel MurgifFroyd, Philip Murphy, Lindley 
Murray, John Murray, Jun., Robert Murray,' George 
Myer, James Myer, Samuel Myers, George Myir. 

Michael Nailor, Samuel Naroy, David Nathan, David 
Navaro, James Neaven, Cafpar Neftle, Samuel Nichols, 
Edward Nicoll, William Niers, John Nixon, John Noblit, 
William Norman, Benj" Norwood, John Norwood, Van- 
derclife Norwood, Valentine Nutter/ 

Garret Oaks," Henry O Brien, Benj" Ogden, John Ogil- 
vie, Alexander Ogfbury, John ONeill, Jof'eph Orchard, 
Philip Ofward, Jacob Ott, Jofeph Owl, Walter Owl. 

Aaron Packman, William Pagan, Hayes Pannell, Francis 
Panton, William Parcells, Thomas Parrifien, John Pafca, 
William Patton, Thomas Paul, James O Pava, George 
Peitfch, Gibbert Pell, Richard Penny, Henry W. Perry, 
Mervin Perry,' Harry Peters, Hugh Philips, Adolph. Phil- 
ipfe, Fred'' Philipfe, William Poole, James Potter, Jacob 

' Robert Murray, a Friend, and head of the houfe of Murray, Sanfom & 
Co., among the leading merchants of Colonial New York. His place of buii- 
nefs was in gueen [Pearl) ftreet, between Beekman and Burling Slips; and 
his relidence on Murray Hill. [Fide page 29.) 

' Valentine Nutter, bookfeller and ftationer, oppolite the cofFee-houfe in 
Wall ftreet, where he remained until the clofe of the war. 

' Garret Oaks, a retailer of liquors doing bufinefs on Cruger's Wharf, 
[between Old and Coenties Slips). 

■* Mervin Perry, " Repeating and Plain Watch and Clock maker, from 
London," at the fign of " the Dial," fix doors below Gaine's printing office, 
the fame fide the way [Pearljlreet, eight doors below Wall ftreet). 


Pozer,' Thomas Price, David Provooft, David Provoft, 
Capper Pryer, Edward Pryor, John PhiUp Puntzius. 

Benjamin Quackenbof's, Luke C. Quick, Thomas Quill. 

John Randiker, Rem. Rapelje," John Rapp, Frederick 
Ranfier, Henry Reden, Stephen Reeves," George Reicble, 
Nich^ Remind, George Remfen,^ John A. Remfen, Jacob 
Refler, Fred''^ Rhinelander," Philip Rhinelander, Henry 
Ricker, David Rider, John Rifler, John Ritter, J. Roberts," 
John Robertfon, Ezekiel Robins, Jarvis Roebuck, James 
Rogers,' Godfred Roltonour, Cornelius Romme, Alexander 
Rofs (2), James Rofs, Robert Rof's, Jafper Ruckell, Wil- 
liam Ruddle, Fred'' Ruger, Jacob Ruoifer, Cornelius Ryan, 
John Rykeman. 

John Sackett, John Samler, Thomas Sample, Sam. Sam- 
uel, Jacob Sanfar, John Saunders, Nicholas Scande, John 
Scandlin, Coenradt Schultez, Chriftian Schultz, Adam 

' Jacob Pozer, proprietor of " The Philadelphia Stage houfe," in White 

* Rem Rapelje, whofe puniftiment inflifted by the people on the twelfth of 
June, 1776, has been defcribed in Peter Elting's letter to Captain Varick, 
page 97. 

' Stephen Reeves, formerly one of the firm of Whitehoufe & Reeve, jew- 
ellers, doing bufinefs in Queen (Pearl) ftreet, near the corner of Burling 

* George Remfen, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors, in Water ftreet, near 
the Exchange Bridge {Broad Jlre&t). 

^ Frederic Rhinelander, a very heavy importer of crockery and other mer- 
chandise, who tranfafted bufinefs at Burling Slip 5 and in 1783, tranfafted 
bufinefs at No. 168 Water ftreet. 

* John Roberts, Efq^., high ftieriff" of the city and county of New York. 

' James Rogers, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors, in Queen (Pearl) ftreet. 


Schuumburg," Tho= Scorfield," William Scott/ J. Seagroove, 
Jofliua Seaman, James Seamans, Levy Seamans, Cafper 
Semler, Jacob Shafer, George Shaw,' James Shaw, John 
Shaw,' John Sheppherd, Jun., E. G. Shewkirk, Daniel 
Shier, Henry Shier, Martin Shier, John Shoals, Abraham 
Shotwell, John Shouldis, Chriftopher Shundel, Rich'' Sib- 
ley, Henry Simmerman, Jofeph Simmons, George Simp- 
fon, Sam' Sp. Skinner, John Slidell, Joflma Slidell, John 
Sloan, John Smart, Walter Smealee, George Smelzell, Al- 
bert Smith, Barnardus Smith, Chriftopher Smith, Johannis 
Smith, John Smith,' Jn° Sam. Smith, Richd Smith, Rob- 
ert Smith, Thomas Smith," William Smith (3), John Snell,' 
Randolph Snowden, Henry Sobouvon, liaac Solomons, 
Tiunis Somerindicke, Peter Sparling, William Spenns, 
John Spers, Hugh Spier, John Spier, Frederick Spirck, 
Gregory Springall, Hugh Sproat, Thomas Sproat, Jacob 
Spury, Melcher Stahl, Daniel Stallmann, George Stanton, 
Michael Stavener, John Steel, Robert Steel, Wm. Stepple, 

' Adam Shamburg, an unlicenfed dealer in liquors, in Chatham 

^ Thomas Scorfield, a licenfed retailer of liquors, "back of Henry- 

^ William Scott, a deputy ftieriff of the county of New York. He was a 
retailer of liquors on Broadway, near the Ofwego market. 

■* John Shaw, a jeweller doing bufmefs at the fign of "the Crown," in Naf- 
fau ftreet, near John ftreet. 

'' John Smith, a warden of the port. 

' Thomas Smith, a merchant doing bufmefs in Hanover fquare. 

' John Snell, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors, oppofite the fliip-yards, in 
the vicinity of our Market ftreet. 


James Stevenfon, George Stewart,' Jofeph Steyner, John 
Stiles, Thomas Stilwell, Jan. Stockholm, Nicholas Stompf, 
Philip Stoneftreet, Benjamin Stout," Benjamin Stout, Jun., 
John B. Stout, Richard Stout, Robert Stout, James Striker, 
Jofeph Stringhans, Johannis Stroutter, James Stuart, Fran- 
cis Stuck, P. Stuyvefant, Caleb Sutton, William Sutton, 
Godfred Swan, Will"" Swanfir, Chriftopher Sweedland, 
John Swere, Philip Sykes. 

William Tailer, James Taylor, Willet Taylor, William 
Taylor, David Thomas, Henry Thomas, Walter Thomas, 
David Thompfon, George Thompfon, John Thompfon (2), 
Peter Thompfon, Sam' Thopfon, Fred. Thonnaird, Albertus 
Tiebout, Robert Till, James TofBe, William Tongue,' Daniel 
Tooker, Silas Totten, George Trail, Jonathan Treemain, 
Francis Trevillian,* Tobias Trim, James Tucker, Jonathan 
Twene, Jacob Tyler. 

Harman Utt, Benj" Underbill, Nicodemus Ungerar, 
John Chriftopher Urmhaufter, George Urft, Henry Uftick,' 
W" Uftick. 

' James Stewart, a dealer in dry goods, oppofite Frederic Rhinelander's, in 
Burling Slip. 

^ Benjamin Stout, a wholefale dealer in wines, groceries, dye-woods, etc., 
doing bufinefs in Queen [Pearl) ftreet, near Peck Slip. 

^ William Tongue, a general broker and audlioneer, doing bufinefs oppofite 
to Hugh Gaine's bookftore, Hanover fquare, next door but one from Wall 

■* Francis Traveller (Trevtllian), an unlicenfed liquor dealer in Murray 

' Henry Uftick, one of the firm of William and Henry Uftick, importers, 
etc., whofe infidelity to the non-importation agreement had excited the in- 


Fanconier Vallean, John Vance, Aug' Van Cortlandt, 
Corn= V, D. Bergt, Mindert Van Every, Jacobus Van Nor- 
dan,' Jacobus V^n Norden, Jun., Andrew Van Tuyl, John 
Van Vorft, Wynandt Van Zandt,' Thomas Vardill,' 
Thomas Vaffie, William Vermilye, Philip Verner. 

W™ Waddell,* Ab"" Wagg, John Wagna, George 
Waif, John Walker' (2), George Wall, John Walmfiey, Ja- 
cob Walton," Thomas Warner,' William Waterman, Jacob 
Watfon" (2), John Watts, James Wear, William Weaver, 
Jun., James Webb, WiUiam Webb, Arnold Webbers, 
Jacob Webbers, Philip Webbers, Michael Weber, Edward 
Webfter, Johannis Weifs, James Wells, Oliver Wells, 

dignation of the Sons of Liberty, April 6, 1775. Henry was alfo the pro- 
prietor of a retail hquor ftore on Potbaker's Hill [Liberty, near Naffau). 

' Jacob Van Orden, a licenfed retailer of liquors, oppofite the Bear ( Wafh- 
ington) Market. 

' Wynandt Van Zandt, one of the firm of Van Zandts and Keteltas, im- 

' Thomas Vardell, a warden of the port. 

^ William Waddell, alderman of the North Ward, refiding in King (Pine) 

^ John Walker, a licenfed retailer of liquors, near the Breaftwork, in the 
lower part of Broadway. 

'Jacob Walton, one of the firm of William and Jacob Walton & Co., 
importers. He was a member of the General Aflembly from this city ; and 
one of the moft influential citizens of his day. His wife, a daughter of Hon. 
Henry Cruger, died on the ift Auguft, 1782; and eleven days after, he fol- 
lowed her. 

' Thomas Warner, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors at Leary Slip, near the 
Ferry flairs. 

* Jacob Watfon, a merchant dealing in pig-iron, anchors, pot-afh kettles, 
negro wenches and children, horfes, etc. 


George Welfli, Thomas Welfli,' Chriftian Wernir, Evert 
Weffels, Gilbert Weffells," Jno. Wetherhead/ Thomas Wha- 
ley, Charles White, Henry White,' Robert White, Thomas 
White," WiUiam White, John Whitman, George Wighton, 
Thomas Wilkes, Jacob Wilkins," Robert Wilkinfon, John 
Michael Will, Abraham Willet, George William, Benjamin 
Williams, William Williams,' George Willis, Jun., Fred'' 
Windifh, George Winfield, William Winterton, Jn° Wit- 
terhorn, George Wittmer, John Witzell, John Woods, 
William Wragg, Thomas Wright, George Wyley. 

Ab"" Young, Hamilton Young,' John Young." 

George Zindall, Lodwick [ ? ]. 

' Thomas Welfli, a licenfed retailer of liquors, oppofite the Fly Market. 

^ Gilbert Weffels, a refident of Pearl ftreet. 

' John Wetherhead was an importer, tranfafting a heavy bufmefs in King 
ftreet. He offered the ufual great variety of goods which the merchants of 
that day kept on hand. 

■" Henry White was a member of the Council. He was a merchant in 
1 769, doing bulinefs in the De Peyfter houfe, on the Fly ; and his adver- 
tifements, offering for fale the ufual variety of nails, teas, window glafs, fail 
cloth, ofnaburgs, Madeira wine, etc., appear in the papers of that day. He 
retired to England in 1783. 

'' Thomas White, an unlicenfed retailer of liquors in the Bowery lane. 

* Jacob Wilkins, a dealer in hardware, bellows, lamp oil, etc., doing bufi- 
nefs near Coenties Market. 

' William Williams, a licenfed retailer of liquors in the Bowery lane. 

' Hamilton Young, dealer in crockery, dry goods, pork, gold and filver 
buttons, etc., in Little Dock [Water) ftreet, between the Coffee-houfe [Wall 
Jireet) and Old Slip. 

' John Young, a wholefale dealer in groceries, lilks, etc., doing bufmefs in 
Smith ( William) ftreet. 


We William Waddell, one of the Alderman of the City 
& County of New York, Efq"". and James Downes of the 
faid City, Gentlemen, Do hereby certify that we attended, 
the figning of the foregoing Reprefentation, & that the 
Subfcribers hereunto attended Voluntarily, as Witnefs our 
hands, this 24'^ day of OSober, One Thoufand, feven hun- 
dred, & feventy fix, 

William .Waddell 

James Downes 

address to governor tryon. 

To His Excellency W™ Tryon Efq^ Captain General 
and Governor in Chief in, and over, the province of New 
York, and the territories depending thereon in America 
Chancellor & Vice Admiral of the Same — — 

We the Inhabitants of the City & County of New 
York, beg leave to Congratulate your Excellency on your 
return to the Capital of your Government ; and to affure 
you, that we feel the fincerefl: Joy on this happy Event, 
which opens a Profped that we fliall once more experience 
the Bleffings of Peace and Security under his Majeftys 
aufpicious Government & Proteftion — bleffings which we 
formerly enjoyed under your Excellency's mild Adminif- 
tration, and which we Ardently wifli to have renewed. 

Perfevering in our Loyalty and Unlliaken attachment 
to our Gracious Sovereign, in this time of Diftrefs and 
trial, and anxious to teftify our affeflion for him, we have 


embraced the Earlieft Opportunity to Petition the Kings 
Commiffioners they would reftore this City & County to 
his Majeftys Peace. Although many of the moft refped- 
able Citizens, and a much greater number of the Inferior 
Claffes, have been driven Off by the Calamities of War, or 
fent Prifoners to new England, and other diftant parts; 
yet we hope that the numbers ftill remaining, and who 
have voluntarily fubfcribed, may be deemed fufficient to 
intitle this diftrift to his Majefty's grace — whilft the fuffer- 
ings which our abfent Fellow Citizens undergo for the 
Royal Caufe plead in their behalf with the Commiffioners 
From whofe well known humanity, benevolence, and en- 
larged Sentiments, we have the moft flattering ExpeSations. 
To your Excellency we naturally look up for Affiftance ; 
we therefore requeft, that you would be pleafed to prefent 
our Petition to the Commiffioners, and otherwife Exert 
yourfelf, that the Prayer of it may be granted ; as it is our 
prefent defire, and what we Efteem the Greateft earthly 
Felicity, to remain Subjeds of the Britifli Government in 
union with the Parent State 

Signed by Defire, and in behalf of the 
Inhabitants by 

Daniel Horsmanden 

New York Oftr i6th, 1776 

To which his Excellency was pleafed to write the following Letter in an- 


New York 25* Oftober — 1776. 

The Addrefs you deliver'd to me in behalf of the In- 
habitants of the City & County of New York, cannot fail 
of being highly agreeable to me, as it was, accompanied, 
with a dutiful Petition & reprefentation from them to the 
Kings Commiflioners, for reftoring peace to his Majeftys 
Colonies — teftifying their Loyalty, to our moft Gracious 
Sovereign, profeffing a Zealous attachment to the britifli 
Conftitution, and declaring the warmeft defire, for a lafting 
union with the parent ftate. 

Still folicitous as I am for the welfare of the Inhabitants 
of this Colony in General, and earneftly wifliing for a ref- 
toration of Public Harmony, and the re-eftabliftiment of 
the ancient Conftitutional authority of Government, I have 
cheerfully embraced the Opportunity of prefenting this 
Day, the Addrefs to Lord Howe, who was pleafed to fignl- 
fy to me " he would take the earlieft opportunity of com- 
" municating with General Howe on the Occalion." 

The Inhabitants may be aflured I fliall fupport their 
wiflies with my beft Endeavours, although the Completion 
of it muft be left to the decifion of his Majeftys Commif- 
lioners, in whom the higheft National confidence is repofed. 
I am with regard 

Sir, your moft Obedient Servant 

WM Tryon. 
To the Hon"= Chief Juftice Horfmanden. 


[The power of the Britifh forces in America having been broken by the 
capture and defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown, negotiations were fet on foot 
for bringing about a peace. After the delay of nearly two years, a defini- 
tive treaty was figned at Paris by Commiffioners appointed for that purpofe, 
and preparations were made for evacuating the city of New York, the laft 
of the Britifh ftrongholds within the original thirteen states. At the requeft 
of Sir Guy Carleton, the Britifli commander-in-chief, three commiffioners 
were appointed by Congrefs to fuperintend the embarkations from this port, 
that no negroes or other property of American inhabitants might be carried 
away. The commiffioners appointed for this purpofe were Meffrs. Egbert 
Benfon, William S. Smith, and Daniel Parker. 

The following letters were written from New York City to General Walh- 
ington, by Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, while afting in his capacity of com- 
miffioner. They will have additional intereft when taken in conneftion with 
Mr. Butler's " Statement " which follows.] 


New York 15th July 1783 

A very confiderable embarkation of Refugees took 

place laft week bound for Nova Scotia & Canada one 

large Tranfport was filled with foldiers of different corps 

for Quebec & a number of the 17'^ Light Dragoons are 

difcharged & accompany the Refugees to the new Country 

— The nonfuch a 64 failed on thurfday laft for Europe 

with the Reg' of Heffe Hannau The infpeftion of the 

above veffels compofing a fleet of twenty two fail of Large 


Tranfport Ships employ'd me five days in the laft week. 
Mr. Benfon's abfcence and Mr Parkers indifpofition throws 
the whole weight of Bufinefs upon me, and as they begin 
to appear difpofed to proceed with vigour upon the bufi- 
nefs of the evacuation Mr Benfon's affiftance will be very 
acceptable — I fliall not prefume to make any obfervations 
on the advantages which our Country may derive from our 
exertions in this Line, as your Excellency ispofleffed of a 
regular Detail of our proceedings upon the moft important 
Points of our million and the attention which the Britifli 
Comm'' in Chief has paid to our remonftrances &c there 
fully appear 

About two thoufand Heffians will embark to-morrow & 
the next day for Europe — and about one thoufand Blacks 
for Nova Scotia, further reprefentations to Sir Guy Carle- 
ton upon thefe fubjefts I conceive fuperfluous & fliall only 
attend to the examination of the fliips, regiftering the flaves 
& flopping fuch Property as is evidently free from the laft 
of their Proclamations Cafes of this kind have prefented 
themfelves and I have been fucceflful — from the laft fleet 
we brought feven blacks but have not been able fully to 
defcide for want of the attendance of the Claimants. 

I think it neceffary to inform your Excellency that fome 
persons from the eaftern ports of the Continent have forged 
in this City a Number of Mr Morris's Notes of the laft 
emmition, the Principals are detefted and upon applica- 
tion to the Commandant I obtained a Guard laft night, had 


two of them taken & confined — Sir Guy Carleton is fully 
difpoied to give every affiftance requifite for their further 
deteftion and puniflament 

I have the honor to be with great refpect &c 

His Excellency Gen' Walliington 

New York 26th Auguft 1783. 

The Books' which your Excellency requefted fliould 
be forwarded by your Letter of the 6'^^ inftant were com- 
mitted to the Care of Col° Cobb. I fliould have accom- 
panied them with a Letter but was confined to my bed 
with a fevere fever — from which I have only within a few 

days recover'd 

The Caps for the Boy's fliould have been forwarded 

' " Soon after the commiffioners arrived in New York, General Wafhington 
fent to Colonel Smith a lift of the titles of books which he had felefted from 
a catalogue publifhed by a bookfeller in a gazette, and which he requefted 
Colonel Smith to purchafe for him. The reader may be curious to know 
the kind of works to which his thoughts were at this time direfted. They 
were the following : Life of Charles the Twelfth ; Life of Louis the Fif- 
teenth; Life and Reign of Peter the Great; Robertfon's Hiftory of Amer- 
ica; Voltaire's Letters; Vertot's Revolution of Rome and Revolution of 
Portugal ; Life of Guftavus Adolphus ; Sully's Memoirs ; Goldfmith's Nat- 
ural Hiftory; Campaigns of Marfhal Turenne; Chambaud's French and 
Englifli Didlionary; Locke on the Human Underftanding ; Robertfon's 
Charles the Fifth." — Sparks's Wafhington, -voX. vin., p. 431. To which 
lift we may add, from a letter of Colonel Smith's, the following works as 
having been fent by him through Dr. Le Moyer : Moore's Travels, in 5 vols ; 
Young's Journey through Ireland, z vols. ; and the Trial between Sir Rich- 
ard Worlley and George Mourin Biflel. 


before this had not the workman I employ'd undertook a 
matter that he was not f'ufficiently acquainted with I was 
obhged to return them to him after they were finifhed & 
employ another perfon^ — they fliall be forwarded as foon as 
they are compleat 

Inclofed are two Letters which Came in the lafl: packett 
from England 

About fix thoufand Heffians have fail'd for Europe & 
all the artillery & (lores are nearly Embarked & will fail 
immediately for the Weft Indies — Sir Guy Carleton ap- 
pears anxious to efFefl; the Evacuation fpeedily — on Sat- 
urday laft at dinner he informed me of his determination 
to move with all poffible expedition and faid that the 
only thing which detained him was the refugees whofe 
fituation humanity obliged him to attend to — they are dif- 
charging great numbers of their foldiers many of whom 
have applyed to me to know whether they can be per- 
mitted to remain here — I have taken the Liberty to give 
them encouragement & muft obferve to your Excellency 
that in confequence of numberlefs warm publications in 
our papers and the unconftitutional proceedings of Com- 
mittees I fuppose not lefs than fifteen thoufand inhabitants 
will be drove from this Country who are not confcious of 
any other Crime than that of refiding within the Britilli Lines, 
fome perhaps have aded tho' in general with reluctance 
& who I fliould fuppofe might be excufed upon this princi- 
ple that the fubjeds of any State or Country owe allegiance 


to the powers under which they r.efide and are obligated 
to lend their affiftance when called for in return for pro- 
teftion and the benefits of Society — however this is an 
opinion that the people at large will not admit of in confe- 
quence of which upon the evacuation we fliall find a City 
deftitute of Inhabitants & a fettlement made upon our fron- 
tiers by a people whofe minds being fowr'd by the feverity 
of their treatment will prove troublefome neighbours and 
perhaps lay the foundation of future contefts which I fup- 
pofe would be for the Interefl: of our Country to avoid 
I am with great refpeft &c 

[For Wafhington's Reply, fee " Sparks's Walhington, Vol. viii., p. 476 ; 
to which Lieut. Col. Smith made anfwer as follows :] 

New York 5th Sepr 1783. 

I rec'd your Excellency's Letter of the 31'' ulto and 

am always particularly happy whenever my condud meets 
with your approbation I muft acknowledge myfelf obliged 
by the advice contained in the latter part of the Leter rela- 
tive to granting Paffports to perfons going into the Coun- 
try — proteftions I never prefumed to give — it may not be 
improper to inform your Excellency of the principles upon 
which I move and the Ideas I hold up to thefe people — 
both in public and private converfations I have always held 
it as ridiculous for Individuals to be fifliiing for the opinion 
of their friends refpeding their ftay in this Country — affert- 
ing that by applying to their own feelings they may be bet- 



ter able to determine that I am confident that every per- 
fon found within thofe parts formerly poffeffed by the brit- 
ifli Troops would be entitled to and receive the protedion 
of government at leaft from Injury and infult of the people 
untill a proper inveftigation can be made refpefting their 
Conduft when if it appears that they have in any inftance 
run counter to the laws of their Country or extended their 
aftions further than the perfeft right of individuals would 
juftify & what they owd to the Goverment under which 
they refided they muft expeft punilliment adequate to their 
Crimes, which I am confident would never be inflifted but 
in cafes which Juftice would warrant and which upon ex- 
amination would tend to confirm and render refpadable 
rather than injure our National Charader — that the Gentle- 
men holding the reigns of Civil Goverment have a perfeft 
Idea of the rights of the Citizen and are attached to the 
Conftitution of their Country that at the fame time they 
would exert the powers of Goverment to flielter the mean- 
eft Charader from perfonal injury the moft exalted need 
never flatter himfelf that his wealth or ftation can efFed the 
opperation of the Laws provided by his Condud he has 
expofed himfelf to their lafli^upon this foundation when 
preflTed I give my opinion, but have rather been careful in 
avoiding political converfations being a fubjed which in 
general ought to be handled with great delicacy particular- 
ly by Military Charaders in the prefent fituation of affairs 
by the Bearer Enfign Shyter late of the German Troops I 


fend the Caps for the Boys Should they prove too large 
fmall Cufhions within the Crown will make them fit & fett 
eafier than without — the above mentioned Gentleman was 
A. C. to Lt Gen' De Knoblock has obtained a very honora- 
ble difmiflion & intends fettling in this Country. 

I am &c 

William Stephens- Smith, the writer of the above letters filled other pofi- 
tions of importance during the ftruggle for American independence, among 
which was that of afting commiflary-general of prifoners at Dobbs's Ferry. 

At the clofe of the war, when John Adams, afterward Prefident Adams, 
was appointed minifter-plenipotentiary to the court of Great Britain, Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel Smith was appointed his fecretary of legation. It was during 
his refidence in that capacity at London, that Mr. Smith became the fon-in- 
law of Mr. Adams by marriage with his only daughter. 

That Mr. Smith enjoyed the efteem of General Wafhington is apparent 
from the fad that when, in the year 1798, Wafhington was created by Con- 
grefs lieutenant-general and commander-in-chief of the United States armies, 
the name of William S. Smith was immediately propofed by him to the fec- 
retary of war as a brigadier-general, or failing that, as an adjutant-general. 
He did not obtain either of thefe appointments, but was made colonel, and 
afterward furveyor and infpeftor of the port of New York. 

He was engaged in the expedition under General Miranda, upon the fail- 
ure of which he retired to the interior of New York ftate, from whence he 
was fent as reprefentative to Congrefs in 1813. He died in 1816. 


[The following appears to have been a cafe which .was made up for fub- 
miffion to the law-officers of the crown, for their decifion refpedling the in- 
dividual liability, under the treaties, of Mr. Butler, a ftaff-officer under Gen- 
erals Howe, Clinton, and Carleton, for rent and damages of premifes within 
the city of New York, which were owned by Whigs who had retired from 
the city, and occupied by the Britilh officers during their occupation of New 
York from September, 1776, to November 25, 1783. 

It is interefting in itfelf, fimply as a legal paper ; but it is efpecially inter- 
efting from the details of the government of the city while it was under 
martial law, which it furnifhes to the ftudent of local hiftory ; and from 
the feveral orders, which have been copied at length, and are embraced 
within it.] 

In the beginning of the year 1776, the Rebels (now 
Americans) ftrongly fortified the City & Ifland of New 
York & having coUefted a large body of continental 
troops & militia, exhibited every appearance of a deter- 
mined & vigorous defence' 

But in the month of September following, the kings 
troops having effefted a landing on New York ifland," the 

' The preparations which were made at New York, in the beginning of 
J 776, for the defence of the city, have been fully defcribed in the " Corre- 
fpondence of the Provincial Congrefs of New York;" in the "Memoirs of 
General Lee," pp. 12-15 ; Booth's "New York," pp. 493-495 ; and in the 
extrafts of letters in this volume, pp. 82—107. 

' This landing, which was effedled on the fifteenth of September, between 
Turtle Bay and the city, was attended with fome of the moft difgraceful 


rebels made a very precipitate retreat from the city,' leav- 
ing their cannon & great quantities of military & naval 
ftores of every kind behind them" — mod: of thefe ftores 
vs^ere lodged in private warehoufes, there being no other 
public depofits, than the bridewell' & powder houfe* 

Nineteen twentieths at leaft of the inhabitants with their 
families & effefts had left that city between the latter part 
of the year 1775 & the month of June 1776' & thefe per- 
fons may be diftinguiilied under the following heads. 

Firft. Rebels or perfons in oppofition to his Majefty's 
government & in civil or military capacities. 

Second. Thofe who feared the confequences of remain- 
ing in a befieged town." 

Third. Thofe who were loyalifts & availed themfelves of 
that opportunity to avoid militia duty (which without dif- 
tinSion all the male inhabitants between lixteen & lixty 

fcenes of the war — the American troops afting in the moft daftardly manner 
before the advance guards of the enemy, and retiring without firing a fhot. 

' The " precipitation " of the retreat from New York, on the fifteenth 
of September, 1776, may be feen from the excellent account of it in Davis's 
" Memoirs of Burr," I., pp. 100-106. 

'' " Moft of our heavy cannon, and a part of our ftores and provifions, 
which we were about removing, were unavoidably left in the city, though 
every means had been ufed to prevent it." — Gen. Wqjhmgton to Pre/1- 
dent of Congrefs, 16 September, 1776. 

" The " Old Bridewell" which ftood in the Park. 

* This powder-houfe ftood on the fouth-weftern bank of " the Frefti- 
water,'' in the vicinity of the interfection of Pearl and Centre streets. 

' See letter of Garifli Harfin to Wm. Radclift, ante pp. 85-87. 

' See letter of Garifti Harfin juft quoted. 


years were fubjeft to) & retired into different parts of the 
Country — and 

Fourth Some hundreds of perfons who were taken up 
& fent into confinement, or on parole in different parts of 
the country by orders of the Generals, Provincial Congrefs, 
or Committees on account of their loyalty' 

On taking poffefTion of the city of New York, the Com- 
mander in chief was pleafed to direft William Butler Efq 
to take an account of all the derelift property, & make 
report every evening of his proceedings to Gen' Robertfon 
then Commander of the City'. 

Mr Butler accordingly took an account of all the property 
found in the different houfes & ftores, that were abandoned 
by the proprietors or tenants, & reported in writing to the 
General (as he had been direfted) the quantity & nature of 
fuch property 

A diftribution of the various ftores found in the city was 
therefore made to the feveral departments and 

To the CommifTary General 

Commanding officer of Engineers 
CommifTary of Artillery 
Quarter Matter General, and 
Barrack Mafter General 

' See letter of John Varick, jr., ante pp. 91-93. 

'"General Robertfon, then commander of the city." While he com- 
manded the city he lived in William ftreet, near John, and at 109 Pearl 
ftreet ; while governor of the province, in the Beekman Houfe, near Turtle 


fuch parts of those ftores as came within their refpeftive 
departments were delivered for his majeftys fervice The 
furplus confiding of naval ftores were applied to the ufe of 
his majeftys navy 

Accounts were alfo taken of the vacant dwelling houfes 
& ftorehoufes &c, diftinguifliing the proprietors whether 
Rebels or friends to government as far as the perfons em- 
ployed on this duty from their own knowledge or the beft 
information could afcertain 

For the purpofe of carrying on the bufinefs of his majef- 
tys naval yard, lots of ground & wharfs were required, as 
well as dwelling houfes and ftorehoufes ; the former for the 
accommodation of the different officers, and their offices, & 
the latter for the fecurity of public ftores & materials. For 
this purpofe, feveral houfes on the Eaft river, & large lots 
of ground were inclofed, & in addition to the night guard 
compofed of the artificers employed in the yard, a fubal- 
tern's guard from the troops in garrifon, was conftantly 
mounted for the protection thereof 

On application to the Admiral, the legal proprietors of 
fome of the lots, who were then within the Britifli lines 
were allowed an annual rent for the fame 

The different departments of the army, required dwelling 
houfes & ftore houfes, alfo wharfs & lots of ground contig- 
uous to the rivers for the various purpofes of their appoint- 

Mr Butler was alfo direfted to affift the Quarter Mafter 


General in making & fettling the arrangem'^ of Stores, 
wharfs &c which being done, to the Commiffary General's 
department,' feveral wharfs & ftorehoufes on the Eaft river, 
were affigned for the receipt & fecurity of provifions from 
on board the Traniports from Europe, & proper houfes for 
officers. And on the North or Hudfons River feveral 
vacant lots of ground contiguous to that river were en- 
clofed for a forage yard & wharfs on that river were alfo 
occupied for the landing of fuch forage — - 

To the other departments were affigned houfes ftores 
wharfs & lots of ground as near each other as poffible. It 
was abfolutely neceffary that the public ftores fliould be 
near each other on account of the centinels required to pro- 
teft them, from being fet fire to or plundered 

Many of the houfes, ftores & wharfs occupied in the 
Commiffary Generals department, were the property of per- 
fons then under the proteftion of government & faithful 
fubjeds to the King. On reprefenting their fituation to 
Dan' Chamier Eiq' then Commiffary General, it was 
agreed that rent for thofe houfes & ftores (the property of 
fuch loyalifts) fliould be paid, & in order that fuch rent 
might be fairly & equitably afcertained & fettled, two 
refpedable & difinterefted Citizens were requefted to value 
& afcertain the annual rents of fuch ftores : which was ac- 
cordingly done ; & their Certificate declaring the rent of 

' " The Commifary-general's department." Daniel Chamier was the 
commiflary-general of the Britifh forces at that time. 


fuch [lore &c, & a Certificate from the Deputy Commiffary's 
in whofe charge fuch ftore &c was, certifying the time the 
fame was occupied in that department, rent was punSually 
paid, & fo continued to be paid until the evacuation of 
New York in 1783. The refidue of the houfes, ftores & 
wharfs belonging to Perfons without the Britifli Lines, were 
confidered as Rebel property & occupied as fuch without 
any charge to government 

After the troops were accommodated with quarters the 
departments with houfes & ftores, for the purpofes before 
mentioned and the different Regiments with ftores for their 
baggage, a great number of houfes in difierent parts of the 
city remained unappropriated except by the indulgence of 
the Commander in chief. Commandant or Barrack Mafter 
General as Tenants at will, liable to be turned out at a 
moments warning. A return was therefore ordered to be 
made of all houfes & ftores, with the proprietors names, by 
whom occupied & by whofe authority. Alfo the number 
of fire places & rooms, ftate & condition of each houfe, 
with the ftreet & number. 

The Inhabitants from the arrival of his Majefty's Troops 
till the evacuation of New York in Nov'' 1783 were freed 
from the payment of taxes of any kind either for the pur- 
pofe of lighting the lamps, or cleaning ihe city, repairs of 
the pumps, ftreets or roads, or other public works, as well as 
the maintenance of the poor. 

The markets were raifed above eight hundred P C' for 



the neceffaries of life. The landlords from the demand for 
houfes raifed their rents on an average at four times the fum 
fuch houfes had rented previous to the rebellion. And the 
vaft number of merchants & others daily arriving in the 
city was the caufe of a conftant increafe in the article of 
houfe rent. 

At this time, December 1777, the poor were greatly dif- 
treffed : & General Robertfon then Commandant of New 
York was pleafed to appoint nineteen gentlemen from the 
different wards of the city, to folicit contributions for their 
relief Thofe Gentlemen coUefted fuch a lum as afforded a 
temporary relief. Thefe gentlemen with the Magiftrates of 
Police were then formed into a veftry & the alms houfe & 
poor of the city were committed to their care & latterly 

' The following is a copy of the proclamation under which this committee 
was appointed, copied from Hugh Gaine's "New York Gazette : and the 
JFeekly Mercury." No. 1366, Monday, Dec. 29, 1777. 



Commandant in the City of New York. 

"^ HEREAS it is reprefented to me that the Poor of this City cannot be 
properly relieved without feme Provifion be made for that Purpofe, as 
there is not a veftry at prefent in this City to aflefs the Quotas of the Inhab- 
itants, and to Superintend the Poor as formerly ; and it appearing to me 
highly reafonable that feme Method fhould be adopted for their Relief, and 
Ebas Dejhrojfes, Miles 'Sherbrooke, Ifaac Low, Charles Nicoll, Gabriel H. 
Ludlow, James Jauncey, Richard Sharpe, Charles Shaw, Hamilton Young, 
Theophylact Bache, Rem Rapalje, Jeronimus Aljlyn, William Walton, 
William Laight, Willett Taylor, William Uftick, Peter Stuyvefant, Nich- 
olas Bayard, and John Dyckman, of this City, Gentlemen, having offered 


the pumps, lamps &c. This veftry had a Treafurer & Sec- 
retary the former to receive & pay monies on their account 
& the latter to keep minutes of their proceedings. Proper 
funds for the execution of the truft repofed in them were 
neceffary — therefore the rents of fuch houfes & ftores as 
were not wanted for the fervice of government & the fer- 
ries & markets were appropriated to the funds for the vef- 
try — the fees arifing from licenfes & excife, fines inflifted 
for breach of orders, Proclamations of the peace, or other 
offences were alfo added & ordered to be paid into the 
hands of their Treafurer. He was accountable for the pay- 
ment & receipt of all monies on their account, not only to 
the Veftry, but when required, furniilied the Commander in 
Chief & Commandant, with his accounts — When he gave a 
receipt for rent fuch receipt fpecified that the fum had been 
paid by orders of the Commander in Chief.' 

to take upon themfelves the difcharge of the Truft hereinafter repofed in 
them : I have therefore thought fit hereby to authorize them to follcit and 
receive the Donations of the Charitable and well-difpofed, and to appropri- 
ate the fame to the Relief of the Poor, according to their feveral Wants and 

Given under my Hand at the City of New York, the 2-jth Day 
of December, in the Eighteenth Year of his Majejly's Reign, Anno Domini, 

James Robertson, M. G. 

And Commandant of New York. 

' It appears from the report of John Smythe, the CoUeftor for the Veftry, 

that the " Cafti received for half a Year's Rent, to the ift May, laft, (1778) 

of Sundry Perfons occupying Houfes to which they had no Claim or Title, 

as per Particulars, in the Hands of John Smyth, Efq" was £2244 zs. lod., 


Whenever the proprietors of houfes fo rented out by the 
veftry came within the Britifli Hnes, & made appHcation to 
the Commandant, their pretenfions were referred to the vef- 
try, & on their report & recommendation, the property was 
reftored — and 

When the Proprietors of houfes or (lores in the king's 
fervice or barrack department came in, & made limilar ap- 
phcations their pretenfions were referred to the Magiftrates 
of Police, & Barrack Mafter & on their report the property 
was reftored, unlefs in fome inftances, where his Majefty's 
fervice would not permit. 

The wharfs till the firft January 1779 had been occupied 
by his majefty's Ships & tranfports in government fervice,. 
without paying any wharfage, but as many of them be- 
longed to Loyalifts, it was determined, that on the proprie- 
tors making oath as to the property, & that no perfons with- 
out the Britifti lines (with an exception in regard to any 
Copartner in fuch wharf) were interefted or concerned 
therein the Commandant gave his permiffion to fuch pro- 
prietor to occupy his wharf or part of a wharf & receive 
the uiual & cuftomary wharfage, on condition that fuch 
proprietor kept the faid wharf in good & fufBcient repair. 

Capt. Kennedy & Mr. Lefferts owned one of the wharfs 
in the Commiffary Generals department. Captain Kennedy 
was allowed & paid by the Commiffary General one dollar 

while the expenditures "in removing the Dirt and Filth from the Streets r.nd 
Barracks, filling up Slips, &c" amounted to £900. 


per day for his half; but as Mr. LefFerts was without the 
Britifli hnes, nothing was allowed him. This wharf as well 
as all others in the Commiffary General's department & the 
(lores were kept in conftant repair at the expenfe of gov- 
ernment. Wages & materials being very high, had the 
Owners been in full poffeffion of their property & rented 
the fame for any moderate fum, many of them would have 
been lofers, had they been obliged to have kept the premi- 
fes in repair. 

On the 6^^ day of April 1783 a packet from England 
arrived at New York & brought over the preliminary articles 
of peace, & on the 8'*' of the fame month, his Majeftys 
proclam" declaring a ceffation of hoftilities, was publicly 
read by the Town Major at the City hall. 
, Before the arrival of the preliminary articles viz' on the 
i8'h February His Excellency Sir Guy Carleton' iffued a 
general order in thefe words — 

" Orders Head Quarters, New York Feb 18 1783 Should 
"there be any perfon, at prefent within the lines, whofe 
" houfes or lands have been withheld from them on account 
" of offences or fuppofed offences againft the Crown, they 

' Sir Guy Carleton was a major-general in 1772; in 1774 he was appoint- 
ed Captain-General and Governor of Canada, where he commanded during 
the campaign of 1775-6, under Generals Montgomery and Arnold. In 
1782 he fucceeded Sir Henry Clinton, as commander-in-chief of his majefty's 
forces in America; and at the clofe of the war he returned to England, 
■frhere he fucceeded to the titles and eftate of Lord Dorchefter. He died in 
1808, aged eighty-three years. 


" are defired to make their refpeftive claims to the Officers 
"of Police in New York on Longland or on Staten 
"ifland, who will report the fame to the Commander in 
"chief All perfons without the lines, who have aban- 
" doned Eftates within are defired to fend their claims to the 
" offices of police aforefaid, and all perfons occupying Ef- 
" tates within the above defcriptions, are ftridly enjoined to 
" take due care thereof, as they will be made anfwerable for 
" any damage, wafte or deftrudion, that may henceforward 
" be committed on the fame. They will likewife permit 
" any perfon authorized from either of the above mentioned 
" offices to vifit the fgid Eftates, & take Inventories of all 
" effefts thereunto belonging. 

" O. L. Delancay Adjutant General.'" 

Another order was afterward iffued in thefe words 
"New York 27 March 1783- — Orders — In order to fave 
" much unneceffary trouble Notice is hereby given, That no 
" perfons whatever are to be admitted into the Britilli Lines, 
" without having previoufly obtained Paffports for that pur- 
" pofe from the Commandant except thofe who come to & 
"go from the markets. They will report themfelves to 
" the Police, whofe permiffions to take out horfes &c will 

' Oliver L. De Lancey, fon of General Oliver De Lancey, of New York. 
He succeeded Major Andr6, as adjutant-general of the army. He became, 
fubfequently, deputy-adjutant-general of England, barrack-mafter-general of 
the Britilh army, a member of Parliament, and a 4ieutenant-general of the 
army; and died in Edinburgh in 1820. 


" be f'ufflcient — Any perfons who may have come in with- 

" out leave are direded to report themfelves immediately at 

" the Commandants office, otherwife they will be fubjeft to 

" very difagreeable confequences. The General ofRcers 

" commanding in the feveral diftrifts, will fee that particular 

" attention is paid to this order by the officers at the out- 

" pofts. 

" O. L. Delancy Adjutant General." 

Thefe orders were iffued prior to the arrival of the pre- 
liminary articles, many perfons (who had been very aftive 
during the rebellion) were in confequence admitted within 
the Britilli lines & in conforming to the mode prefcribed in 
thefe orders were permitted to view their Eftates, take In- 
ventories & unmolefted or infulted to return. 

After the arrival of the preliminary articles fome hun- 
dreds (if not thoufands) of perfons who had been in oppo- 
fition to his majefty's government were allowed free ingrefs 
& regrefs to & from New York on obtaining paflports for 
that purpofe, which were eafily obtained on the application 
of their friends But many perfons whofe only crime was 
that of loyalty to their Sovereign, on going a few miles 
into the Country without the Britilla Lines, were feverely 
puniflied & obliged to return, not being permitted to vifit 
their relations & friends after an abfence of fome years. 

A number of refugees under the command of Major 
Ward who glorioufly defended the Blockhoufe' at Bull's 

' The attack on the block-houfe at Bull's Ferry, July 20, 1780, was one of 


Ferry on the 20 July 1780 againft a very fuperior force of 
the enemy in the autumn of the year 1782 propofed to 
the Commander in chief to remove & fettle in the Prov- 
ince of Nova Scotia, on lands to be granted them & provi- 
fions & fome other aid from government. He acceded to 
their propofal, & about fix hundred men, women & children 
embarked for that province in the latter part of that year. 

After the arrival of the preliminary articles & before the 
definitive Treaty arrived, from the vindidive & perfecuting 
difpofition of the Americans, the refugees & other Loyal- 
ifts were cut off from all hope of remaining in the States 
after the Britifh troops (liould be withdrawn. They there- 
fore made application to Sir Guy Carlton to be tranfported 
with their families & effeds to Nova Scotia, on the fame 
terms as the other refugees had gone there, that under the 
proteSion of his Majefty's government, they might find an 
afylum from the tyranny & oppreflion of their Country- 
men. They were accordingly fent to fuch parts of that 
province as they requefted. In confequence of fuch re- 
moval many of the dereliO: Eftates became vacant, where- 
upon the Commander in chief was pleafed to iffue the fol- 
lowing order 

Headquarters New York 16 June 1783 Orders 
" The proprietors of houfes or lands lately evacuated will 
" apply to Lieut Gen^ Campbell for the poffeffion of those 

the moft defperate affairs of the war. It has not received that place in our 
hiftorical annals which its importance demands. 


" on Long ifland, To Brigadier General Birch for thofe on 
" York ifland & to Brigadier General Bruce' for thofe on 
" Staten ifland. Thefe General officers will be pleafed to 
" caufe all fuch Eftates to be immediately delivered up to 
" the Proprietors or their attorneys unlefs where they may 
" fee fufficient reafons for detaining them fome time longer, 
" which reafons they will report to the Commander in chief. 
" In like manner, all Eftates which fhall hereafter be evac- 
" uated are to be furrendered up to the proprietors. 

" O. L. De Lancey Adjutant General " 

From the 16''' of June to the day of evacuation of New 
York the property which had been from time to time 
vacated was reftored to the proprietors. But many houfes 
& ftores abfolutely neceflary were detained from the Pro- 
prietors until the evacuation of the city. Every pains was 
taken to prevent wafte or deftruftion or improper perfons 
from poffefllng fuch houfes after the then poffeffors fliould 
have left them as will appear from the following garrifon 
order iffued by Brigadier General Birch Commandant of 
New York 

"Garrifon orders 29 April 1783 In order to prevent 
" any wafte or deftruftion in the houfes under the direftion 
" of the veftry or Barrack office notice is hereby given 
"that the prefent poffeffors of houfes under the above 
" defcription are on no account to quit them, without giv- 

' Brigadier-general Bruce, probably Andrew Bruce of the 54th Foot. 


" ing previous notice to the Commandant, that an ex- 

" amination may be made into their ftate ; & on removal 

"the keys are to be lodged at his office No 61 Wall 

" Street ; any perfon prefuming to take poffeffion of fuch 

" houfes, without permiffion from the Commandant, muft 

" expeft the moft difagreeable confequences. By order of 

" the Commandant 

" E. Williams Major of Brigade"' 

In order that juftice might be done & that all perfons 
who had any claims on the Britiili government, during the 
time his Majeftys troops were in that part of North Amer- 
ica now called the United States, & that the equity of the 
claims of fuch public creditors might be fully inveftigated 
his excellency Sir Guy Carlton was pleafed to iffue the 
following orders. 

Head Quarters N York 4 May 1783. Orders — 

" As many claims & demands have been exhibited to the 
" Commander in chief for property fupplied to the Britilh 
" army or officers in the feveral public departments fince 
" the \g^^ day of April 1775 & as it is expedient that the 
" nature, extent & validity of luch claims & demands 
" lliould be known & afcertained in order . that right & 
"juftice may be adminiftered — Gregory Townfliend Efq'' 

' E. Williams, brigade-major; probably Elijah Williams, of Deerfield, 
MalTachufetts, who had entered the army in 1775 ; retired on half-pay after 
peace was reftored ; and died in 1793. 


" Affiftant Commiffary General,' Captain Armftrong Deputy 
" Quarter General, Ward Chipman Efq''," Richard Harrifbn 
" Elq'' & Mr John Hamilton Agent' are appointed a Board 
" of Commiffioners, to receive & examine all fuch claims & 
" demands, to call for & inveftigate the proofs that may be 
" exhibited thereof, & to regifter the fame preparatory to a 
" farther liquidation. The faid Commiffioners or any three 
" of them are authorized & direded to meet for the above 
" purpofe, at fuch place & on fuch days & times as they 
" may deem proper All fuch perfons having fuch claims 
" & demands, are to exhibit the fame with the proofs & 
" vouchers before this Board" 

O. L. Delancy Adjutant General 

This Board met from the time of their appointment & 
continued to meet, till within a very fliort time before the 
evacuation of New York & many claims & demands 
againft the army & public departments prefented to them. 
Many of thofe claimants were defired to call for their 
papers by advertifements in thefe words 

" Board of claims 28 Oflober 1783. The undermen- 

' Gregory Townfhend, Efq., affiftant-commiflary-general, probably a refu- 
gee from Bofton, who had been driven from that town in 1778. 

^ Ward Chipman, Efq., a refugee from Bofton who had entered the army 
as deputy-mufter-mafter-general of the loyalift forces. After the war clofed 
he retired to New Brunfwick, where he became a member of the Aflembly, 
advocate-general, folicitor-general, chief juftice of the Supreme Court, and 
prelident and affing governor. He died at Frederifton in 1824. 

' John Hamilton; fee Note 2, page 127. 


" tioned Perfons who left papers with this board are defired 
" to call at No 32 Queen Street. By order. 

" RoB'^ N. AucHMUTY Secry" 

All the before mentioned orders were printed in the pub- 
lic Newfpapers & continued to be publiflied for many 
months fucceflively — 

The following advertifement, which is but a repetition of 
that which had been frequently publiflied even before the 
peace will fliew the intention of the CommifTary General to 
do juftice to all perfons having any demands on his de- 

Commiflary General's office, New York 13th Novr 1733 

" All perfons having demands againft the CommifTary 
" Generals department, for provifions, fuel, forage, ftore-rent, 
" veffel hire &c are defired to call & receive payment for 
" the fame before the 22^ Inft. after which no moneys will 
" be paid." 

In the fixth article of the Definitive Treaty, it is declared 
" That there fhall be no future confifcations made, nor any 
" profecutions commenced againft any perfon or perfons for 
" or by reafon of the part which he or they may have taken 
" in the prefent war ; & that no perfon fhall on that account 
" fuffer any lofs or damage either in his perfon, liberty or 
" property, & that thofe who may be in confinement on 
" fuch charges, at the time of the ratification of the treaty 
" in America fliall be immediately fet at liberty, & the pro- 
" fecution i'o commenced be difcontinued" 


And although the Definitive Treaty is but an echo of the 
preliminary articles, which arrived in America in the month 
of April 1783 yet the Legiflature of the State of New 
York had on the I'j^^ day of March in that year, paffed an adi 
of which the following is a copy & which aS is unrepealed. 

" An Aft for granting a more efFeftual relief in cafes of 
"certain trefpaffes. Be it enafted by the people of the 
" State of New York reprefented in Senate & Affembly, & 
" it is hereby enafted by the authority of the fame That it 
" fhall & may be lawful for any perfon or perfons who are 
" or were inhabitants of this ftate & who by reafon of the 
" invafion of the enemy left his, her or their place or places 
"of abode, & who have not voluntarily put themfelves 
" refpeftively into the power of the enemy, fince they re- 
" fpeftively left their places of abode, his, her or their Heirs 
" Executors or Adminiftrators, to bring an aftion of Trefpafs 
" againft any perfon or perfons, who may have occupied, in- 
"jured or deftroyed his, her or their Eftate, either real or 
" perfonal, within the power of the enemy, or againft any 
"perfon or perfons who fliall have purchafed or received 
" any fuch goods or effefts, or againft his, her or their Heirs, 
" Ex'or^ or Adm'ors in any court of record within this 
" State having cognizance of the fame, in which aftion, if 
" the fame fliall be brought againft the perfon or perfons, 
" who have occupied, injured, or deftroyed, or purchafed or 
" received fuch real or perfonal Eftate as aforefaid, the 
" Defendant or Defendants ftiall be held to bail, & if any 


" fuch adion fliall be brought in any inferior Court, within 
"this ftate, the fame fliall be finally determined in fuch 
" Court, & every fuch adion fliall be confidered as a tranfi- 
" tory adion. That no Defendant or Defendants fliall be 
" admitted to plead in juftification any military order or 
" command whatever of the enemy for fuch occupancy, in- 
" jury, deftrudion, purchafe or receipt, nor give the fame in 
" evidence on the general iffue"' 

Mr Butler having fettled all his public & private ac- 
counts in the month of June 1781, obtained the Com- 
mander in chief & Commiflary General's leave to come to 
England, & has not fince that time been in America And 
at that time, both countries were at war, & the garrifon of 
New York was in the poffeffion of his Majefty's Troops : 
& all perfons civil & military & all property & in all parts 
of the Britlfli lines, were fubjed to, & under the abfolute 
controul of the Commander in chief — 

" On the 24^^ day of May lafl, the Legiflature of the 
" State of New York paffed an Ad entitled an Ad to amend 
" an Ad entitled an Ad for relief againft abfconding or ab- 
" fent Debtors; & to extend the remedy of the ad entitled 
" an ad for granting a more efFedual relief in cafes of cer- 
" tain trefpaffes & for other purpofes therein mentioned" 


' Chap, xxxi.. Laws of 1783. This is the fo-called Trefpafs Adl of New 

' Mr. Butler was in error concerning the date of this law. It was pafled 
on the fourth of Ma.y, 1784, and is known as Chap. liv. of the Laws 
of New York, Seventh Seffion. — 1 Greenleaf, 114. 


A copy of this aft cannot at prefent be procured but the 
mode of proceeding on that aft is fully pointed out in the 
advertifements in the New York papers & which in fub- 
ftance is as follows A. B. gives notice That in purfuance 
of that aft, an aftion of Trefpafs had been by him com- 
menced againft C. D. in the Mayors court of the City of 
New York, that the Writ in the faid caufe had been re- 
turned, not found, by the Sheriff, that a declaration was 
thereupon filed in the Clerks office qf the City of New 
York againft the faid C. D. by the faid A. B. agreeable to 
the mode prefcribed in & by the faid aft " for the ufe & 
" occupation of a dwelling houfe, with the appurtenances of 
" the faid A. B. by him the faid C. D. during the late war 
" between the United States of America & Great Britain, & 
" while the City of New York was in the poffeffion of the 
" fleets & armies of the King of Great Britain" and that it 
was thereby publiflied & notified that unlefs the faid C. D. 
entered his appearance in the fatd action within fix months 
from the date of that advertifement, a judgment would be 
entered againft the faid C. D. & a writ of inquiry would be 
granted to afcertain the faid A. B's demand againft the 
C. D. for the trefpafles aforefaid agreeable to the inten- 
tion & meaning of the faid aft & the praftice of the faid 

Mr Butler happens to be one of the few Officers em- 
ployed in his Majeftys fervice, who has left any eftate in the 
province of New York & four fuits have been commenced 


againft him, under the laft mentioned aft, of which aftions, 
notice has been given in the terms above mentioned 

The firft of thefe fuits is brought by Mr LefFerts already 
mentioned : the caufe of aftion for the ufe & occupation of 
a dwelhng houfe & dock, with the appurtenances of the 
faid Jacob LefFerts. The fecond is by a WilHam Smith, 
for the ufe & occupation of a dwelhng houfe with the ap- 
purtenances of the faid William Smith. The third is by a 
Thomas Henderfon, as well for the ufe & occupation of one 
dwelling houfe, ftore houfe & dock with the appurtenances 
as for the deftruftion of one ftore houfe, & diverfe quantities 
of houfehold & kitchen furniture of the faid Thomas Hen- 
derfon by the faid Will: Butler And the fourth is by a 
Tho« Ivers' for taking & carrying away of diverfe new 
cables, a large quantity of cordage, nails, hemp, black tar, 
pitch, & feveral utenfils & tools commonly ufed in the 
rope making bufinefs, the property of the faid Thomas 
Ivers by him the faid \Vill: Butler. It is of little confe- 
quence to enter into an inquiry with refpeft to the fituation 
of the feveral Plaintiffs in thefe fuits Mr Butler had left 
the feat of war a length of time before there was the leaft 
profpeft of peace & had he remained until the final evacua- 
tion, his perfon & property were equally free & and indem- 
nified by the preliminary articles & the Definitive treaty, if 
thofe Treaties had any validity, or there can be any public 
faith or honour in the ftates. But it has been lately deter- 

' Thomas Ivers was one of the popular " Committee of One Hundred." 


mined in the Mayors Court of New York, that all who held 
houfes under the authority of the Commander in chief 
fhould be exempted from the repayment of rent : but that 
thofe who held under the Commiffary general fliould be 
liable, becaufe he had no authority by the laws of war to 
raife a revenue, but that his power was ufurped. 

As Mr. Butler during the whole of the time he ferved 
in America, afted only in a fubordinate capacity & under 
the orders of his fuperiors namely the Commander in Chief 
& Commandant, to whofe orders, he & all others in the dif- 
ferent departments were bound to pay implicit obedience 
befides the orders of the head of that department 

It is therefore afked 
1™° Shall Mr. Butler in his private capacity be anfwerable 
for things done in his official charafter & in conformity 
to the orders of his fuperiors ? 
2^° Suppofing the Crown indebted to the Plaintiffs in thofe 
fuits, for the articles charged, ftiall his private fortune 
be anfwerable for thefe demands ? 
3''° Do not the proceedings in thofe caufes defeat the De- 
finitive Treaty' & are not the Afts on which thofe iuits 
are brought violations of the faith of the United States 
pledged on figning the preliminary articles & execut- 
ing the Definitive Tftaty"? 
4'° What fteps he ought to purfue & whether it would 

' The Definitive Treaty of Peace may be found, at length, in the " Jour- 
nal of the Congrefs of the United States," January 14, 1784. 


not be advifable to enter his appearance to defend 
thofe fuits ? 
^to Whether if he omits making any defence & fufFers 
judgment to go againft him, he can claim compenfa- 
tions for any lofs or damage he may fuftain, by reafon 
of fuch judgment ? 

Account of Houfes, Lands, Debts & efFefts the property 
of Wilham Butler in the City & province of New York 
which he was obliged to leave. 

Bayard's Purchaje on the Mohawk River. 

In this traft Mr B. had 1050 Acres, for curry. 

which he was offered 8s. P acre 420 o o 

Delaware Tract 

This Trafl; lies between the River Dela- 
ware & the Sufquehannah, adjoining to lands 
belonging to General Provofte & the Hon'''^ 
Henry White Lawrence Cartwright Efq'' & 
others for which has been offered in peacea- 
ble times 6s P acre for the whole — Mr But- 
ler's lliare of this trad is one entire piece con- 
taining 3994 acres, fay a 6s 1198 4 o 

Butter Hill Tract 
This Trad lies on the Weft fide of Hud- 
fons river & within half a mile of'it & about 

Carried forward 1618 4 o 


Brought forward i6i8 4 o 
fixty miles from New York. This land is 
well known by the name of the Clove, as it 
lies between the two great hills known by 
the names of Great Butter Hill & Little 
Butter Hill. It contains 632 acres for which 
Mr B was offered 16s P acre 505 12 o 

For eft of Dean Tract ' 
Lies within 3 miles of the above Traft, & 
contains 362 acres of land with the very beft 
timber. It is known by the name of the 
Black Swamp & is within 3 miles of the 
river, between the iron works of Col' Mat- 
thews & Mr Haufenclever' & was always 
valued a 20s P acre 362 o o 

The Mine Tract 
Lies within 7 miles of New Windfor & 
Newburgh & contains 120 acres of land 
bought of Mr Golett' a merchant in New 

Carried forward 2485 16 o 

' Forefl: of Dean in the lower part of the Highlands, north from Haver- 
ftraw, between that village and Fort Montgomery. 

^ Mr. Heflenclever's iron works were in the upper part of what is now 
Rockland county. This gentlemen had expended large amounts of money 
in attempting to eftablilh iron-works ; and he had received the favorable con- 
fideration of the colonial authorities for his enterprife and perfeverance. 

^ Probably Mr. Peter Goelet, a member of " the Committee of One 
Hundred," and grandfather of Peter Goelet, Efq., who refides at the cor- 
ner of Broadway and Eaft Nineteenth ftreet, in this city. 


Brought forward 2485 16 
York in the year 1772 for which Mr B paid 

them 17s P acre lo2 o 


This Traft lies in the middle of the Town, 
within a quarter of a mile of the Courthoufe 
& joins the Glebe land. It contains 210 acres 
for which W. B. was ofifered 40s P acre This 
land is within 60 miles of New York 420 o 

Ten Stone Meadow 
This traft lies 7 miles weft of Hudfon's 
River & is known by the name of New- 
burgh Ridge, about 7 miles diftant from 
Newburgh & New Windfor It adjoins to 
the lands of John Leake Efq'' & others & 
contains 270 acres for which 40s P acre has 

been offered 54° ° 

Sacliandaga Tract 

This Trad lies on the Sachandaga river 
in the County of Albany about 15 miles 
from Sir John Johnfton's' It contains in all 
52000 acres of which W. B. was to have 
12000 This Land was bought from the 

Carried forward 3547 16 ,0 

' John Leake, one of the founders of the Leake and Watts Orphan Houfe 
at Bloomingdale. 

' Sir John Johnfon's — "Johnfon Hall," near the village of Johnftown, 
Fulton county. New York. 


Brought forward 3547 16 o 
Indians about the year 1770 or 1771 in the 
names of Col' Butler, Hendrick Benfon, 
Durck Lefferts, John & Rob' Leake Co. for 
which the Indians were paid £12 P thou- 
fand By fome means or other, the patent 
from government did not iffue : & the 
troubles beginning there was no way of 
obtaining it, as the Governor was obliged 
to come away — W. B. paid for 12000 acres 
of the above Tract at £12 P thotifand which 
makes the amo' of his claim to be 144 o o 

Lechacticook Lands 

Thefe Lands lie on the Eaft fide of Hud- 
fon's River, oppofite to the Half moon, 12 
miles north of the City of Albany, & contain 
840 acres, which were proved vacant & 
granted by the Governor & Council of New 
York on or about the year 1769 to Rob' 
Leake Co. Thefe Lands were held in pof- 
feffion by Anth'y Bratt Hendrick Vrouman 
& others, who rather than move off bought 
them at 20s per acre & paid £100 down to 
bind the bargain. The remaining £740 was 
to be paid in three annual payments with in- 

Carried forward 3691 61 o 


Brought forward 3691 16 o 
tereft W. Bs claim is for one fourth of £840 
the fum that it fold for to the above pur- 
chafers 210 o o 

Two Lois of Land at the River Jide near the College at 
New York^ 

The eligible fituation of the place, induced 

Mr B. & others to make this ground which 

they verily did entirely — & the firft ftep 

towards it, was by obtaining a grant from 

the Governors of the College into the river 

from high water mark to low water mark, an 

extent of loo feet They then dug into the 

fide of the hill 75 feet by 60 & with horfes 

& carts carried the earth to the front which 

was inclofed by the wharf; fo that when the 

lots were completely finillied they meafured 

60 feet in front on the river & 157 deep on 

the land fide. The wharf in front coft Mr 

B. £60. The front fence & a fmall houfe 

in the garden coft him £bo & he was offered 

jBioo with the above expence for each of 

the lots. When the Kings troops arrived at 

Staten ifland, the Rofe & Phenix' men of 

Carried forward 3901 16 o 

' King's (now Columbia) College, New York. 

' The Rofe and Phenix, with three tenders, pafled up the river, as ftated 



Brought forward 3901 16 o 
war were ordered up the North river: & 
the Rebels in order to annoy them thought 
proper to ered a battery on my ground,' for 
which purpofe they filled up my wharf & all 
the poft & timber on the lots — by which their 
purpofe was anfwered but afterwards by tak- 
ing up the wharf, the water in a fliort time 
flowed in & waflied all away, by which means, 
he loft what he might have obtained that is 320 o o 

Debts due as p abftraft 800 o o 


A fine lot of Lot ground in New York 
Situated on the Eaft river, on which there is a 
new Brick houfe in front & a wooden houfe 
in the rear called Montgomy Ward, for 
which Eftate Mr. B. paid down in ready 
Cafli in the year 1781 to Hugh Gain Printer 
at New York" 750 guineas — equal to 134° o o 

Carried forward 6361 16 o 

in the text ; and very minute accounts of their trip may be found in Gen- 
eral Wafhington's "Letter to General Schuyler," July 15, 1776, and in 
Irving's "Life of Wafhington," II., pp. 259-264. 

' "In the year 1776, when the Phoenix and Rofe frigates pufhed up the 
North River, the Americans made a tremendous fire from this battery (^Fort 
George) and the others along the North river, from as many as two hun- 
dred cannons." — Old Magazine, cited by Mr. Watfon '(Annals, p. 334). 

^ Hugh Gaine, printer ; the veteran publifher of " The New York Ga- 


Brought forward 6361 16 o 
A fine lot of ground, on which there are 
two good houfes fituate at the Corner of 
Maiden Lane & William Street in the Eaft 
ward of the City of New York, for which 
Mr B paid in 1781 to Rob' Deal, merchant, 
in ready money 700 guineas — equal to 1306 13 4 


Negroes left behind by Mr. B 
A man — coft £65 
A woman — do 45 

A boy 2 years old 10 120 o o 

N. B. Mr B. could not bring away many 
valuable effefls which are here omitted — 

£7788 9 4. 


Cafe of W-" Butler Efq.] 

zette and Mercury." As may be feen by reference to page 34, his place of 
bufinefs was in Hanover fquare. 


[The following paper, part of which, in the original, is in the autograph 
of Sir Henry Clinton, appears to be a ftatement of fome of the circum- 
ilances which induced that gentleman to permit the allied forces of America 
and France to proceed from the North to Virginia, without interruption ; 
and it is a partial defence of his condudl againft the cenfures which were 
thrown upon it after the capture of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown. 

The perfon to whom it was addrefled, it appears, defired to ufe the infor- 
mation for fome public purpofe ; and it is not improbable that, whoever he 
was, he had feen fervice in America, under Sir Henry's command. 

The fubjeft of the paper has been fully and ably difcufled in the fpicy 
correfpondence between Sir Henry Clinton and Lord Cornwallis, which was 
publifhed in London in 1783.] 

If a Oueftion fliould be alked refpefting a poffibility of 
attacking Wafliington in July and Auguft,' in few Words 
I fay— 

P'- He had at leaft, with the French,' 11.000 — I had of 

' At the time to which this paper refers — July and Auguft, 1781 — Gener- 
al Wafliington was meditating a formidable defcent upon New York for the 
purpofe of taking it from Sir Henry Clinton, who was believed (a belief 
this paper tends to confirm) to have fo weakened himfelf by detachments to 
the fouthward, as to render the fuccefs of fuch an important enterprife prac- 
ticable, fupported as Wafliington expefted to be by the French fleet under 
Count de Grafl'e. A letter, however, reached Wafliington from De Grafle, 
on the 14th of Auguft, ftating that the latter would fail direftly for the 
Chefapeake — which decided Wafliington to co-operate with him there againft 
Lord Cornwallis. 

' Count de Rochambeau was fupporting Wafliington with the French 
forces from Newport. 



Regular Troops, altogether 9.300 fit for Duty,' & thefe 
difperfed in an Extent of above 100 miles — To affemble 
them would require Days — to do it wantonly, expofe all 
the different Stations, delay the Works then carrying on 
&c &c &c 

As to the objeft, Wafliington 12 miles from me' with 
11,000 men in a Pofition exceeding ftrong, and if beat 
finding another within a Mile & &c' fuch an attack not 
juftifiable with five times the force I could, after taking 
care of thefe important Stations, fpare. For of 9.300 it 
was in formal Council of Generals Kniphaufen' Robertfon' 

' " Had my correfpondence been produced, it would have appeared from 
it, and the returns accompanying it, that inftead of feventeen, twenty, nay, 
twenty-four thoufand men, which it has been reported I had at New York 
(after the very ample reinforcements, as the Minifter acknowledges, which I 
had fent to the fouthward), I had not 12,000 efFedlives, and of thefe not 
above 9300 fit for duty, regulars and Provincials." — Sir Henry Clinton's 
Narrative, 1783, p. 12. 

'' The head quarters of General Wafliington were " near Dobbs's Ferry," 
although the encampments of the allied armies extended to the eaftward as 
far as the White Plains. 

^ It is probable " the Hills" in North Caftle — to which General Wafhing- 
tonjiad fallen back in the fall of 1776, after the battle of the White Plains 
— is the pofition here referred to. 

'' General Knyphaufen commanded the Heflian troops in America. He 
retired to Pruflia at the clofe of the war, and died at Berlin, in June, 1789,, 
aged 59 years. 

^ General James Robertfon was appointed major of the firft battalion of the 
fixtieth regiment, in December, 1755; and in May, 1758, deputy quarter- 
mafter-general in America. He was prefent at the fiege of Louifbourg, in 
1758; was appointed lieutenant-colonel, July 8, 1758; accompanied Gen- 
eral Amheift up to the northern frontiers, in 1759, as quartermafter-general ; 


and Birch agreed that I could not pafs beyond the Harlem, 
with any probability of remaining a few days, without I 
left of Regular Troops 6.500. All agreeing that thefe 
Pofts could not be trufted to Militia." By which it appears 
that I had for forward movement not quite 3.000 of Reg- 
ular Troops. But I am free to own that if I had had four 
times that number I would not have marched out to attack 
Wafliington's Army fo polled, and in a great meafure 
Matter of the Rivers with his Gun Boats &c For we had 
not a Angle Frigate in them, ignorant where our Fleet were 
gone, or when it might return, and by no means certain 
that the French Fleet might not vifit us ; befides all this, I 
expefted daily reinforcement trom England' and Cheafa- 

was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the 55th regiment, Oflober, 29, 1759 ; was 
with the expedition againft Martinico, in 1762; and in 1772 was promoted 
to colonel in the army. On the ift January, 1776, being at Bofton, he was 
appointed a major-general in America ; and on the 1 ith of the fame month, 
colonel commanding the 60th regiment. When the enemy evacuated Bof- 
ton, he gained an unenviable notoriety from his peculations. He accompa- 
nied General Howe to New York ; was prefent at the battle of Long Ifland ; 
was appointed commandant in the city of New York ; and returned to Eng- 
land in February, 1777. He was appointed a major-general, Auguft 29, 
1777; colonel of the l6th regiment, on the 14th May, 1778; on the 4th 
May, 1779, governor of the colony of New York. He became lieutenant- 
general, 20th November, 1782; embarked at New York for England, April 
15, 1783; and died in 1788. 

' " I do not know that, after leaving fufficient garrifons in the iflands and 
pofts depending {which it is admitted by all would take 6000) I could, as 
has been infmuated, have prevented the junction between Mons. Rocham- 
beau and General Wafhington." — Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative," 1783, 

P- 13- 

'' Admiral Digby, with fix Ihips of the line, arrived at New York on the 


peak;' by the arrival of which, if in any time, and the 
Naval Force that would accompany them, I might attempt 
a Move againft Walliington with advantage, by deftroying 
his Bridges on Crotees," and place myfelf on his communi- 
cations with North Caftle' — You know my place — nor was 
this the only objeft. You know what my views were 
about the French Fleet at Rhode Ifland, and, if reinforced 
• either from Cheafapeak or England, what I fliould at- 
tempt whenever the Admiral would malk the Harbour; 
for I afked nothing more of the Fleet. 

As to the reconnoitring party of the 5th July you know 
how it ended.' In the fituation I was, I could not have 
followed it without rilking a general Aftion with the Garri- 
fon of Kingfbridge only, for I had not time to bring up 

twenty-fourth of September, 1781. — Vide Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative, 
1783, p. 11 ; and Sir Henry Clinton's Letter to General Cornwallis, Sep- 
tember 6, 1781. 

' " Thinking that he [Lord Cornwallis) might well fpare three thoufand 
I defired he would keep all that were neceflary for a refpeftable defenlive, 
and defultory water movements, and fend me of three thovfand men all he 
could." — Sir Henry Clinton^ s Narrative, 1783, p. 21. See alfo Sir Henry's 
Letter to Lord CornwaUis, June 15, 1781. 

' "Croton River." 

' North Caftle, a town in Weftchefter county, north-eaft from the White 
Plains, into which the American army retreated after the battle of White 
Plains, in Oftober, 1776.— Bolton's " Hiftory of Weft Chefter County," L 
p. 468. 

^ An account of this interefting affair can be found in General Waftiing- 
ton's letter to the Prefident of Congrefs, 6 July, 1 78 1 ; and in General 
Walhington's Diary, July 2d and 3d, 1781. 


As to the 25* July. By an unexpefted Move they 
malked our only Debouched : and while they held it, 
30,000 ought not to have tried to force it: but fuppof- 
ing I had determined to pafs the Harlem, could I do it 
before Bridges were thrown over? for to land in Boats 
would fubjeft myfelf to be beat in detail ; but could I have 
poffeffed the Heights of Fordam' in force, I recolleft my 
Debouchee. to attack Wafliington in his pofition of Val- 
entine's Houfe" (which you have feen) do you think that I 
could be juftified in attacking him with double his num- 
ber in fuch a pofition, where fuccefs could not be decifive, 
and where defeat would be too much fo ? nor after that 
Council of War, could it be fuppofed I would ever leave 
thefe Stations with much lefs than 6.000.^ The only chance 
I ever had of an Attempt upon any part of Wafliington's 
Army muft have been a partial aftion, with one or two of 
his columns advancing to Kingfbridge when I fliould be 

The German recruits arrived on the 11* Auguft:* on the 

' " The Heights of Fordham," in the town of Weft Farms, Weftchefter 
county, N. Y. 

'' " Valentine's Houfe," the refidence of Thomas Valentine, on the well- 
known " Valentine's Hill," about z\ miles from the village of Yonkers, 
Weftchefter county, N. Y.— Bolton's " Hiftory of Weftchefter county," II., 
p. 436. 

^ Vide Note 1, page 179. 

* " A fleet of twenty fail came in laft Saturday with troops, but they are 
faid to be Heflian recruits from Europe." — General Wafhington to General 
La Fayette, 1 5 Auguft, 1781. 


lyth Walliington foraged within fix Miles of me — I ex- 
pefted him again about the ig'*' or 20'!^ and you know 
I was prepared to try any experiment that might offer. 
The Troops were affembled, the materials for Bridges on 
the ground, and all would have been ready to move over 
Harlem the ig^^. I confulted with Gen^ Kniphaufen what 
we fliould do — He feemed I confefs to think that " Le jeu 
ne valoit pas la chandelle." But I was defirous with 
7000 men to try an experiment, as I was perfuaded I could 
do it with fome fecurity with three Bridges over the Har- 
lem, if it was attempted before Walliington came too near 
me all was prepared but the Enemy retired the ig^^ &c 
&c &c' 

I mention thefe circumftances not becaufe I can fuppofe 
any Military man of common fenfe or knowledge of my 
force, and that of the Enemy or the ground between us, 
would have fuppofed it poflible for me to have attempted 
anything, but becaufe I know there is a fet of difcontented 
animals here, fome of them Military that are determined to 
critifize all I do — You may not probably think it neceflary 
to fay a fyllable on the fubjeft, but iliould that be fo, thefe 
are my Opinions. I could name 1000 more the above 
are fome of the Chief 

As to following W when he went to the South- 

' " About noon, His Excellency General Waftiington left the army, fet- 
ting his face towards his native State, in full confidence, to ufe his own words, 
'with a common bleffing,' of capturing Lord Cornwallis and his army." — 
Heath's Memoirs, Augiijl 19, 1781. 


ward,' my Letter of the 2^ September to Lord Cornwallis' 
proves, how abi'urd that would have been; by that I bound 
myfelf to reinforce his Lordfliip by every means in my power, 
as foon as the Admiral fliould fignify to me it could be done. 
To have landed in the Jerfeys would have taken ten days, 
by attempting an unimportant Move, I might have loft, the 
opportunity of making, the moft important one that could 
be made. 

N. B. When M"- Graves failed,' Sir Samuel Hood' was 
clear of opinion La Grqffe^ would bring no more than l6 of 
the Line at moft." Barras tho' at Sea was far to the Eaft- 

' General Wafhington, in his movement againft Cornwallis in Virginia. 

" This letter can be found in " The Correfpondence between Sir Henry 
Clinton and Earl Cornwallis, relative to the Defence of York, in Virginia." 

' "Mr. Graves" — Admiral Lord Graves entered the navy when very 
young; was fent to the American ftation in 1761 ; in 1779, was promoted 
to the poft of rear-admiral; in 1793, to that of vice-admiral; and in 1794, 
to that of admiral. He was prefent in the adlion off St. Vincent, and 
died March 8, 1787, in the feventy-fourth year of his age. 

' " Sir Samuel Hood" — Admiral Lord Vifcount Hood, " the Subduer of 
Corfica, who firft Ihook the enfanguined power of The Mad Deftroyer," was 
one of the moft diftinguiflied officers of the Britilh navy. He was employed 
in the Weft Indies, where he preferved St. Chriftopher's from being taken by 
De Grafle, and was prefent at the famous defeat of that officer by Admiral 
Rodney, April 12, 1782. He died at Bath in 1816. 

^ " La Graffe" — Count De Grafle was born in France in 1723; was 
appointed to co-operate with the Americans in 1781; and died in 1788. 
His daughter married Mr. Depeau, of New York, and his defendants are 
among the moft refpefted merchants in that city. 

° As will be feen from General Waftiington's letter to the Prefident of 
Congrefs, 5th September, 1781, the admiral brought in " twenty-eight Jhips 
oj the line." 


ward, there therefore was every probabiHty that Mr Graves 
would beat them en detail, and even fliould they join. Sir 
Samuel Hood faid he thought they were a Match. 

Arnold went to new London, the firft of September and 
returned the 9'*^' in his ablence it was not thought poffible 
to move a man either by Sea or Land. (It is fuppofed he 
had all the Tranfports with him. But this is only con- 

' It was not until the zd of September that Sir Henry Clinton' fufpefted 
Wafliington's real deftination, when he defpatched General Benedift Arnold 
againft New London on the 4th of September. A minute account of that 
fanguinary vifit of the traitor-general to his native ftate, may be found in 
"The Battles of the United States," by Henry B. Dawfon, I., pp. 721-723. 

^ Sir Henry Clinton, K. B., was the eldeft fon of Admiral George Clinton, 
formerly governor of the colony of New York. He entered the army at an 
early age, as captain-lieutenant in the New York companies. On the ill 
November, 1751, he became lieutenant in the Coldftream Guards; on the 
6th May, 1758, captain in the ill Foot Guards; in 1762, a colonel in the 
army; and on the 28th November, 1766, colonel of the 16th regiment. 
He ferved, with great credit, in the feven years' war in Germany ; on the 
25th May, 1772, was made a major-general; and in May, 1775, arrived at 
Bofton. He was prefent when the adlion on Bunker's Hill was fought, and 
greatly diftinguifhed himfelf — receiving knighthood and the office of lieuten- 
ant-general in America. On the ill January, 1776, he was made general in 
America ; fuffered defeat on Sullivan's Ifland, in June of that year ; was in 
the battles of Long Ifland and White Plains, and at the capture of Fort 
Wafliington. In 1777 he commanded on the Hudfon, and captured Forts 
Montgomery and Clinton. In Auguft, 1777, he was made lieutenant-gen- 
eral : in 1778, he fucceeded General Howe in the chief command; in June, 
1778, he fought at Monmouth; and in December of that year, was appointed 
colonel of the 84th Royal Highlanders. In April, 1779, he was appointed 
colonel of the 7th Light Dragoons ; in December, failed for Charlefton, 
which he reduced; and in 1782, returned to England — Sir Guy Carleton 
fucceeding him in the chief command. He died, December 13, 1795. 


Abeel, Garrett, 36. 

Abeel, John, 36. 

Abeel & Byvanck, 36. 

Abercrombie, General James, 53. 

Acker, Philip, 1 1 9, 

Ackland, Mr., 31. 

Adams, John, 107. 

Agar, Edward, 34. 

Albany, N. Y., 173. 

Albany County, N. Y., 172. 

Alexander, Wm., Lord Stirling, 86. 

Allicocke, John, 34. 

Alftyn, Jeronimus, 154. 

Amboy, N. J., 107. 

Amherft, General Jeffrey, 178. 

Andre, Major John, 158. 

Annapolis, Md., 12. 

Antill, John, 120. 

Apthorpe, Charles Ward, 120. 

Arden, Francis, 120. 

Armftrong, Captain, 163. 

Arnold, General Benedidl, 76, 157, 

Arfenal, The, 54. 
Afia, The, 59, 60, 78, 86. 
Atlantic Garden, The, 16. 
Atwell, Lieutenant-Colonel, 77. 
Auchmuty, Robert N., 164. 
Auchmuty, Rev. Samuel, 120, 128. 
Axtell, Colonel William, 120. 
Axtell, Mr., 116. 

Bache, Theophylait, 34, 154. 

Ball, George, 36. 

Bancker, Richard, 34. 

Bank of New York, 50. 

Banyar, GW., 43. 

Bard, Samuel, M.D., 89. 

Barras, Admiral Count de, 184. 

Bayard, Nicholas, 154. 

Bayard, Samuel, izo. 

Bayard, Colonel William, 29. 

Bayard, William & Co., 120. 

Bayard, Mr., 28. 

Bayard's Purchafe, 170. 

Bear Market, 136. 

Beekman, James, 29. 

Beekman, William, 35. 

Beekman Houfe, 150. 

Belifarius, The, 79, 80. 

Benfon, Chriftopher, 121. 

Benfon, Egbert, 141, 142. 

Benfon, Hendrick, 173. 

Bermuda, 72, 73. 

Birch, Brigadier-General, 161, 179. 

Black Sam, 27, 45. 

Black Swamp, 171. 

Blean, Waldron, 121. 

Boel, Henry, izi. 

Bogart, Nicholas, 71. 

Bogert, Peter, 121. 

Books procured by Wafhington, 143. 

Booth, Benjamin, 36. 

Bofton, 12, 57, 82, 86, 87, 88, 190. 

Bofton Maffacre, 12, 122. 

Boudinot, Ellas, 76. 



Bowen, Colonel, 79. 

Bowling Green, 13, 48. 

Bowne & Rickman, 34. 

Braddock, General E., 111. 

Bradftreet, Colonel John, 53. 

Brandywine, Battle of the, 86. 

Brafher, Captain Abraham, 71, 92. 

Bratt, Anthony, 173. 

Breefe & Huffman, 34. 

Breevort, Henry, 121. 

Brick Church, 27. 

Bridewell, 149. 

Bridgewater, John, 121. 

Brinckerhoff, Dirck, 35. 

Brinckerhoff, Joris, 35. 

Briftol, R. I., ■]■]. 

Broad Street Affair, 60. 

Broom, Samuel & Co., 34. 

Broome, Samuel, 71. 

Brower, Jeremiah, 33. 

Brown, Charles, 121. 

Brown, J., 94. 

Brown Univerfuy, 76, 78. 

Brownejohn, Thomas, 122. 

Bruce, Brig.-Gen. Andrew, i6i. 

Bruff, Charles Oliver, 34. 

Buchanan, Thomas, 122. 

Buchanan, Walter & Thomas & Co., 

Bull's Ferry, 1 59. 
Bull's Head, The, 31, 32. 
Bunker Hill, Battle of, 82, 88, 112, 

Bunker Hill, New York City, 90. 
Burgoyne, General John, 76. 
Burling, John and Thomas, 36. 
Burns, George, 15. 
Burns' City Arms Tavern, 41. 
Burr, Aaron, 29, 111. 
Butler, Colonel, 173. 
Butler, William, 148, 150, 166, 168, 

169, 170. 
Butter Hill Tract, 1 70. 
Byvanck, Mr., 31. 
Byard's Mount, 90. 

Cambridge, Waftiington Co. , N. Y. , 70. 

Campbell, Lieutenant-General, 160. 

Campbell, Daniel, 122. 

Campbell, Duncan, 123. 

Canada, 81, 86. 

Carleton, Sir Guy, 141, 142, 143, 

144, 148, 157, 160, 184. 
Carmer, Nicholas, 34. 
Carther, E., 49. 
Cartwright, Lawrence, 170. 
Caftle "William, 88. 
Cato's Hotel, 1 24. 
Chamber of Commerce, 36. 
Chamier, Daniel, 152. 
Charlefton, S. C, 184. 
Charlotte Temple, 3 2. 
Cheefeman, Robert, 122. 
Chelfea, N. Y., 29. 
Chefapeake Bay, 179, 180. 
Chipman, Ward, 163. 
Cincinnati, Society of, 76. 
City Arms Tavern, 15, 16. 
City Hall, 54. 
City Hall, New, 26, 55. 
City Hall, Old, 19. 
Clark, Alexander, 122. 
Clark, John, 122. 
Clarke, John, 123. 
Clarke, Colonel Thomas, 29. 
Clarkfon & Sebring, 35. 
Claverack, N. Y., 42. 
Clinton, Admiral George, 184. 
Clinton, General George, 52, 83, 108, 

iio. 111, 115, 116, 177, 184. 
Clinton, Sir Henry, 29, 58, 87, 148, 

Clinton, James, 108. 
Cobb, Colonel, 143. 
Cockcroft, William, 123. 
Coenties Market, 35. 
Coggefhall, James, 123. 
Colden, Lieutenant-Governor, 26, 35, 

42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 55, 57. 
Colden MSS., 57. 
Coley, Mr., 34. , 



CoUedls, The, 28, 

ColvLl, Elizabeth, 34. 

Columbia College, 45, 63, 128, 129, 

131. 173- 
Committee of Correfpondence, 1 1 , 

16, 41. 
Committee of Fifty, 57. 
Committee of One Hundred, 12, 56, 

Conover, Mr., 2a 
Copfey Battery, 
Cornbury, Lord, 19. 
Cornwallis, Lord, 141, 177, iSo, 182, 

183. . 
Courtlandt, John, 116. 
Cox, Jofeph, 34. 
Crary, Colonel, 77. 
Creek Indians, 53. 
Cregier, John and Martin, 25. 
Cregier, Martin, 123. 
Croffley, George, 16. 
Croton River, 180. 
Crown Point, 46. 
Cruger, Hon. Henry, 136. 
Cruger, John, 43. 
Cruger, John Harris, 123. 
Cuba, Expedition againft, 1 1 2. 
Cunningham, Captain, 26. 
Curtenius, Alfred G., 71. 
Curtenius, Rev. Anthonius, 69. 
Curtenius, Elizabeth, 71. 
Curtenius, Frederick W., 71. 
Curtenius, Henry R., 71. 
Curtenius, John L., 71. 
Curtenius, Mary, 71. 
Curtenius, General Peter, 70. 
Curtenius, Peter, 69. 
Curtenius, Peter Theobaldus, 20, 34, 

66, 6g. 
Cuftom Houfe, 55. 
Cuyler, Henry, 35. 

Dafli, John Baltis, Sen., 123. 
Davaii, John, 123. 
Davis, Captain, 49. 

Davit, Matje, 111, 112. 

Dawfon, John, 36. 

Day, Wm., 124. 

Deal, Robert, 176. 

Deas, James, 124. 

Deerfield, Mafs., 162. 

Definitive Treaty, 169. 

De Graffe, Count, 177, 183. 

Degrulhe, Mr., 31. 

De La Montaigne's Houfe, 51. 

De Lancey, Colonel, 53. 

De Lancey, John, 124. 

De Lancey, Lieutenant-Governor, 19. 

De Lancey, Oliver, 29, 123, 124. 

De Lancey, Oliver L., 158, 159, 161, 

162, 163. 
De Lancey, Mr., 30. 
De Lancey, Peter, 124. 
Delaware River, 170. 
Delaware Traft, 170. 
Depeau, Mr., 183. 
De Peyfter, Colonel Abraham, 128. 
De Peyfter, Frederick, 71. 
De Peyfter, James, 46. 
De Peyfter, Margaret, 46. 
De Peyfter Houfe, 137. 
Defbrofles, Elias, 154. 
Deftjrofles, James, 1 24. 
Deft)rofles Family, 32. 
De Voe's MS. Market Book, 45. 
Devoore, David, 124. 
Digby, Admiral, 179. 
Dobbs, Governor, 74. 
Dobbs's Ferry, 178. 
Dock Ward, 1 26. 
Dongan, Governor, 18. 
Dorchefter, Lord, 157. 
Dorchefter Neck, 88. 
Doughty, Edward, 124. 
Douglafs, Matthew, 124. 
Douglafs & Van Tuyl, 124. 
Downer, James, 138. 
Drake, Jafper, 57, 61. 
Drowne, Henry T., 78. 
Drowne, Mifs Sally, 76, 80. 



Drowne, Solomon, Sen., 76, 97. 
Drowne, Solomon, M. D., 76, 79, 

81, 94. 
Drowne, William, 79. 
Drummond, Lord, 72. 
Duane, James, 30. 
Duchefs of Gordon, The, 66, 72, 95, 

Duer, Judge William, $j. 
Dunlap, Mrs. John, 70. 
Durkee, Colonel, 115. 
Duryee, Abram, 34. 
Duyckinck, Gerardus, 35. 
Dyckman, John, 30, 124, 154. 

Eaft Ward, 59, 176. 

Edward, The, 49. 

Elphinftone, W., 17. 

Eking, Peter, 93, 105. 

Englifh School, The, 1 1 . 

Erneft, John, 35. 

Efopus, N. Y., 50, 52. 

Evacuation of New York, 109, 141. 

Exchange, The, 58. 

Exports to Great Britain 1700-67, 38. 

Fanning, Colonel Edmund, 125. 
Faneuil Hall, 15. 
Farquarfon, James, 32. 
Fellows's Brigade, 110. 
Fergufon, Clementina Jane, 36. 
Fire in New York, 1 16. 
Firft Baptifl: Church, 22, 24. 
Firft Methodift Church, 22. 
Firft Prefbyterian Church, 19. 
Fifti Market, 35. 
Flatbufti, L. I., 120, 128. 
Fletcher, Governor, .18. 
Flulhing, L. I., 72. 
Fly Market, The, 21. 
Folliot, George, 125. 
Forbes, Gilbert, 20, 67, 68, 74. 
Fordham, Heights of, 181. 
Foreft of Dean Traft, 171. 
Forfyth, Robert, 16. 

Fort Clinton, 184. 

Fort Conftitution, 53. 

Fort Frontenac, 53. 

Fort George, 46. 

Fort Montgomery, 108, 171, 184. 

Fort Ninety-Six, 123. 

Fort Stanwix, 53. 

Fort Wafhington, 112, 184. 

Fofter, R. I., 78. 

Fowler, John, 1 26. 

Franklin, Benjamin, 107. 

Franklin, Walter, 32. 

Fraunces, Samuel, 27, 45. 

Friends' Meeting Houfe, 20. 

Gage, Gen. Thomas, 37, 44, 59, 60. 

Gaine, Hugh, 34, 83, 122, 135, 173. 

Gano, Rev. John, 24. 

Ganfevoort, Leonard, 68. 

Gatfield, Archibald, 126. 

Gautier, Andrew, 126. 

General Wafhington, The, 79. 

George IIL, 1 18. 

George IIL, Statue of, 71, 80. 

German Reformed Church, 24. 

Germantown, Battle of, 86. 

Glen & Gregory, 35. 

Goelet, Mifs Catherine, 69. 

Goelet, Peter, 34, 171. 

Goelet, Phillipus, 69. 

Golden Hill, Battle of, 11, 22. 

Goflien, N. Y., 114. 

Gofling, Leonard, 24. 

Governor's Ifland, 60. 

Graham, Lewis, 68. 

Graves, Admiral Samuel, 183, 184. 

Great Butter Hill, 171. 

Greeks, Caufe of the, 78. 

Green, William, 68. 

Greenwich, N. Y., 37, 84. 

Gregg, David, 126. 

Gregg, Cunningham & Co., 36, iz6. 

Griffiths, John, 126. 

Grigg, John, 1 26. 

Grim, David, 25, 120. 



Hackenfack, N. J., 67, 73. 

Hale, Nathan, 30. 

Half Moon, N. Y., 173. 

Hall, Peter, 127. 

Hall of. Records, 44. 

Hallett, Jofeph, 68. 

Hamilton, Major Ifaac, 55, 59, 6z. 

Hamilton, John, 127, 163. 

Hammerfley, John & Co., 36. 

Hardenbrook, John, 127. 

Harlem Plains, Battle of, 108, 113. 

Harlem River, 179, 181, 182. 

Harris's Point, 105. 

Harrifon, George, z8. 

Harrifon, Richard, 163. 

Harfin, Garilh, 85. 

Havana, Capture of, 1 1 2. 

Haverftraw, N. Y., 171. 

Hawxhurft, Wm., 127. 

Heath, General William, 111. 

Hecht, Fred. Wm., 127. 

Hempftead, L. I., 130. 

Henderfon, Thomas, 168. 

Herrin, Mr., 30. 

Heffenclever, Mr., 171. 

Heflians, The, 105, 181. 

Hickey, Thomas, 66, 67, 68, 74. 

Hickey Plot, 66-81. 

Hicks, Whitehead, 59, 67, 127. 

Hobert, Mr., 83. 

Hoboken, 83. 

Holden, John, 128. 

Hood, Sir Samuel, 183, 184. 

Horen's Hook, 105, 106. 

Horner, James, 128. 

Horfemanden, Daniel, 128, 139. 

Hofack, Alexander, 128. 

Hofpital, New York, 89, 94. 

Houfeall, Rev. Bernard M., 128. 

Howe, Gen. William, 29, 88, 89, 107, 

117, 140, 148, 179, 184. 
Howe, Richard, Lord, 81, 106, 107, 

117, 140. 
Huggett, Benjamin, 128. 
Huguenot Church, 20. 

Hull, Robert, 128. 

Hull's Tavern, 67, 116, 128. 

Hyer, Lieut. Wm., 92. 

Imports from Great Britain 1700-67, 

Inglis, Rev. Charles, 128, 131. 
Ipfwich, Mafs., 112. 
Ivers, Thomas, i68. 

Jackfon, Capt. 109. 
Jamaica, L. L, 53. 
James, Major Thomas, 27, 44, 46, 

47, 48. 
Jauncey, James, 29, 154. 
Jay, Frederic, 71. 
Jay, John, 37, 68, 129. 
Jefferfon, Thomas, 70. 
Jenning, Col, 95. 
Jerfey City, 76. 
"Jerfey" Prifon Ship, 80. 
Johnfon, James, 68. 
Johnfon, Sir John, 15, 172. 
Johnfon, Robert, 128. 
Johnfon Hall, 172. 
Johnfton, David, 116. 
Johnftown, N. Y., 172. 
Jones, John, M. D., 89, 116, 128. 
Jones, Samuel, 84. 
Jones, Mr., 31. 

Journal of Commerce Office, 46, 58. 
Juliana, The, 83. 
Jumel, Madame, in. 

Kalamazoo, Mich., 71. 

Kempe, John Tabor, 129. 

Kennedy, Captain, 1 1 6. 

Kern, Rev. J. M., 24. 

Ketteltas, J., 30. 

King's Arms Tavern, 17, 19. 

King's Bridge, 68, 69, 8 3, 106,180, 181. 

King's College, 25, 45, 63, 72. 

Kingfton, N. Y., 50, 116. 

Kip, Mr., 20. 

Kiflam, Benj., 37, 129. 



Kiffick, Philip, 129. 

Kiffing Bridge, 124. 

Klyne, John, 129. 

Knapp, John Cogghill, 36, 129. 

Knoblock, Lieutenant-General, 147. 

Knowlton, Colonel, 112, 114. 

Knyphaufen, General, 178, 182. 

Laidlie, Rev. Dr., 21. 

Laight, Edward, 32. 

Laight, William, 154. 

Lamb, General John, 33, 55. 

Laftier, Colonel John, 71, 92. 

Leake, John, 172. 

Leake, John & Robert, & Co., 173. 

Leake and Watts' Orphan Houfe, 172. 

Lechafticook Lands, 173. 

Lee, General Charles, 82, 86, 87. 

Lefferts, Dirck, 173^ 

LefFerts, Jacob, 156, 157, 168. 

LeiBngwell, Ebenezer, 115. 

"Legion," Handbill figned, 50, 51. 

Le Moyer, Dr., 143. 

L'Enfant, Major, 9. 

Le Roy, Jacob, 33. 

Leflie, Alexander, 129. 

Lexington Battle, 12, 22, 54, 57, 65. 

Liberty of Confcience, 10. 

Lifpenard, Colonel, 83. 

Lifpenard, Leonard, 29. 

Little Butter Hill, 171. 

Livingfton, Mrs. Catherine, 84. 

Livingfton, Gilbert, 82. 

Livingfton, Mrs. Gilbert, 109. 

Livingfton, Henry G., 71. 

Livingfton, John, 36. 

Livingfton, Philip, 33, 67, 68. 

Livingfton, Robert R., 15, 43. 

Livingfton, Captain William, 75, 90. 

Livingfton, Governor William, 37. 

Long Ifland, Battle of, 82, 86, 106, 

179, 184. 
Lott, Andrew, 71. 
Loudon, Samuel, 36. 
Louiftiourg, Siege -of, 178. 

Low, Ifaac, 36, 154. 
Lowry, Thomas, 130. 
Loyalifts of New York, j 1 7. 
Ludlow, Gabriel H., 1 54. 
Ludlow, George Duncan, 1 30. 
Lutheran German Church, 128. 
Lynch, Thomas, 130. 

McAdam, John, 72.- 
McBride, Wm., 130. 
McDavitt, Mr., 34. 
McDonald, Archibald, 1 30. 
McDougal, General Alexander, 50, 

52, 53. 65. 
McEvers, James, 35, 45. 
McLean & Treat, 35. 
McPherfon, John, 131. 
Malcolm, William, 33, 71. 
Maldrem, James, 131. 
Mallats, Dr., 116. 
Marbletown, Mafs., 113. 
Mardin, Mofes, 131. 
Marietta, O., 77, 93. 
Markoe, Captain, 83. 
Marfhall, John, 131. 
Martin, Mrs., 46. 
Martinico, 179. 
Mafon, Rev. Dr. John, 20. 
Mafon, Thomas, 131. 
Matthews, Colonel, 171. 
Matthews, David, 58, 59, 62, 67, 74. 
Mayor's Court of New York, 167, 169. 
Mendon Regiment, 79. 
Mercer, General Hugh, in. 
Merchant's Coffee Houfe, 46, 55, 58. 
Mercier, Abraham, 36. 
Mercury, The, 85, 87. 
Mefnard, Daniel, 1 29. 
Middle Dutch Church, 21. 
Middlebrook, 86. 
Middleton, Peter, M.D., 72, 73, 89, 

Miller, Mr., 20. 
Mine Trafl, 171. 
Mitchell, Charles, 72. 



Mohawk River, 170. 
Mohawk Valley, 53. 
Molyneaux, the Boxer, 120. 
MoncriefFe, Major, 55. 
Monmouth, Battle of, 53, 86, 184. 
Montgomery, Captain, 83. 
Montgomery, Richard, 83. 
Montgomery, General Richard, 53, 

Montgomery Ward, 173. 
Moore, Rev. Benjamin, 29, 131. 
Moore, Sir Henry, 25, 43. 
Moore, John, 131. 
Moore, Mr., 91. 
Moran, James, 131. 
Moravian Church, 24. 
Morgan, John, M. D., 76, 94, 95. 
Morgantown, Va., 77. 
Morris, Gouverneur, 63, 64, 68, 83. 
Morris, Colonel Richard, 111. 
Morris, Robert, 142. 
Morrifania, N. Y., 63. 
Mortier, Abraham, 29. 
Mortin, John, 35. 
Mount Pitt, 31. 
Murray, George, 21. 
Murray, Lindley, 37, 129. 
Murray, Robert, 29, 132. 
Murray, Robert & John, 123. 
Murray, Sanfom & Co., 132. 

Negroes, 176. 

Negroes fliipped to Nova Scotia, 141, 

Newark, N. J., 83. 
New Brunfwick, N. J., 87. 
Newburgh, N. Y., 171. 
Newburgh Ridge, 172. 
New London, Conn., 184. 
New Prelbyterian Meeting, 26. 
Newport, R. I., 80, 177. 
New Rochelle, N. Y., 70. 
New Scots' Church, 20. 
New Windfor, N. Y., 42, 171. 
New York in 1770, 50. 

New York, Evacuation of, 82, 141. 
New York Hofpital, 79, 89. 
New York Packet, The, 36. 
Nicoll, Charles, 154. 
Nicoll, Colonel Ifaac, 1 1 4. 
NicoUs, Harry, 72. 
Non-importation Agreement, 11. 
North Caftle, N. Y., 77, 178, 180. 
North Dutch Church, 24. 
North Ward, 128, 136. 
Norwalk, Conn., "ji. 
Nutter, Valentioe, 132. 

Oaks, Garret, 132. 
Ohio Company, ']']. 
Old Dutch Church, 17. 
Old Lutheran Church, 17. 
Old Prelbyterian Church, 18. 
Old Slip Market, 35. 
Ofwego Market, 20. 
Out Ward, 124, 127. 

Palmer, T., 54. 

Packer, James, 50. 

Parker, Admiral Sir Peter, 85. 

Parker, Daniel, 141, 142. 

Parfons's Brigade, 110. 

Pawling, Colonel Levi, 1 13. 

Pawtuxet, R. L, 79. 

Peoria, 111., 71. 

Percy, Lord, 88. 

Perry, Mervin, 132. 

Perry, T. & M., 32. 

Peters & Rapelje, 33. 

Philadelphia, 55, 56, 80, 83, 93, 95. 

Phillipfe, Mary, u 1 . 

Phoenix, The, 86, 173, 174. 

Pickering, Sir Edward, 17. 

Pitt, Wm., Lord Chatham, 96. 

Play Bill, An old, 23. 

Poor Houfe, The, 26. 

Potter Baker's Hill, 21. 

Poughkeepfie, N. Y., 82, 172. 

Powder Houfe, The, 28, 149. 

Powle's Hook, N. J., 22, 1 16. 



Pozer, Jacob, 133. 

Prime, Benj. Young, 50-52. 

Prifon, The, z6. 

Providence, R. I., 76, ij, 78, 79, 80. 

Provofte, General, 170. 

Putnam, General Ifrael, d"], 68, 77, 

1 12. 
Putnam, Col. Rufus, 93.' 

Radclift, Wm. 85. 

Ramadge, Smith, 34. 

Randall, Thomas, 1 l6. 

Ranelagh, The, 28. 

Rapelje, Rem, 33, 133, 154. 

Read, Col., 79. 

Reeves, Stephen, 133. 

Rerafen, George, 133. 

Remfen, Henry, Jr., & Co., 34. 

Rhinebeck, N. Y., 85. 

Rhinelander, Frederic, 133, 135. 

Rhode Ifland Medical Society, 78. 

Richmond Hill, 29. 

Ritzema, Rudolphus, 65, 71. 

Rivington, James, 34, 83. 

Roberts, John, 133. 

Robertfon, Gen. James, 29, 150, -154, 

155, 178. 
Robinfon, Beverly, 43. 
Rochambeau, Count de, 177, 179. 
Rockland County, N. Y., 171. 
Rogers, James, 133. 
Rogers, Rev. Dr. 18, 126. 
Roome, John, 92. 
Rofe Hill, 30. 
Roofevelt, Mrs. Elbert, 70. 
Roofevelt, Capt. John, 75. 
Roofevelt, Nicholas, 71. 
Rofe, The, 173, 174. 
Roxbury, Mafs., 79. 
Ruflell, Thomas, 80. 
Rutgers, Anthony, Jr., 24. 
Rutgers, Henry, 31. 
Rutgers' Hill, 24. 
Rutherford, Mr., 116. 
Rutledge, Edward, 107. 

Sachandaga River, 172. 
Sachandaga Traft, 172. 
Samfon, Crew of The, 1 1. 
Schuyler, General Philip, 70, 76, 82, 

Scorfield, Thomas, 134. 

Scott, John Morin, 29, 37, 63, 84. 

Scott, William, 134. 

Sears, Ifaac, 33, 55. 

Seaton, Wm. & Co., 36. 

Second War with Great Britain, 54. 

Shamburg, Adam, 134. 

Sharpe, Richard, 154. 

Shaw, Charles, 154. 

Shaw, John, 134. 

Sherbrooke, Miles, 154. 

Sheriff of New York County, 54. 

Shirley, Gen., 86. 

Short Hills, N. J., 86. 

Shyter, Enfign, 146. 

Smith, John, 134. 

Smith, Melandlon, zo, 37. 

Smith, Thomas, 134. 

Smith, William S., 141. 

Smith, Hon. William, 21, 37, 63, 168. 

Smith, Mr., 83. 

Smythe, John, 155. 

Snell, John, 134. 

" Son of Liberty," Handbill, 50. 

Sons of America, 42. 

Sons of Liberty, 42, 63. 

Spencer, General Jofeph, ill. 

Spring, Rev. Gardiner, D. D., 27. 

Staat, Capt., 66. 

Stamps not to be ul'ed, 43. 

Stamp Aft Riot, 16, 141. 

St. Chriftopher's, W. L, 183. 

Steele, Mrs., 17. 

Stevens, John, 43. 

Stewart, A. T. & Co., 28. 

Stewart, James, 135. 

Stirling, Lord, 86, 87, 92. 

St. John, N. B., 124. 

St. Peter's Church, 27. 

St. Paul's Church, 1 1 6. 



St. Paul's Chapel, 25. 
Stout, Benjamin, 135. 
Stuyvefant, Gerardus, 30. 
Stuyvefant, Nicholas William, 30. 
Stuyvefant, Peter, 154. 
Stuyvefant, Petrus, 30. 
St. Vincent's, W. I., 183. 
Sugar Houfe (Livingfton's), 21. 
Sugar Houfe (Cortlandt's), 116. 
Sullivan, General John, 53, 77, 106. 
Sullivan's Ifland, 184. 
Sufquehannah River, 170. 
Swamp Lutheran Church, 27. 

Tappan, Peter, M. D., 50, 52, 82, 84, 

Tappan, Mrs. Peter, 109, 
Taylor, Willet, 154. 
Ten Stone Meadow, 172. 
Theatre, The, 22. 
Thorburn, Grant, 20. 
Thurman, John, Jr., 34. 
Thurman, Lieutenant Ralph, 75. 
Ticonderoga, 53. 
Tiebout, T., 30. 
Tingley, Samuel, 36. 
Tongue, William, 135. 
Townlhend, Gregory, 163. 
Traveller, Francis, 135. 
Treat, Rev. Mr., 18. 
Tredwell, Thomas, 68, 91. 
Trevillian, Francis, 135. 
Trinity Church, 120, 128, 131. 
Tryon, Governor William, 66, 6"], 72, 

73.74.83,95, 125, 127, 138, 140. 
Turtle Bay, 44. 

Union, Pa., 77. 
Uftick, Henry, 135. 
Uftick, WiUiam, 33, 154. 
Uftick, William & Henry, 33. 

Valentine, Thomas, 181. 
Valentine's Hill, 181'. 
Valentine's Houfe, 181. 


Van Courtlandt- Family, 15. 

Van Dam, Anthony, 35. 

VanderclifF, Dirck, 24. 

Vanderberg, Adam, 1 1 6. 

Vanduerfon, Mr., 36. 

Van Dyck, Abraham, 59, 65, 92. 

Van Home, Auguftus, 92. 

Van Neft, Abraham, 29. 

Van Orden, Jacob, 136. 

Van Vleck, Henry, 35. 

Van Wagenan, Hubert, 33, 

Van Zandt, James, 71. 

Van Zandt, Wynandt, 136. 

Van Zandts & Keteltas, 136. 

Vardell, Thomas, 136. 

Varick, Abraham, 88. 

Varick, John, Jr., 70,72, 75, 89, 9 1, 95. 

Varick, Richard, 66, 70, 75, 76, 84, 

88, 89,91, 93, 95, 105. 
Varnum, General James M., 77. 
Vaux Hall, The, 27. 
Verplanck, Samuel, 34. 
Vefey, Rev. Mr., 128. 
Vrouman, Hendrick, 173. 

Waddell, William, 136, 138. 

Walker, John, 136. 

Wallace, Hon. Hugh, 83. 

Walton, Jacob, 1 36. 

Walton, Hon. William, 14, 32, 154. 

Walton, Wm. & Jacob & Co., 136. 

Ward, Major, 159. 

Warner, Thomas, 136. 

Warren, Lady, 29. 

Warren, Sir Peter, 29. 

Wafhington, General, 27, 29, 53, 67, 

68,76, 77,78, 81,82, 83,86,89, 

93, 95, 111, 141, 143, 177, 178, 

179, 180, 181, 182, 183. 
Wafhington's Life Guards, 66, 68, 77, 

78, 81. 
Wafhington, The, 15. 
"Watchman," Eflays figned, 51. 
Waterbury, Colonel, 85. 
Watertown, N. Y., 54. 



Watfon, Jacob, 136. 

Watts, Hon. John, 15, 30, 35. 

Watts, Major Stephen, 15. 

Way Gate, 42. 

Weflenfels, Frederick, 65. 

Welfh, Thomas, 137. 

Weflels, Gilbert, 137. 

Weftchefter, N. Y., 77. 

Weft Farms, N. Y., 181. 

Weatherhead, John, 137. 

White, Hon. Henry, 36, 134, 137, 

White, Thomas, 137. 
Whitehoufe & Reeves, 133. 
White Plains, Battle of, 178, 180, 184. 
Wiggins, C, 17. 
Wilcocks, Captain William, 75. 
Wilkins, Jacob, 137. 

Willett, Marinus, 33, 59, 60, 71. 
Willett, Marinus, Narrative of,53-65. 
Williams, Major, E., 162. 
Williams, William, 137. 
Williamfon, Richard, 34. 
Wilmot, Henry, 35. 
Wilfon, Alexander, 33. 
Wolfe & Bifliop, 24. 
Wool, Jeremiah, 71. 

Yonkers, N. Y., 181. 
York Tavern, 17. 
Yorktown, Va., 177. 
YorkviUe, N. Y., 111. 
Young, Hamilton, 137, 154. 
Young, John, 137. 

Zenger, John Peter, 1 1 . 


Autobiography and Correfpondence of John Adams. 

Bancroft's Hiftory of the United States. 

Bolton's Hiftory of Weftchefter County. 

Booth's Hiftory of New York City. 

Bofton Poftboy and Advertifer. 

Britifh Army Liftsi 

Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative and Correfpondence. 

The Colden Papers. MSS. in the New York Hiftorical Society's Colleftions. 

Colleftions of the Ulfter County Hiftorical Society. 

Davis's Memoirs of Aaron Burr. 

Dawfon's Battles of the United States. 

Dawfon's The Park and Its Vicinity. 

Dawfon's Sons of Liberty in New York. 

De Voe's MS. Market Book. 

Dunlap's Hiftory of New York. 

Edes and Gill's Bofton Gazette. 

Force's American Colonial Archives. 

Franklin's Works and Correfpondence. 

Frothingham's Siege of Bofton. 

Gaine's New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury. 

Gordon's American Revolution. 

Graham's Hiftory of the United States. 

General Heath's Memoirs. 

Holt's New York Gazette and Weekly Poft-Boy. 

Irving's Life of Waftiington. 

Journals of Congrefs. 

Laws of New York. 

Leake's Life of General John Lamb. 

Memoirs of Charles Lee, Efq. 

Loffing's Field Book of the Revolution. 

Marftiall's Life of George Waftiington. 

Moore's Diary of the American Revolution. 

New York Colonial Documents — London Papers. 

Ramfay's Hiftory of the American Revolution. 

Life and Correfpondence of Jofeph Reed. 

Rivington's New York Gazetteer. 

Ruttenber's Obftruftions to the Navigation of Hudfon's River. 

Sabine's Sketches of American Loyalifts. 

Stedman's Hiftory of the American War. 

Thompfon's Hiftory of Long Ifland. 

Valentine's Corporation Manual. 

Waftiington's Correfpondence, by Sparks. 

Watfon's Annals and Occurences of New York City and State. 

Willett's Narrative of his Military Aftions. 



— I I I I I I I 




IN 1776. 


References. — A. Ifland of New York. B. Fort at Powle's Hook. C. Fort at 
Bunker Hill. D. The Sound. E. King's-Bridge. F. Hell-Gate. G. Fort Wafli- 
ington, together with the Lines of the Continental Army on the east iide of North 
River. H. Flatbufli. I. Governor's Ifland. K. East River. L, The Lines which 
guard the palTage from the Sound to King's-Bridge. N. Fort Constitution.